
generality n.1.一般,一般性,普遍性;通則。2.概括,概要,梗概...

Nothing happens without a cause “ is a generality “凡事必有因”是一個通則。


Straight cylindrical involute splines - metric module , side fit - generalities 圓柱直齒漸開線花鍵.米制模數側齒定心.一般性

Rod and tube - presses for non - ferrous metals and their tools ; generalities 有色金屬及其工具用棒材和管材壓力機.第1部分:總則

Without loss of generality 不失一般性

Influence of generality and speciality of human capital on students ' employment 人力資本一般性和專有性對大學生就業的影響

But the external manifestation in part of gay has its generality characteristic 但部分gay的外在表現是有其共性特征的。

Drain and sewer systems outside buildings . part 1 : generalities and definitions 建筑物外部的排水排污系統.第1部分:總則

The generality of oral communication , including its feature and th eory 包括口語交際特點及口語交際教學的理論支持。

Geometrical tolerancing - generalities , definitions , indications on drawings 形狀和位置公差通則定義符號和圖樣表示法

Generality and individuality of printed or electronic periodicals and order principle 電子期刊的共性與個性及訂購原則

Implicit theories of academic subjects : generality and age - related differences 學科能力內隱觀的普遍性及其年齡差異

Chapter one is generality 本文第一章為概論。

I am sure you have thought a great deal more than the generality of servants think 我敢說你比一般仆人想得多些。

On the generality and individuality of socioeconomic statistics and mathematical statistics 兼論統計學的研究對象

Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - generalities and definitions 室外建筑物的排水和污水系統.概述和定義

Involute splines based on reference diameters - part 1 : generalities 基于參考直徑的漸開線花鍵.第1部分:總則

The generality and speciality of social necessary labour time 兩重社會必要勞動時間與價值決定的多重均衡

Crosscranes . generalities . terminology 龍門架.總則.術語

Generality on hong ye ' s academic thoughts 洪業學術思想概論