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general order 【軍事】一般命令;衛兵守則。

“ i know how happy my master always is to receive the vicomte , “ said baptistin ; “ and i should therefore never think of including him in any general order . “我知道主人一向十分高興地見到子爵閣下, ”巴浦斯汀說, “所以我絕不會把您當作普通客人看待。 ”

“ in this way , my biographical experiences are ongoingly subsumed under general orders of meaning that are both objectively and subjectively real . 這樣的話,我的傳記性經驗是持續地以意義的一般規定被歸納的,這些規定同時是客體和主體上真實的。

The general ordered his men to deploy in order to meet the offensive of the enemy “將軍命令他的士兵展開陣形,以抗擊敵人的進攻。

general pardon

Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather ( war bells blazing in scarlet battalion ) , parsley , sage , rosemary and thyme ( generals order their soldiers to kill ) , and gather it all in a bunch of heather ( and to fight for a cause they ' ve long ago forgotten ) , then she ' ll be a true love of mine 讓她用皮鞘里的鐮刀收割(戰爭在咆哮,紅色軍營里戰火燃燒) ,那里歐芹草、鼠尾草、迷迭香、百里香處處金黃(將軍命令他們的士兵沖殺) ,然后用石楠束成一捆(為他們早已遺忘的事業而戰) ,那么她必定是我真摯的愛人。

The team reported to the general that his son was found death in the left washroom . suay felt almost faint from this news . all people in the pub were not allowed to leave , the general ordered to execute all of them 將軍示意一小隊進入廁格內,海心知不妙,小隊同時回報將軍的兒子死左廁所里,美麗聽后差點昏死過去,將軍示意酒吧內所有人都不得離開,并示意軍隊如箭在弦,格殺勿論。

“ i know how happy my master always is to receive the vicomte , “ said baptistin ; “ and i should therefore never think of including him in any general order . “我知道主人一向十分高興地見到子爵閣下, ”巴浦斯汀說, “所以我絕不會把您當作普通客人看待。 ”

“ in this way , my biographical experiences are ongoingly subsumed under general orders of meaning that are both objectively and subjectively real . 這樣的話,我的傳記性經驗是持續地以意義的一般規定被歸納的,這些規定同時是客體和主體上真實的。

The rock group is characterized by a general order but internal disorder because of intense ductile shearing deformation 其特點是整體有序,組內無序,韌性剪切變形強烈。

The general ordered his men to deploy in order to meet the offensive of the enemy “將軍命令他的士兵展開陣形,以抗擊敵人的進攻。

Their general ordered them to set a fire to clear civilians , but stone refused 他們的將軍下令放火來鏟除平民,但是斯通拒絕執行

General ordering procedures 一般訂制程序

The general ordered an attack 將軍命令去進攻。

The following sequence shows the general order of the events 以下順序是發生這些事件的常規順序:

The general ordered his troops to cease fire 將軍命令他的部隊停火。

General ordering procedures general ordering procedures >一般訂制程序

The general ordered his troops to cease fire 那位將軍命令他的軍隊停火。

Generals order their soldiers to kill (一道道命令讓他們的戰士去拼殺。 )