
gendarmerie n.〔法語〕 憲兵隊。


In the late qing period , na - tung served an important post as president of the book of state , president of the book of ministry of foreign affairs , minister of tsung - li ya - men , minister of grand council , minister of grand secretary , command of gendarmerie in peking 摘要清光緒、宣統年間,那桐出任戶部尚書、外務部尚書、總理衙門大臣、軍機大臣、內閣協理大臣等重要職務,并兼理京師步軍統領、工巡局事務,對清末新政的推展亦有諸多貢獻,是中國近代史上的重要人物。

During the japanese occupation , the japanese gendarmerie used the station as a local headquarters and a mortuary was built onto the building 二次大戰期間日軍曾徵用為分區總部,并加建殮房。

Gendarmerie nationale . open up 我們是國家憲兵隊,請開門