
gemsbok n.(南非的)大羚羊。


Through a cooperation between the botswana and south african governments , the gemsbok national park botswana which covers an area of about 28 , 105 sq . km has been merged with the gemsbok national park of south africa to form , a single ecological unit , the trans - frontier park is managed jointly by both countries 通過博茨瓦納與南非政府的合作,面積約28 105平方公里的博茨瓦納大羚羊國家公園已與南非大羚羊國家公園合并,形成一個生態單位- -跨國境公園,由兩國共同管理。

The golden kalahari sands and the unspoiled arid environment make the reserve spectacular . it supports a wide variety of african antelopes including wildebeest , eland , gemsbok , kudu , red hartebeest and springbok , giraffe , lion , cheetah , leopard , wild dog and brown hyena 這里生活著各種各樣的非洲羚羊,有黑尾牛羚、南非大羚羊、大羚羊、紕角羚、紅麋羚和跳羚、長頸鹿、獅子、獵豹、美洲豹、野狗和棕鬣狗。

A gemsbok gallops through the loose sand of namibia ' s namib desert . considered one of the world ' s oldest deserts , the namib contains sand dunes that reach some 1 , 000 feet ( 305 meters ) in height 劍羚生長在非洲東部到西南部的干旱地區。這是一群在納米比亞納米布沙漠上奔跑的劍羚。納米布沙漠被認為是世界上最古老的沙漠,這里的沙丘高達305米。

The khutse game reserve 2 , 500sq . km , hosts animals like giraffe , gemsbok , red hartebeest , eland , kudu , springbok , lion , leopard , cheetah and wild dog . khutse is about 210km from gaborone 庫策動物保護區( 2 500平方公里)生活著長頸鹿、大羚羊、紅麋羚、南非大羚羊、紕角羚、跳羚、獅子、美洲豹、獵豹和野狗。

There are plenty of wild animals , which include wildebeest , eland , hartebeest , gemsbok and springbok . super predators like lion , leopard , cheetah and hyena can also be viewed 這里有很多野生動物,黑尾牛羚、大角斑羚、麋羚、大羚羊和跳羚處處可見,還有獅子、美洲豹、獵豹和鬣狗等大型食肉動物。

The sanctuary provides excellent viewing opportunities for rhinos and many other types of wildlife including zebra , wildebeest , heartbeest , gemsbok , leopard , brown hyena and jackal 保護區提供了觀賞犀牛,還有斑馬、黑尾牛羚、麋羚、大羚羊、美洲豹、棕鬣狗和胡狼等野生動物的絕好機會。

It consists mainly of fossil pan floors covered with palatable grass species which are a very important source of food to herbivores like impala , zebra gemsbok and springbok 這里主要是干涸的沼床,上面長滿了鮮美的綠草,是黑斑羚、斑馬、大羚羊和跳羚等食草動物十分重要的食物來源。

The park is the home to thousands of wildebeest , zebra and gemsbok , especially around the nxai pan area 這里,尤其是納賽鹽沼地區周圍,是數以千計的黑尾牛羚、斑馬和大羚羊的棲息之地。

Gemsbok national park trans - frontier park 大羚羊國家公園/跨國境公園