
geld n.【英史】(古代英國地主向君主繳納的)貢賦(亦作 ge...


To idiographic institution , the main causes of the debts forming are as follow : the finance rights and affair rights are digit in the process of the finance and tax system , the finance rights are up collecting , and the affairs rights are down moving , the finance gap formed in the process of the finance and tax system , the comparative economic shrink in the anaphase country reform , the finance ingathering became fewer : the political and the administration system reform is disjoint to the economic system reform , the village and town government financial action is lost echo obligation , the expenditure break through the budget , and so on , otherwise , the country financial system reform is lag , the invests are becoming bad for the country government intervention to economic field , the country government action is short of efficient criterion , cut down the centre transferring geld to the farmers and delay to carry out the legal payment ; the effective supervision to the loan is short of about national to the non - financial machine , and so on , so the debts form at last 但從根本講,還是制度的原因,是國家通過制度的安排來對利益進行重新分配,導致鄉鎮政府財政收入短缺,產生債務需求,最終形成債務。從具體的制度上看,主要有:財稅體制改革中的財權與事權的錯位,財權向上集中、事權不斷下移;農村稅費改革產生財政缺口;農村改革后期出現的經濟相對萎縮,財政收入減少;政治制度和行政管理制度改革與經濟改革脫節,鄉鎮政府財政行為失去應有的約束,導致開支突破預算等等,產生債務需求。另外,農村金融體制改革的滯后;鄉鎮政府對經濟領域的高度介入,出現經濟投資虧損;政府行為缺乏有效規范,截留老百姓的轉移支付款項、拖延履行法定支付義務;國家對非金融機構借貸行為缺乏有效監管等等,產生債務供給。

In relation to horse no . 1 “ sunday ” in race 10 for the racemeeting of saturday , 21 july 2007 , jockey f durso who had been engaged to ride the gelding was inadvertently recorded on the declaration card as jockey j didham , under these special circumstances , the stewards put back jockey f durso to be the declared rider for “ sunday ” 有關二七年七月二十一日(星期六)第十場一號馬中美之光,策騎該駒之騎師杜西奧被錯誤記錄為騎師杜頓,因此小組批準由騎師杜西奧策騎中美之光出賽。

Let the wolf slip ! sportsmen indeed ! and as though scorning to waste more words on the confused and frightened count , he lashed the moist and heavy sides of his brown gelding with all the fury that had been ready for the count , and flew off after the dogs 他好像沒有跟局促不安的膽戰心驚的伯爵交談,對伯爵懷恨在心,用力鞭撻一下栗色騸馬那凹陷的汗濕的肋部,跟在獵犬后面疾馳去了。

It was established that approaching the 1200 metres macau warrior shifted in away from oriental milan ( l duarte ) which had commenced to shift in , and in doing so , tightened lake chabot resulting in that gelding having to be checked 證據顯示趨近一千二百米處濠江驃驥向內斜跑以避開東方米蘭(路易斯) ,當時東方米蘭開始向內斜跑,翠寶因而被擠迫并勒避。

A choir gives back menace and echo , assisting about the altar s horns , the snorted latin of jackpriests moving burly in their albs , tonsured and oiled and gelded , fat with the fat of kidneys of wheat 這些削了發除了圣油被閹割靠上好的麥子52吃胖了的靠神糊口的神父們,笨重地挪動著那穿白麻布長袍的魁梧身軀,從鼻息里噴出拉丁文。

The old counts horse , a sorrel gelding , with a white mane and tail , called viflyanka , was led by the counts groom ; he was himself to drive straight in a light gig to the spot fixed for him to stand 伯爵的馬夫牽著老伯爵騎的一匹叫做維夫梁卡的白鬃白尾的棗紅色騸馬他本人乘坐一輛輕便馬車徑直地向獸徑馳去。

What for that , says mr dixon , but before he came over farmer nicholas that was a eunuch had him properly gelded by a college of doctors , who were no better off than himself 迪克森先生曰,公牛動身之前,宦官兼農場主尼古拉斯囑一幫同為閹人之醫生,將其徹底閹割之。

When this begins to cause a problem with handling and socializing , you will know it is time to consider having the animal geld if it is not to be used for breeding 當這開始對操縱以及馬群造成問題的時候,你應該明白是時候考慮是否要閹割公馬如果不做培育的話。

Ausl ? nder sollten in china mit renminbi bezahlen . klaus ist ein deutscher , der in beijing arbeitet . eines tages geht er zur bank , um etwas geld zu tauschen 外國人在中國應該支付人民幣。克勞斯是位德國人,他在北京工作。一天,他去銀行換一些錢。

The owner thought that we would give chubby a good home , so he gave the sixteen ? year ? old gelding to my parents for free 馬主認為我們能給查比一個好的家,就把這匹16歲的騸馬送給了我父母。

Gelded too : a stump of black guttapercha wagging limp between their haunches 而且被閹割過,一片黑色杜仲膠在腰腿之間軟軟地耷拉下來,擺動著。

Geld him . vivisect him 把他閹割了。

It was your gelding led you astray , no doubt 是你手下的閹黨帶你進入迷途