
gelatinize vt.1.使成明膠,使成膠狀。2.【攝影】涂明膠于。vi...


The experimental results showed that the water - absorbing ratio and the total score of the noodles and the stable time of the dough and the viscosity of the gelatinized paste decreased by the increasing of the wheat malt powder ' s concentration , in addition , the cooking losing and protein losing of the noodles increased 結果表明,隨著小麥芽粉添加量的增加,面條的吸水率與品質綜合得分逐漸下降;干物質損失率、蛋白質損失率與面條湯的吸光度逐漸上升;面團的穩定時間逐漸下降;面粉糊化后的粘度大幅度的下降。

When jointing the board , we should try to joint the dressed timber without glue to confirm the aperture be close , then spread the glue which is mixed up by the gelatinizing machine , to the jointing surface evenly and put the timber on jointing machine and clamp to pressurize and joint 在拼板時先將刨光的木料進行無膠試拼,待確定縫隙緊密后,用涂膠機將調好的膠水均勻地涂在木料的拼合面上,最后放在專業的拼板機和夾具中進行加壓拼合。

With substitution degree added , the colocasia esculenta schott starch phosphate ester was easier to gelatinize , the tolerance to salt and sucrose increased , the clarity first increased and then decreased , paste viscosity first decreased and then increased 隨著取代度的增加,香芋淀粉磷酸酯的糊化變得容易,耐鹽和耐糖能力提高、透明度先增后減、糊粘度則先減后增。

The machine can be used to manufacture gelatinized starch , vegtable syrup , bon mud , chemical materials , coffee , baby ' s food , potato flakes and etc . , which the flash dryer can ' t dry due to high viscosity 該機主要應用在預糊化淀粉、蔬菜汁、骨泥、化工原料、咖啡、嬰兒食品、雪花全粉等氣流干燥機難以烘干的膏狀粘稠物料的烘干。

Seal gaskets are closed in the support points of plates resist high press fluid impact , and prevent leak out of fluids . twice gelatinize technology make gasket firm connected 處于板片有力支撐點包圍中的密封墊片,能承受較大的流體沖擊,不會泄漏,兩次涂膠工藝保證了密封墊片牢固粘接。

( 3 ) the result showed that when ambient temperature rises to a certain degree , the frictional surface of uhmwpe and its composites melt and gelatinize 門)當環境溫度升高到一定程度, uhmwpe及其復合材料與鋼配副的摩擦界面熔融變為凝膠狀態,其摩擦系數隨摩擦時間的延長保持不變。

A and b component glue pump , gelatinize gun and safety valve are all from graco company of america . so it can ensure the credulity working 組份膠泵和b組份膠泵、涂膠槍、安全閥均采用美國格瑞克( graco )公司產品,確保工作可靠。

Design , selection of the element and the gelatinize effect side , belong to the leading level inside if china 在設計、選用元氣件以及涂膠效果方面,在國內均屬領先水平。

Development of underground vehicle gate glass gelatinized robot workstation 城軌車輛門玻璃涂膠機器人工作站的開發研究

Technology study about continuous gelatinizing on web below 100 gram 以下卷筒紙連續性涂膠的工藝研究

5 . if gelatinizing , should be continuous , average and suitable 使用的地墊應易于導熱絕緣耐老化。

The latter is not gelatinized but only absorbed by woodmeal . 后者不經膠化,而只被木粉吸收。

Heat treatment may cause starch grains to be gelatinized . 熱處理可使淀粉顆粒明膠化。