
gelatine n.1.膠;明膠;動物膠;膠質。2.凝膠體,果子凍。3....

This article presents a discussion on the feasibility of using dye - gelatine type anti - halation layer technique in aerial photographic film . a series of delicate technical problems were solved smoothly , consequently creating a sound basis for running normal practical production 一、前言人類賴以生存的環境只有一個- -地球,而從目前的狀況來看,地球的生態環境正在日趨惡化.其惡化的基本因素在于人為形成的“三廢“ ,即“廢渣“ 、 “廢氣“和“廢液“ .而五顏六色的廢棄包裝產品和包裝材料又是產生廢物的重要來源之一


This article presents a discussion on the feasibility of using dye - gelatine type anti - halation layer technique in aerial photographic film . a series of delicate technical problems were solved smoothly , consequently creating a sound basis for running normal practical production 一、前言人類賴以生存的環境只有一個- -地球,而從目前的狀況來看,地球的生態環境正在日趨惡化.其惡化的基本因素在于人為形成的“三廢“ ,即“廢渣“ 、 “廢氣“和“廢液“ .而五顏六色的廢棄包裝產品和包裝材料又是產生廢物的重要來源之一

Yes , rendering obsolete popguns , elastic airbladders , games of hazard , catapults . they comprised astronomical kaleidoscopes exhibiting the twelve constellations of the zodiac from aries to pisces , miniature mechanical orreries , arithmetical gelatine lozenges , geometrical to correspond with zoological biscuits , globemap playingballs , historically costumed dolls 就是要把紙槍橡膠浮囊擲骰子游戲和彈弓排斥出去其中包括展示白羊宮乃至雙魚宮這十二宮星座的天體萬花筒小型機械裝置的太陽系儀算術用菱形果子凍相當于動物餅干的幾何圖形餅干游戲用地球儀皮球身穿歷史服裝的玩偶。

This article presents a discussion on the feasibility of using dye - gelatine type anti - halation layer technique in aerial photographic film . a series of delicate technical problems were solved smoothly , consequently creating a sound basis for running normal practical production 隨著平面掃描儀的技術性能不斷完善及其價格的優勢,在彩色桌面系統中使平面掃描儀的用戶日益增多.下面掃描儀近幾年已經形成了不同檔次、多種規格、用途截然不同的專業型和普通型

The protein in crude rice underwent no denaturation or gelatine because it never suffered from any hot and humid actions , which was a determinant factor of malt yellow rice wine features ( rich nitrogen amino acid ) 生大米中的蛋白質,因未受濕熱作用而變性或膠凝化,決定了免蒸煮麥曲黃酒氨基酸態氮豐富的產品營養特征。

Abstract : the mixed clarifying agent , which is made from gelatines , digallic acids and pvp , is added to the passiflora edulis juice . the test shows that the effect is good 文摘:采用明膠、丹寧酸和pvp制成的復合澄清劑,按一定比例添加到西番蓮果汁中,經實驗證明,效果較好。

Dissolve the gelatine in 2 tablespoons of water . add in the prepared milk mixture and still until the gelatine is completely dissolved and all the ingredients are well - combined 混合魚膠粉和2大勺水,注入備好的香茅熱牛奶混合物中,攪拌至魚膠完全溶化,晾涼備用。

Our company has undertaken to export pp bags , bulk bags container bags , poly mesh bags , edible gelatine in ground form and so on for many years 公司常年對外從事塑編袋集裝袋網眼袋白布袋等產品的生產和加工出口。

Edible gelatine . enumeration of sulfito - reducing anaerobic micro - organism spores . anaerobic colony count technique at 37 degrees c 食用明膠.亞硫酸鹽還原厭氧微生物孢子的計數. 37時厭氧菌落計數法

Food products . edible gelatine . determination of copper , lead , iron and zinc contents by atomic absorption spectrophomometry - 食用明膠.原子吸收分光光度法測定銅鉛鐵和鋅的含量

In photography , the essential light sensitive coating on ph otographic film comprising gelatine and silver salts 在照相技術中,覆蓋在照相底片上的由膠和銀鹽組成的感光物質。

Edible gelatine . determination of fecal coliforms . 44 , 5 degrees c culture method on liquid selective medium 食用明膠.糞便中大腸桿菌的檢測.在44 . 5時液體選擇培養基的培養法

Use a blender or food processor to puree the mango flesh , then mix well with the milk / gelatine mixture 芒果果肉用料理機,或者攪拌機打成漿狀,然后和牛奶/吉利丁攪拌均勻。

Food products . edible gelatine . determination of arsenic content . silver diethyldithiocarbamate colorimetric method 食用明膠.砷含量的測定.銀二乙基氨荒酸鹽比色法

Edible gelatine . detection of clostridium perfringens spores . most probable number technique at 46 degrees c 食用明膠.梭菌孢子的檢測. 46時最近真計數技術

Edible gelatine . detection of coliforms . 30 degrees c culture method on liquid selective medium 食用明膠.大腸桿菌的檢測.在30時液體選擇培養基的培養法

Colour gelatine filter 彩色明膠濾色鏡

Food additive gelatine 食品添加劑明膠

Add the warm gelatine mixture into the cream and beat until the stiff peak forms 將吉利液加入,然后攪打至干硬性發泡。