
geist n.〔德語〕 靈魂,理智性;精神,時代精神。

According to kathe geist , as she writes in her essay “ narrative strategies in ozu s late films “ , “ although it confounds our expectations , it provides a rich and accurate description of the characters , themes , motivations , and events in ozu s story and never deviates from or clutters that story with irrelevant information . . ozu indeed omits what is unimportant for his story and neither leaves out important events nor needlessly prolongs unimportant ones “ geist p . 98 - 100 其后他亦繼續編導了多部被視為經典的得獎電影,繼有他自己最滿意的作品留芳頌被不少電影人視為影史最杰出電影的七俠四義活用闊銀幕的武士勤王記縛票片經典天國與地獄獨行俠原版用心棒,以及后來用色豐富的影武者及亂等,無不令人拍案叫絕。

Information “ s query base on city 3d scene not only provide vision taste for user , make user have geist cognition for city construction , but also make decision - maker , designer and user have more lifelike , impersonal and rational cognition for status in quo of city layout and blueprint of design . so it is significance for the research of city continuable development because visualization in city 3d scene widen the view of city planner , designer and manager , make city planning , base establishment design is more reasonable 在城市三維景觀中實現信息的查詢與分析使得三維城市景觀不僅僅能為用戶提供視覺上的感受,讓用戶對城市建設具有感性認識,更使得決策者、設計師和用戶對城市建設現狀和規劃設計藍圖有更為生動、客觀和理性的了解和認識,從而拓寬了城市規劃、設計和管理人員的視角,使城市規劃、基礎設施設計更加科學化,對于城市可持續發展研究有重要意義。


According to kathe geist , as she writes in her essay “ narrative strategies in ozu s late films “ , “ although it confounds our expectations , it provides a rich and accurate description of the characters , themes , motivations , and events in ozu s story and never deviates from or clutters that story with irrelevant information . . ozu indeed omits what is unimportant for his story and neither leaves out important events nor needlessly prolongs unimportant ones “ geist p . 98 - 100 其后他亦繼續編導了多部被視為經典的得獎電影,繼有他自己最滿意的作品留芳頌被不少電影人視為影史最杰出電影的七俠四義活用闊銀幕的武士勤王記縛票片經典天國與地獄獨行俠原版用心棒,以及后來用色豐富的影武者及亂等,無不令人拍案叫絕。

Teaching life is various life activities by teachers to accelerate life growth and improve life quality so as to realize life worthiness of themselves in specifical situation of space and tin teaching life has the unification characteristics such as aims and means , logos and geist , routine and unconventionality , homogeneity and heterogeneity 摘要教學生活是教師在特定的時空環境中,為了生命發展和完善,以及提升生命質量、實現生命價值與意義所進行的各種生命活動,具有為我性與我為性、理性與非理性、日常性與非日常性等特點。

Information “ s query base on city 3d scene not only provide vision taste for user , make user have geist cognition for city construction , but also make decision - maker , designer and user have more lifelike , impersonal and rational cognition for status in quo of city layout and blueprint of design . so it is significance for the research of city continuable development because visualization in city 3d scene widen the view of city planner , designer and manager , make city planning , base establishment design is more reasonable 在城市三維景觀中實現信息的查詢與分析使得三維城市景觀不僅僅能為用戶提供視覺上的感受,讓用戶對城市建設具有感性認識,更使得決策者、設計師和用戶對城市建設現狀和規劃設計藍圖有更為生動、客觀和理性的了解和認識,從而拓寬了城市規劃、設計和管理人員的視角,使城市規劃、基礎設施設計更加科學化,對于城市可持續發展研究有重要意義。