
gdansk n.格但斯克〔舊稱 Danzig 但澤〕〔波蘭港市〕。


For example , michal horodecki of the university of gdansk in poland has shown that the holevo chi can be used to analyze the problem of compressing quantum states produced by a quantum information source , which is analogous to the classical data compression considered by shannon 例如波蘭格但斯克大學的何洛德次基證明,何勒夫可以用于分析如何壓縮來自某量子資訊源的量子態,就好像夏儂熵可以用于分析古典數據壓縮。

Methods : a retrospective analysis of 5 patients operated on for primary mfh in the department of thoracic surgery of the medical university in gdansk between 1990 and 2000 was performed 方法:回顧性分析1990 - 2000年間在格但斯克的醫科大學胸外科的5例手術的原發性mfh患者。

1977 international ceramics symposium in gdansk , poland 1977年波蘭格但斯克市國際陶藝研討會