
gci GCI = ground controlled inte...

A pair of degenerate primers were designed as 5 “ - gci ytn car gar tty aga t - 3 “ / 5 “ - cat iac ncc cca ncc - 3 “ , and a 630bp - long cdna fragment of d . salina was obtained , which had high similarity to the enolases from other species 對眼藻進行了不同的滲透震動:從1 . 5mnaci到0 . 5mnaci的低滲震動和從1 . 5mnaci到3 . 0mnaci的高滲震動。


As a consulting company and external personnel of corporation , after diagnosis of operation and management of corporation , according to information and data , gci helps leaders shake off restriction of routine in the corporate operation . this will make them find insufficiencies and disadvantages of resources allocation , collocation , and utilization in the operation management . moreover , channels and methods of resources deep - seated exploiture potential and rational configuration will be developed , which makes leaders adequately recognize resources of organizations 而作為咨詢公司,身為企業外部人員,在對企業運營與管理狀況進行調研后,根據調研所得信息數據等,輔助企業領導者跳出企業運營中具體事物的限制,從而清晰的看到企業在運營管理中的不足,發現企業運營中各項資源的匹配整合與應用的缺憾,并發現企業資源深層發掘潛力與合理配置的渠道與方法,使領導者能夠在此階段對企業資源加以充分認識,近而對其進行合理調整與匹配,重新整合后使各資源均能夠得以充分發揮,從而成為企業成長的動力基礎。

The preparation phase is preparatory understanding about corporate information before diagnosis . moreover , according to the corporations organization structure , gci will arrange diagnosis schedule to executive departments and important organization institutions and bring forward personnel requirements in order to improve diagnosis efficiency , information gains , effectiveness of analysis results , and pertinence of suggestions 是在進行企業調研前,對企業信息進行初步的了解,并根據企業提供的組織機構圖,安排對企業各職能部門及重要組織機構的調研時間,并提出配合人員要求,以便企業及時安排,提高調研效率及信息獲取量,增強調研分析結果的有效性及建議的針對性。

According to our experience on hundreds of management consulting projects to domestic corporations , gci finds that improvement speed of marketing achievements of many successful companies is gradually slow as changes of environment and fierce competition after a period of high - speed development . at the same time of improvement yearly , development is more and more difficult 從我們多年來為國內外幾百家企業實施管理咨詢項目過程中發現,許多成功的企業在經歷了一個時期的快速增長后,隨著環境的變化和競爭的加劇,企業營銷業績的提升速度會逐漸放慢,同時在逐年提升的過程中,困難程度也在不斷加大。

Through the sufficient understanding on corporate development strategies , goals , and current tasks , gci will analyze the constitution and operation of executive departments and find problems and parts under correction in order to improve veracity and effectiveness on project 通過對企業發展戰略目標及當前任務的充分了解,就目前企業各機構職能組成與運轉情況的分析,發現企業在現階段經營中所需解決的問題與有待改善的部分,提高項目實施的準確性與有效性。

Hq of the gci is located in minnesota in usa , while chinese hq is in tianjin . there are dozens of professional consultants in chinese hq , who were trained professionally and were senior managers in multinational for years . they have rich experiences about practice and projects 中國分公司擁有幾十名專業顧問,均在各自領域有著多年的實際工作經驗,大部分顧問曾在國外接受專業培訓并在跨國公司擔任高層管理職務,他們有著豐富的實踐經驗及項目實施經驗。

Based on rich consultative experience and a keen perception of industry features , the gci team of consultants summarizes and abstracts a scientific organizational management mode fit for chinese enterprises , which fully displays the localization of international management consulting services 憑借豐富的咨詢經驗和對行業特點的洞悉,通用咨詢總結提煉出適用于中國企業的整套組織管理模式,充分體現國際標準的管理咨詢服務的本土化。

Based on corporations circumstances and fitting for their operations , the gci built long - term cooperation relationship with them at the same time of providing management consultation and training for hundreds of large and middle - sized enterprises 我公司以切合企業實際情況適應企業實際運作,為出發點,在為幾百家大中型企業提供管理咨詢培訓的同時也為他們建立了良好長期的合作關系。

Thereinto when we provide marketing management consulting project to one listed company , gci focuses on the management of sales process . this project has a great effect , which makes the corporations revenue of the first quarter is more than expense on this project 其中在為某上市公司實施營銷管理咨詢項目過程中,將精力重點投入到銷售過程的管理中,取得了非常明顯的實施效果。

Through exact diagnosis of corporate situation , gci finds problems and incomplete parts in operation and provides pertinent implementation projects , which will improve veracity and effectiveness of project implementation 通過對新建企業現狀的準確診斷,發現企業在現階段經營中所需解決的問題與有待改善的部分,提出具有較強針對性的實施方案,大大提高項目實施的準確性與有效性。

Through exact diagnosis of corporate status , gci finds problems and incomplete parts in operation and provides pertinent implementation projects , which will improve veracity and effectiveness of project implementation 通過對企業現狀的準確診斷,發現企業在現階段經營中所需解決的問題與有待改善的部分,提出具有較強針對性的實施方案,大大提高項目實施的準確性與有效性。

Therefore , as development and change of circumstance , gci pays more attention to marketing management process in consultation , especially management of sales process , which will be a focus of marketing achievements improvement 為此,我們隨著環境的發展與變化,在咨詢過程中將眼光著重放在營銷管理的過程中,特別的銷售過程的管理,它將是企業營銷業績提升的又一個焦點。

What gci provides is the systematic holistic project involving corporate operation , performance appraisal , and revenue increase , which will achieve optimization of clients resources and maximum increase of revenue 通用咨詢為客戶提供的是涵蓋企業運營績效考核和業績提升的綜合性整體解決方案,從而實現客戶資源的最優化配置和效益的最大化提升。

A pair of degenerate primers were designed as 5 “ - gci ytn car gar tty aga t - 3 “ / 5 “ - cat iac ncc cca ncc - 3 “ , and a 630bp - long cdna fragment of d . salina was obtained , which had high similarity to the enolases from other species 對眼藻進行了不同的滲透震動:從1 . 5mnaci到0 . 5mnaci的低滲震動和從1 . 5mnaci到3 . 0mnaci的高滲震動。

Customization : what gci provides is not a machine - made management pattern but custom - built systematic project plan according to corporation diagnosis , enterprise circumstance , and industry features 客戶定制:通用咨詢提供給客戶的不是千篇一律的管理模式,而是根據前期的企業調研結合企業現狀與行業特點發展出的定制化系統解決方案。

Furthermore , based on sound allocation of resources , gci will provide adjustment suggestions to the composition functions of corporation . this will make business process more smooth and improve the efficiency of holistic operation 并且在合理資源配置的基礎上提出對企業職能組成的調整建議,使業務處理更為流暢,提高整體運轉效率。

Root and branch measures : while providing a custom - built project , gci also supplies professional training to managers of clients in order to make them learn advanced methods of managerial improvement 標本兼治:在提供定制化方案的同時,通用咨詢還對客戶的各級管理者進行專業培訓,使其掌握先進的管理改進方法。

During this process , the gci team will summarize , report , train , and provide a phase by phase implementation , so that clients can understand the true progress of their implementation 在此過程中,我們將進行階段性總結階段性匯報階段性培訓和階段性實施,確保客戶準確了解項目進度。

Localization : gci provided excellent management consulting services for a wide variety of large corporations in different industries during its ten years of providing business consultation 本土模式:十年中國之路,通用咨詢為各行業的數十家大型企業提供了優質的管理咨詢服務。