
gaucho n.(pl. Gauchos) 高卓人〔南美洲草原地帶的...


There are some countermeasure that are renewing and reconstructing zoology , enhancing protection of air environment and water environment in beauty spot , intensifying management and education for gauchos , and strengthening inductivity for tourist etc 相應的治理對策主要有:生態恢復和重建工作;加強景區大氣環境、水環境的保護管理;加強對牧民旅游服務活動的管理和培訓,強化牧民的環境保護意識;加強對旅游者旅游活動行為的積極引導;大力提倡生態旅游,與國際旅游市場接軌。

Brazilian soccer star ronaldinho gaucho controls the ball during a charity exhibition match at joao havelange stadium in uberlandia , southeast brazil , december 26 , 2004 狀態離線世界足球先生羅納爾迪尼奧(羅納爾迪鳥)在12月26日的慈善賽中盡情發揮。

Here , enjoy a traditional barbecue lunch , folklore show and riding demonstration by the gauchos 晚間可以自費前往舞廳,享受一夜聲光浪漫。午餐

B . b ' s simply means meat prepared the brazilian gaucho ' s way 的意思是以牧人的方式準備的烤肉。