
gatt GATT = General Agreement on ...

The wto has “ members “ . gatt had “ contracting parties “ , underscoring the fact that officially gatt was a legal text 世貿有“成員“ 。關貿總協定有“締約方“ ,強調了關貿總協定正式而言是一個法律文本。

The eper was formed and developed in the course of the environment problems “ intervention into the gatt / wto 環保例外權是在gatt wto逐步介入環境問題的過程中發展和形成的。

The wto has “ members “ . gatt had “ contracting parties “ , underscoring the fact that officially gatt was a legal text 世貿有“成員“ 。關貿總協定有“締約方“ ,強調了關貿總協定正式而言是一個法律文本。

The eper was formed and developed in the course of the environment problems “ intervention into the gatt / wto 環保例外權是在gatt wto逐步介入環境問題的過程中發展和形成的。


The items of eper are consisted of the preface and b , g item of gatt x x , which is the part of general exception currently 環境例外條款由gatt第20條b , g兩款加上前言構成,屬于“一般例外”的一部分。

China has gone through a journey of 15 years in order to first resume the contracting party status in gatt and later to enter the wto 中國恢復關貿總協定締約國地位和加入世貿組織已經走過了15年歷程。

The wto has “ members “ . gatt had “ contracting parties “ , underscoring the fact that officially gatt was a legal text 世貿有“成員“ 。關貿總協定有“締約方“ ,強調了關貿總協定正式而言是一個法律文本。

Three years later , in 1947 , 23 nations approved the general agreement on tariffs and trade , or gatt 三年后,也就是1947年, 23個成員國一致同意通過《關稅及貿易總協定》 ,即《關貿總協定》 。

In 1967 , an international antidumping code was signed by all nations and regions participating in the kennedy round of the gatt 自2001年12月11起,中國正式成為世界貿易組織的一員。

Three years later , in 1947 , 23 nations approved the general agreement on tariffs and trade , or gatt 三年后,即1947年, 23個國家終于同意建立《關稅及貿易總協定》 ,即《關貿總協定》 。

The wto dispute settlement system is faster , more automatic than the old gatt system . its rulings cannot be blocked 世貿爭端解決體系較關貿總協定更迅速,更主動,其裁決不受阻撓。

The gatt agreement is credited with promoting agreements resulting in average global tariff barriers by 1972 關稅及貿易總協定促使全球關稅壁壘到1972年平均降至8 % ,因而受到贊譽。

The eper was formed and developed in the course of the environment problems “ intervention into the gatt / wto 環保例外權是在gatt wto逐步介入環境問題的過程中發展和形成的。

Gatt , which came into effect on jan , 1948 , established the open and multilateral trade system of the world 1948年1月正式生效的《關貿總協定》確立了世界多邊開放貿易體制。

In 1989 professor seade became mexicos ambassador to gatt and chief negotiator for the uruguay round 于1989年, seade教授曾在烏拉圭回合中擔任墨西哥大使及首席談判專家。

Every new english publication , excluding protocols and tariff schedules , published by the wto ( formerly the gatt ) 該組織新出版的各類英文刊物(草約及關稅表除外) 。

Gatt existed before the wto did : the wto was created at the uruguay round of negotiations 關貿總協定在世貿組織誕生之前就存在了;世貿組織是在烏拉圭回合談判中創立的。

So it is worth considering to exempt multilateral environmental agreements from gatt rules 因此它從各方面來看是值豁免來自關稅貿易總協定規定的多邊環境的契約。

Of course , such waiver should be approved by a three - fourths majority of gatt parties 當然,如此的棄權應該被關稅貿易總協定政黨的一個四的分之三大多數核準。