
gat n.〔美俚〕左輪手槍。


As an important part of international service trade , international maritime services in china is bound to be affected and regulated by gats 我國入世后,作為國際服務貿易重要組成部分的我國海運服務業不可避免地要受到gats的影響和約束。

And samuel arose , and gat him up from gilgal unto gibeah of benjamin . and saul numbered the people that were present with him , about six hundred men 于是撒母耳動身,從吉甲上便雅憫的基比亞去;掃羅數點跟隨他的人,約有六百人。

And samuel arose , and gat him up from gilgal unto gibeah of benjamin . and saul numbered the people that were present with him , about six hundred men 15撒母耳就起來,從吉甲上到便雅憫的基比亞。掃羅數點跟隨他的,約有六百人。

And david gat him a name when he returned from smiting of the syrians in the valley of salt , being eighteen thousand men 14又在以東全地設立防營,以東人就都歸服大衛。大衛無論往哪里去,耶和華都使他得勝。

And david gat him a name when he returned from smiting of the syrians in the valley of salt , being eighteen thousand men 13大衛在鹽谷擊殺了亞蘭(或作以東,見詩篇六十篇詩題)一萬八千人回來,就得了大名。

The adaptability of many principle and clause in gats is greatly reduced by the specificities of the telecommunications services 由于電信服務部門的獨有性質,使gats中許多原則和條款的適用性大打折扣。

How could we build our country from large into strong on the basis of analysis of the impacts of gats 如何在分析《服務貿易總協定》給我國旅游業帶來的深遠影響的基礎上,把我國的旅游業推向國際市場

You know , you ' re the second guy i ' ve met today that seems to think a gat in the hand means the world by the tail 你知道么,你是我今天碰到的第二個自以為有一把左輪就把整個世界不放在眼里了的人了。

The chapter two fully analyses the main contents of gats , the section one analyses the “ exemption bill exception ” , 第三章在上述各gats例外條款深入分析的前提下,就我國應有對策提出筆者的建議。

It indicates the necessity and practical significance of the re - search on preference treatment to developing country in gats 指出對gats中發展中國家的特別優惠待遇予以研究的必要性和現實意義。

However , as the first framework regulating international trade in services , gats unavoidably has some defects 然而, gats作為第一個規范國際服務貿易的框架性文件,不可避免地存在許多局限。

And the people gat them by stealth that day into the city , as people being ashamed steal away when they flee in battle 撒下19 : 3那日眾民暗暗的進城、就如敗陣逃跑慚愧的民一般。

In order to regulate trade in services wto achieved the general agreements on trade in services ( gats ) 為了規范服務貿易,世界貿易組織達成了《服務貿易總協定》 ( gats ) 。

However , as a member country of wto and a signer of gats , china should perform its promise step by step 但是,作為wto的成員國和gats的簽約國,應該逐步履行入世承諾。

The sorrows of death compassed me , and the pains of hell gat hold upon me : i found trouble and sorrow 詩116 : 3死亡的繩索纏繞我、陰間的痛苦抓住我我遭遇患難愁苦。

Putting forward the realistic measures to overcome the delects of gats from the aspect of international society 從國際社會的角度提出克服gats局限性的現實措施。

And david sware unto saul . and saul went home ; but david and his men gat them up unto the hold 22于是大衛向掃羅起誓,掃羅就回家去。大衛和跟隨他的人上山寨去了。

Putting forward the realistic attitude to reasonably use the defects of gats on the ground of china 站在中國的立場上提出合理利用gats局限性的現實態度。

Bust ya in ya lip with the gat man i don t play like that we taking this shit back , right now 我會常常溫習我和你的過去我要全心全意守在這里等你用我的心