
gastrectomy n.(pl. -mies) 【醫學】胃切除術。


Objective : to establish a rat model of orthotopic gastric isotransplantation by using microsurgical techniques . methods : 70 sd rats were used in our experiment and 35 gastric trasplantations were carried out . in the donor ' s operation : after the spleen was resected and the proper liver artery was ligated , the stomach was perfused through the abdominal aorta . then the stomach was resected with its peripheral blood vessels including celiac trunk and the portal vein , etc . in the recipient operation : after the stomach and the spleen were reseeted , the implantation was performed by the following sequence : the end - to - side anastomosis between the portal veins . the end - to - end anastomosis between the celiac trunk and the left gastric artery . open the blood flow to observe the effect of the blood supply of the stomach . the end - to - end anastomosis between the duodenum . the end - to - end anastomosis between the cardiac and the esophagus . results : 35transplantations were carried out in which the operation success rate in the last 20 cases was 80 ( 16 / 20 ) . the average operation time was 2 . 35 h . the longest survival time was over three months . conclusions : the model of orthotopic gastric transplantation in rat was successfully established . it could be used to study the transplanted stomach in the abdominal multiviseeral transplantation and the reconstruction after the total gastrectomy 目的應用顯微外科技術,建立大鼠原位異體胃移植模型.方法70只sd大鼠,行35例次的胃移值手術.供體手術,先切除脾臟,經腹主動脈行原位胃冷灌洗.將胃及其所屬血管,包括腹腔干和門靜脈干等一并切取.受體手術,先切除胃和脾臟,分別行供、受體間門靜脈的端側吻合,供體腹腔干與受體胃左動脈的端端吻合,然后開放血流.再行供體和受體十二指腸間端端吻合,賁門與食管端端吻合.結果在施行的35例手術,后20例中有16例成功,成功率為80 .最長存活者達3個月.結論成功地建立了大鼠原位異體胃移植類型.該模型可用于腹部多臟器移植中移植胃的相關研究及全胃切除術后代胃的研究

Gastrectomy surgical removal of all or part of the stomach as well as stomach malfunctioning due to low secretion of the intrinsic factor may also hamper the absorption of vitamin b12 by the body , thus resulting in pernicious anemia chronic reduction of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood 另外,若胃腸中蛋白質內因子分泌減少,或因胃部疾病而割除胃,那么即使攝取再多的維他命b12 ,也無法被身體吸收。因此,有些不能夠吸收維他命b12 ,需要注射維他命b12的人,通常就是因為他們的胃不能產生這種蛋白質所致。

As well as keynote lectures by seasoned world experts and by successful early adopters of robotic surgery in asia , delegates will observe and comment on three live surgery demonstrations in 3d , including a videocast of a gastrectomy being performed in south korea 香港中文大學外科學系系主任尹懷信教授說:世界各地的外科醫療人員普遍認為,以機械人輔助的手術,將成為外科手術的其中一個基準。

Other life style and medical factors such as smoking , having chronic obstructive airway diseases , gastrectomy , thyroid disease or on long - term corticosteroid treatment are also associated with osteoporosis 一些生活模式或身體狀況,例如吸煙,患有慢性阻塞性呼吸道疾病、甲狀腺疾病,或長期服用皮質類固醇都與骨質疏松有關。

[ objective ] to investigate the value of spleen and pancreatic tail thorax translocation . [ method ] 10 patients with esophageal carcinoma after gastrectomy were enrolled in this study 摘要目的為了簡化操作和減少圍手術期并發癥,該研究將脾臟和胰尾移入胸腔,利用殘胃重建消化道,探討胰脾胸腔易位在殘胃食管吻合術中的價值。

To investigate the value of spleen and pancreatic tail thorax translocation . [ method ] 10 patients with esophageal carcinoma after gastrectomy were enrolled in this study 摘要目的為了簡化操作和減少圍手術期并發癥,該研究將脾臟和胰尾移入胸腔,利用殘胃重建消化道,探討胰脾胸腔易位在殘胃食管吻合術中的價值。

Effective observation of suppression for the stieth reaction with ondansetron - fentanyl or droperidol - fentanyl on radical gastrectomy for gastric cancer 恩丹西酮復合芬太尼與氟芬合劑抑制胃癌根治術中牽拉反應的效果比較

The effect of epidural sufentanil in ropivacaine on urinary retention in patients undergoing gastrectomy 胃切除術患者用含有蘇芬太尼的羅哌卡因行術后鎮痛, (觀察其)對尿潴留的影響。

Evaluation of the esophago - cardio - gastrectomy for postoperative - rebleeding children with portal hypertension 食管賁門胃底切除治療小兒門脈高壓癥術后再出血的療效觀察

Diagnosis and treatment of functional delayed gastric emptying after subtotal gastrectomy : a report of 53 cases 胃大部切除術后殘胃功能性排空障礙診治體會

Clinical analysis of 26 patients with functional delayed gastric emptying after subtotal gastrectomy 胃大部分切除手術后功能性胃排空障礙26例臨床分析

Functional delayed gastric emptying after subtotal gastrectomy : clinical analysis of twenty - four cases 胃大部切除術后功能性胃排空障礙33例臨床分析

Difference of the range of gastrectomy and lymph node extensive resection between the orient and west 胃癌手術切除和淋巴結清掃范圍的東西方差異

The clinical analysis of 18 cases of gastric remnant ejection disturbance after subtotal gastrectomy 胃大部分切除術后殘胃排空障礙18例臨床分析

An analysis of low incidence of delayed gastric emptying following distal subtotal gastrectomy 遠端胃大部切除術后胃排空延遲低發生率分析

An analysis of delayed gastric emptying following gastrectomy in 11 cases with gastric cancer 胃大部切除術后功能性排空障礙的診治

Analysis of disfunction of gastric emptying in 25 cases after subtotal gastrectomy 胃大部分切除術后胃功能性排空障礙25例臨床分析

Diagnosis and treatment of functional delayed gastric emptying after subtotal gastrectomy 胃大部切除術后胃排空障礙13例診治體會

Functional delayed gastric emptying after subtotal gastrectomy : clinical analysis of 33 cases 胃癌術后殘胃排空障礙11例臨床分析