gassy adj.1.氣體的,氣狀的;充滿氣體的。2.專好吹牛的,...
adj. 1.氣體的,氣狀的;充滿氣體的。 2.專好吹牛的,(話等)夸大的。 “gassy bloat“ 中文翻譯: 瘤胃氣臌“gassy cheese“ 中文翻譯: 產氣干酪“gassy colliery“ 中文翻譯: 瓦斯煤礦“gassy cream“ 中文翻譯: 產氣奶油“gassy fermentation“ 中文翻譯: 產氣發酵“gassy fluid“ 中文翻譯: 充氣液“gassy ingots“ 中文翻譯: 多氣錠“gassy melt“ 中文翻譯: 含氣金屬液; 氣體飽和熔體“gassy milk“ 中文翻譯: 產氣牛乳“gassy mine“ 中文翻譯: 瓦斯礦“gassy seam“ 中文翻譯: 瓦斯煤層“gassy surface“ 中文翻譯: 氣泡表面; 疏松結構“gassy system“ 中文翻譯: 充氣系統“gassy tube“ 中文翻譯: 漏氣真空管; 氣體的管“gassy water“ 中文翻譯: 含氣水“classification of gassy mines“ 中文翻譯: 瓦斯煤礦分級“first category gassy mine“ 中文翻譯: 一級瓦斯煤礦“high gassy mine“ 中文翻譯: 高沼氣礦井“highly gassy mine“ 中文翻譯: 高瓦斯礦井“second category gassy mine“ 中文翻譯: 二級瓦斯礦“slightly gassy mine“ 中文翻譯: 低級瓦斯礦“super category gassy mine“ 中文翻譯: 超級瓦斯煤礦“third category gassy mine“ 中文翻譯: 三級瓦斯煤礦“very gassy mine“ 中文翻譯: 超級瓦斯礦; 超級沼氣礦“gassum“ 中文翻譯: 加蘇姆“gasstrength“ 中文翻譯: 氣體濃度
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But starting with the 1995 discovery of the first extrasolar planet a gassy monster like jupiter but orbiting seven times as close to its star as mercury orbits around our sun each new find has seemed stranger than the last 但1995年發現了第一顆太陽系之外的行星一顆像木星一樣的巨大氣態星球,它圍繞自己的母星運行的距離比水星繞著太陽運行時的距離還近7倍。 |
Comments on ventilation system of fully mechanized caving mining face with high gassy , seam outburst and spontaneous combustion in potential 淺析高瓦斯突出易燃煤層綜放工作面通風系統 |
Gas outburst prevention technology in high gassy gateway heading face of quot; three soft quot; instability coal seam 不穩定煤層高突區域掘進工作面瓦斯綜合治理 |
Technology of spontaneous combustion control for fully mechanized caving mining in high gassy combustible thick seam 高瓦斯易燃特厚煤層綜放開采自燃防治技術 |
Practice of gas control technique for fully mechanized longwall face along dip in high gassy region 高瓦斯區傾向長壁綜采面瓦斯防治技術與實踐 |
Matters for attention in extraction design of seams with spontaneous combustion in high gassy mine 高瓦斯礦井自燃煤層開采設計中應注意的問題 |
Mine fire control in fully mechanized coal caving face in high gassy flammable soft broken seam 高瓦斯易燃松軟破碎煤層綜放工作面火災的防治 |
Preliminary approach to coal and gas outburst control in local high - gassy mines in jincheng 晉城地方煤礦高瓦斯礦區煤與瓦斯突出防治的初探 |
Feasibility analysis of gas comprehensive controlling in abnormal gas district of low gassy mine 低瓦斯礦井瓦斯異常區綜合治理可行性分析 |
Discussion on gas comprehensive control measures for fully mec hanized high gassy coal mining face 高瓦斯綜采工作面瓦斯綜合治理措施探討 |
Application of high level gas drainage gateway to high gassy fully mechanized coal mining face 高位瓦斯排放巷在高瓦斯綜采工作面的應用 |
Gas geology method for regional prediction of coal and gas outburst in gassy mine 高瓦斯礦井煤與瓦斯突出區域預測瓦斯地質方法 |
Comprehensive gas control for high gassy fully mechanized top coal caving mining face 高瓦斯綜采放頂煤回采工作面瓦斯綜合治理 |
Application of gas drainage from holes along roof strike in high gassy coal face 頂板走向鉆孔抽放技術在高瓦斯回采面的應用 |
Discussion on roadway layout mode in high - gassy fully mechanized caving mining district 高瓦斯綜放采區巷道布置方式的探討 |
Basic methods for strengthening safe ventilation management in a high gassy coal face 加強高瓦斯采掘面安全管理的基本做法 |
Erection and application of safety monitoring system in high gassy coal mining area 高瓦斯礦區安全監控系統的架構及應用 |
Comprehensive gas control during mine construction period of high gassy sihe mine 寺河高瓦斯礦井基建期間的瓦斯綜合治理 |
New technologies for fighting extraordinary fire in a high - gassy coal mine 特大型火區的地面鉆孔注三相泡沫滅火技術 |