
gas n.(pl. gases )1.氣,氣體,氣態 〔cf....

gas bacillus

Our gas bill for the last quarter was unusually high . 我們上季度的煤氣費異常高。

The surface of the sun is a glowing gas envelope . 太陽的表面是一層熾熱的氣體層。

They are not affected by poisonous fumes or gases . 他們不受有毒煙霧或氣體影響。

Rioters donned handkerchiefs as gas masks . 暴亂者扎上手帕捂住口鼻作為防毒面具。

They carry captured gas with them in the bed . 它們就帶著吸附的氣體在床內運動。

He was badly gassed in the war . 他在戰爭中深受毒氣傷害。

Some gas is leaking from the plant . 從該廠漏出一些氣體。

They have actually threatened the use of gas . 他們實際上已經威脅說要使用毒氣。

The adsorbed gas is the adsorbate . 被吸附的氣體叫吸附質。

His long speech was nothing but gas and hot air . 他的長篇大論只是吹牛和空話。

Gas begins to start up in the shops . 店鋪里的煤氣燈點亮。

The burning gases can ignite the lean mixture . 燃燒著的氣體能點燃稀的混合氣。

We call air a mixture of gases . 我們把空氣稱為氣體混合物。

The gas is stored under pressure in the tank . 該氣體在壓縮狀態下貯存于罐中。

Matter exists in three states : solid , liquid and gas . 物質以三種形態存在:

Helium is a gas used in balloons . 氦是一種用于氣球的氣體。

Why don't you coast down here and save gas ? 這段路,你為什么不滑車省些油呢?

Chemists study the nature of gases . 化學家研究氣體的性質。

This quantity is called the universal gas constant . 這個量叫做普適氣體恒量。