
garden n.1.庭園;花園;菜園;果園。2.〔pl.〕 公園,(...

garden apartments

I caught a boy stealing apples from the garden . 我撞見一個男孩兒偷園里的蘋果。

We grow strawberries in our garden . 我們的園子里種草莓。

Aziz drifted into the garden . 阿濟茲慢悠悠地走到花園去。

The garden was a riot of color . 園中五顏六色,燦爛華美。

He branched off through covent garden . 他從古凡園穿過去。

It does not ripple like a brook in a garden . 它不像花園里的小溪那樣潺潺汩汩。

She spent the afternoon pulling weeds in the garden . 她一下午都在花園里拔草。

Our garden is bordered on one side by a stream . 我們的花園有一邊以小河為界。

My garden wants your care, as before . 同先前一樣,我的花園仍然需要你去照管。

He had been making the garden in order . 他一直在整理花園。

A bee sits on a sunflower in the garden . 一只蜜蜂棲息在花園中的一棵葵花上。

Shall we sit here or go out in the garden ? 我們在這兒坐坐呢還是上花園里去?

The children are playing in the garden . 孩子們在花園里游戲。

Wealthy owners of large gardens put up hothouses . 大果園的富翁建立了溫室。

The man does odd jobs in my father 's garden . 那人在我父親的花園里打零工。

He crossed the garden in three leaps . 他跳三步就跨過了花園。

Suzhou is celebrated for her beautiful gardens . 蘇州以其美麗的園林而聞名。

Everything in your garden is nice . 你家園子里的一切都是好的。

The garden wall is being washed by the floodwater . 大水沖刷著花園的圍墻。