
garbage n.1.殘羹剩菜;丟棄的食物;〔美俚〕食品。2.廢料,臟...

garbage can

It is never invoked by the garbage collector 垃圾回收器從不調用此析構函數。

I only put those things in the garbage as a joke 我只是把那些東西當作玩笑扔進垃圾

The boy scrabbled about in the garbage for food 這餓極了的貓正在垃圾堆里找吃的。

No more picking up garbage , and no more water main 再也不用揀垃圾,修水管了

Would prevent the garbage collector from calling the 的調用將使垃圾回收器無法調用

Beijing jinzhou anjie garbage disposing co . , ltd 北京金洲安潔廢物處理有限公司

I usually never listen to that kind of garbage at all 我以前從來不聽那種垃圾

Yuri , there are men going through our garbage cans 尤里. . .有人朝我們的垃圾箱走來

Taking out your garbage , cleaning up after you 幫你清理“垃圾” ,做善后工作

What the fuck is going out with the garbage 他媽的知道那些“垃圾”的情況嗎?

Assemblies , garbage collection , and publisher policy 程序集、垃圾回收和發行者策略

Look ! look you piece of garbage ! look at how much it is 你自己看!看看是多少錢!

Hermetic garbage cans , garbage towers and garbage bags 密閉式垃圾桶,垃圾樓,垃圾袋

Garbage collection and tuning options in sun jvms Sun jvm中的垃圾收集以及微調選項

Mom : i know , but you should sort the garbage 我知道,可是你垃圾應該要分類啊!

Do you know what your garbage collector is up to 您知道垃圾收集器在干什么嗎?

Vivian & ruby : swill ? you mean garbage fed to hogs 餿水? ?指的事喂豬吃的那種嗎

The boy booted the banana skin to the garbage heap 男孩把香蕉皮踢到垃圾堆旁。

Why don ' t you just throw your garbage in the river 你怎么不干脆把垃圾丟進河里?