
garb n.1.服裝(尤指某一種人穿的服裝);裝束。2.外表,外...

When confucius ' disciple zi lu felt reluctant to take off his mourning garb after completing the period of mourning for his sister , confucius admonished him , “ you think you ' re the only one who feels reluctant 所以,當年孔子的學生子路,為他唯一的姐姐守完喪期后,還不忍除下喪服,孔子就告誡他?你以為只有你才不忍心是不是?

“ the only australian garb i ' d rule out is speedos and thongs , “ howard said . “ i don ' t think i ' d do that , that wouldn ' t be very diplomatic 霍華德總理說: “緊身泳褲和夾指涼拖是唯一一個我不會考慮的方案。我不可能讓領導人們穿這個,因為那不太合乎與外交禮儀。 ”

“ the only australian garb i ' d rule out is speedos and thongs , “ howard said . “ i don ' t think i ' d do that , that wouldn ' t be very diplomatic 霍華德總理說: “緊身泳褲和夾指涼拖是唯一一個我不會考慮的方案。我不可能讓領導人們穿這個,那與外交場合不太搭調。 ”

Then perceiving for the first time the garb of the traveller he had to entertain , caderousse hastily exclaimed : “ a thousand pardons 說話間,卡德魯斯這才看清了他所接待的這位旅客的相貌身份,他趕緊說, “請多多原諒,先生!

“ teresa was clothed from head to foot in the garb of the count of san - felice s daughter “德麗莎從頭到腳都穿著費里斯伯爵女兒的衣服。

When confucius ' disciple zi lu felt reluctant to take off his mourning garb after completing the period of mourning for his sister , confucius admonished him , “ you think you ' re the only one who feels reluctant 所以,當年孔子的學生子路,為他唯一的姐姐守完喪期后,還不忍除下喪服,孔子就告誡他?你以為只有你才不忍心是不是?

“ the only australian garb i ' d rule out is speedos and thongs , “ howard said . “ i don ' t think i ' d do that , that wouldn ' t be very diplomatic 霍華德總理說: “緊身泳褲和夾指涼拖是唯一一個我不會考慮的方案。我不可能讓領導人們穿這個,因為那不太合乎與外交禮儀。 ”

“ the only australian garb i ' d rule out is speedos and thongs , “ howard said . “ i don ' t think i ' d do that , that wouldn ' t be very diplomatic 霍華德總理說: “緊身泳褲和夾指涼拖是唯一一個我不會考慮的方案。我不可能讓領導人們穿這個,那與外交場合不太搭調。 ”

Then perceiving for the first time the garb of the traveller he had to entertain , caderousse hastily exclaimed : “ a thousand pardons 說話間,卡德魯斯這才看清了他所接待的這位旅客的相貌身份,他趕緊說, “請多多原諒,先生!

“ teresa was clothed from head to foot in the garb of the count of san - felice s daughter “德麗莎從頭到腳都穿著費里斯伯爵女兒的衣服。


The child had a native grace which does not invariably coexist with faultless beauty ; its attire , however simple , always impressed the beholder as if it were the very garb that precisely became it best . but little pearl was not clad in rustic weeds 達孩子有一種天然的優雅,這可不是無瑕的麗質所一定具備的她的衣服無論怎樣簡樸,見到的人總會認為只有這樣穿著才能極盡其美。

Although , by a seemingly careless arrangement of his heterogeneous garb , he had endeavoured to conceal or abate the peculiarity , it was sufficiently evident to hester prynne , that one of this man ' s shoulders rose higher than the other 盡管他似乎是漫不經心地隨便穿了件土人的衣服,其實是要遮掩或減少身體的怪異之處,但海絲特?白蘭仍一眼便看出那個人的兩肩并不一般高。

Although , by a seemingly careless arrangement of his heterogeneous garb , he had endeavoured to conceal or abate the peculiarity , it was sufficiently evident to hester prynne , that one of this man s shoulders rose higher than the other 盡管他似乎是漫不經心地隨便穿了件土人的衣服,其實是要遮掩或減少身體的怪異之處,但海絲特白蘭仍一眼便看出那個人的兩肩并不一般高。

Commonwealth - the statesman , the priest , and the soldier - deemed it a duty then to assume the outward state and majesty , which , in accordance with antique style , was looked upon as the proper garb of 當年,我們這個合眾國的奠基人和先輩們那些政治家牧師和軍人,將注重外表的莊嚴和威武視為一種職責,按照古老的風范,那種打扮正是社會賢達和政府委員的恰當裝束。

But it was a remarkable attribute of this garb , and , indeed , of the child s whole appearance , that it irresistibly and inevitably reminded the beholder of the token which hester prynne was doomed to wear upon her bosom 然而,這身衣裙,老實講,還有這孩子的整個外貌,實在引人注目,使目睹者不可遏止也難以避免地想到海絲特白蘭胸前注定要佩戴的那個標記。

By nagging , of course , which only made his behavior worse : he ' d drive faster instead of slower ; shave less frequently , not more ; and leave his 9 ) reeking bike garb on the bedroom floor longer than ever 當然,嘮叨只有使他的行為更糟:他開車的速度會更快而不是更慢,刮胡子的次數只會更少而不會更多,騎自行車時穿的臭哄哄的衣服放在臥室地板上的時間會更長。

He made his way along the corridors through force of habit ; he threw aside his magisterial robe , not out of deference to etiquette , but because it was an unbearable burden , a veritable garb of nessus , insatiate in torture 赫之妻遵尼蘇斯的遺言,把丈夫的襯衣用這怪物的血浸過,赫克里斯穿上后因此中毒,苦惱不堪,卒致自殺。譯注。

When confucius ' disciple zi lu felt reluctant to take off his mourning garb after completing the period of mourning for his sister , confucius admonished him , “ you think you ' re the only one who feels reluctant 所以,當年孔子的學生子路,為他唯一的姐姐守完喪期后,還不忍除下喪服,孔子就告誡他?你以為只有你才不忍心是不是?

The post - chaise stopped ; the driver rang the door - bell , and a gentleman alighted attired in travelling garb ; but it was not mr . rochester ; it was a tall , fashionable - looking man , a stranger 馬車停了下來,駕車人按了按門鈴,一位穿著旅行裝的紳士跳下車來。不過不是羅切斯特先生,是位看上去很時髦的大個子男人,一個陌生人。