gaoler n.監獄看守。
n. 監獄看守。 “gaoleress“ 中文翻譯: n. 監獄女看守。 “gaolbird“ 中文翻譯: 囚犯“gaoli“ 中文翻譯: 高里“gaolan liedao“ 中文翻譯: 高欄列島“gaoli mo“ 中文翻譯: 高麗墨“gaolan dao“ 中文翻譯: 高欄島“gaoli renshen“ 中文翻譯: 高麗人參“gaolan“ 中文翻譯: 皋蘭; 高欄; 高嵐“gaoli shangren“ 中文翻譯: 崔呈浩“gaol-fever“ 中文翻譯: 斑疹傷寒
gaoleress |
The gaoler standing at his side , and the other gaolers moving about , who would have been well enough as to appearance in the ordinary exercise of their functions , looked so extravagantly coarse contrasted with sorrowing mothers and blooming daughters who were there with the apparitions of the coquette , the young beauty , and the mature woman delicately bred - that the inversion of all experience and likelihood which the scene of shadows presented , was heightened to its utmost 站在他身邊的典獄長和行動著的看守在一般執行任務時雖也看得過去,但跟這些悲傷的母親和妙的女兒一對比,跟芳姿綽約的佳麗年輕的少婦和受過優秀教養的成熟的婦女等人的幽靈一對比,便顯得異常粗鄙。在他一切的經歷之中,這個充滿幽暗身影的場面使他的滄桑之感達到了極點。 |
There was a murmur of commiseration as charles darnay crossed the room to a grated door where the gaoler awaited him , and many voices - among which , the soft and compassionate voices of woman were conspicuous - gave him good wishes and encouragement 達爾內穿過屋子來到一道鐵柵門前,典獄長已在那幾等候。這時許多聲音向他表示良好的祝愿和鼓勵,其中婦女們輕柔的關切聲最為明顯。 |
Then , the british military were gaolers to large numbers of convicts ( 1 ) , many of them irish , imprisoned ( 2 ) for petty offences and sentenced ( 3 ) to transportation to this penal settlement 當時,英軍為主的獄卒在此看守大批的罪犯,其中大部份都是愛爾蘭人,他們只因為犯了瑣碎的罪行,就被判處流放至此。 |
His bloated gaoler , who wore spectacles to read with , glanced over them to assure himself that he had taken his place , and went through the list , making a similar short pause at each name 他那浮腫的典獄官念名單要戴眼鏡,一邊念,一邊看犯人是否到位,每念一個名字都要停頓一下,然后再繼續念,直到念完。 |
As the gaoler made a general inspection of these objects , and of the four walls , before going out , a wandering fancy wandered through the mind of the prisoner leaning against the wall opposite 牢房里有一張椅子,一張桌子和一床草薦。典獄長在出門前對這些東西和四堵墻壁做了一般的檢查。 |
What the unknown prisoner had written will never be read , but he had written something , and hidden it away to keep it from the gaoler . my father , exclaimed lucie , you are ill 那無名的囚徒究竟寫了些什么是再也讀不到了,但他的確寫下了一點東西,而且藏了起來,混過了獄卒的眼睛。 ” |
To him , that this gaoler was so unwholesomely bloated , both in face and person , as to look like a man who had been drowned and filled with water 這時面對著他靠在墻上的囚犯心里忽然閃過一種飄忽的幻想:那典獄長面部浮腫,全身浮腫,腫得嚇人,像個淹死了泡脹了的尸體。 |
When they had ascended forty steps the prisoner of half an hour already counted them , the gaoler opened a low black door , and they passed into a solitary cell 他們一共走了四十步坐了半小時牢的囚犯計了數。典獄長打開一道低矮的黑門,他們進入了一個孤立的囚室。 |
He turned at the grated door , to render the thanks of his heart ; it closed under the gaoler s hand ; and the apparitions vanished from his sight for ever 他在鐵柵門前轉過身子,表示衷心感謝。鐵柵門在典獄長手下關上了,幽靈們從此在他眼里永遠消失。 |
There was but a gaoler left , along with two of the four men who had taken him last night , and barsad . the people had all poured out to the show in the streets 人們全上街看熱鬧去了,只剩下一個典獄官和昨晚來提犯人的四人中的兩個,還有一個是巴薩。 |
The gaoler returned a few moments later with a pair of glasses and the usual copy of the letter which he proceeded to read to the prisoner 那監獄看守一會兒后返回到監獄去,他戴著一副眼鏡,手上拿著封普通的信,然后把信讀給犯人聽。 |
A gaoler , with a list in his hand , looked in , merely saying , follow me , evr monde ! and he followed into a large dark room , at a distance 一個看守拿著名單往門里望了望,只說了句, “隨我來,埃佛瑞蒙德! ” |
The gaoler ' s daughter saw that the topic was doing him as much good as the tea , as indeed it was , and encouraged him to go on 獄卒的女兒看到,這個話題像茶點一樣,對蟾蜍大有裨益,就鼓勵他說下去。 |
But i hope , said the gentleman , following the chief gaoler with his eyes , who moved across the room , that you are not in secret “但愿你不是密號? ”那人說,一面望著在屋里走動的典獄長。 |
The gaoler s wife , being provided with no answer to the question , merely replied , one must have patience , my dear 典獄長的老婆不知道該怎么回答,只說了一句, “要有耐心,親愛的! ” |
In the last act , a gaoler would always come on to the stage with a letter which he would hand to the prisoner 在最后一幕中,獄卒手持一封信上場,然后將信交給獄中那位貴族。 |
Their lists went forth every evening , and were read out by the gaolers of the various prisons to their prisoners 他們每天晚上發出名單,由各個監獄的典獄官向囚犯們公布。 |
When the gaoler was gone , he thought in the same wandering way , now am i left , as if i were dead 典獄長離開之后,他仍然飄飄忽忽想著, “我也好像是死了,扔在這兒了。 ” |
I mount to the cell , with a fellow - citizen who is one of the jury , directed by a gaoler 我跟一個公民在一個管牢的人帶領之下爬上了牢房。那公民現在是在座的一個陪審員。 |