gantlet n.= gauntlet1.
n. = gauntlet1. n. 1.(已往軍隊中使犯人走在兩排人中間受鞭打的)夾笞刑。 2.交叉射擊,交叉火網。 3.【鐵路】(二線經過橋或隧道時的)匯合的一段軌道,套式軌道的套疊處。 短語和例子gantlet track 套式軌道。 run the gantlet 受夾笞刑;受夾攻,遭受嚴格考驗。 vt. 使(軌道等)套疊。 “gantline“ 中文翻譯: n. 【航海】桅頂吊索。 “ganting danau“ 中文翻譯: 甘廷湖“gantly drilling machine“ 中文翻譯: 龍門移動式鉆床“ganting“ 中文翻譯: 甘亭“gantmakher“ 中文翻譯: 甘特馬赫爾“gantin“ 中文翻譯: 岡坦“gantmakher effect“ 中文翻譯: 甘特馬克效應“gantimurov“ 中文翻譯: 甘季穆羅夫“gantman“ 中文翻譯: 甘特曼“gantillon“ 中文翻譯: 岡蒂永
gantline |
The crowd filed up the aisles : the aged and needy postmaster , who had seen better days ; the mayor and his wife - for they had a mayor there , among other unnecessaries ; the justice of the peace ; the widow douglass , fair , smart , and forty , a generous , good - hearted soul and well - to - do , her hill mansion the only palace in the town , and the most hospitable and much the most lavish in the matter of festivities that st . petersburg could boast ; the bent and venerable major and mrs . ward ; lawyer riverson , the new notable from a distance ; next the belle of the village , followed by a troop of lawn - clad and ribbon - decked young heart - breakers ; then all the young clerks in town in a body - for they had stood in the vestibule sucking their cane - heads , a circling wall of oiled and simpering admirers , till the last girl had run their gantlet ; and last of all came the model boy , willie mufferson , taking as heedful care of his mother as if she were cut glass 人們簇擁著順著過道往里走:有上了年紀的貧苦的郵政局局長,他曾經是過過好日子的有鎮長和他的太太這地方竟然還有個鎮長,這和其他許多沒有必要的擺設一樣有治安法官有道格拉斯寡婦,她來歲,長得小巧而美麗,為人寬厚,慷慨大方而又心地善良,生活還算富裕,她山上的住宅是鎮上唯一漂亮講究的,可算得上殿堂,每逢節慶日,她可是圣彼德堡鎮上人們引以為榮的最熱情好客最樂善好施的人有駝背的德高望重的華德少校和他的夫人還有維爾遜律師,一位遠道而來的新貴客。再下面就是鎮上的大美人,后面跟著一大幫穿細麻布衣服扎著緞帶的讓人害單相思病的年輕姑娘。跟在她們后里的是鎮上所有年輕的店員和職員,他們一涌而進原來他們是一群如癡如醉的愛慕者,開始都站在門廊里,嘬著自己的手指頭,圍在那兒站成一道墻似的,一直到最后一個姑娘走出他們的包圍圈為止。 |