
gamut n.1.【音樂】音階;長音階;全音域。2.〔比喻〕整個領...

He then ran through his gamut of childhood dreams , from experiencing zero gravity and playing professional american football to winning stuffed animals in the amusement park and working as a walt disney “ imaginer “ , and how he tried to achieve them 接著,蘭迪開始回憶自己童年時的一系列夢想,如參加美國職業橄欖球聯賽、在游樂場贏得填充玩具以及成為迪斯尼公司的一名動畫設計師,并講述他為實現這些夢想奮斗的過程。

There were times when he came off really bad , but overall , you got the gamut of shaq quips and one - liners . . . from the “ i ' m a big goofy kid “ quotes to the intimidating serious smack - talking 接下來也有姚明表現非常差的那種片段,但總體上,你看到了鯊克的妙語連珠,然后便是諸如“我是一個傻大個”之類的言論。

I ' ve run the gamut “ a “ to “ z 我跑遍了a到z所有的音階

He then ran through his gamut of childhood dreams , from experiencing zero gravity and playing professional american football to winning stuffed animals in the amusement park and working as a walt disney “ imaginer “ , and how he tried to achieve them 接著,蘭迪開始回憶自己童年時的一系列夢想,如參加美國職業橄欖球聯賽、在游樂場贏得填充玩具以及成為迪斯尼公司的一名動畫設計師,并講述他為實現這些夢想奮斗的過程。

There were times when he came off really bad , but overall , you got the gamut of shaq quips and one - liners . . . from the “ i ' m a big goofy kid “ quotes to the intimidating serious smack - talking 接下來也有姚明表現非常差的那種片段,但總體上,你看到了鯊克的妙語連珠,然后便是諸如“我是一個傻大個”之類的言論。

I ' ve run the gamut “ a “ to “ z 我跑遍了a到z所有的音階


Inevitably , he will have a brush with the law and , as a result of his first arrest , come under a superintendent s discretion order . but sometimes this has no effect and he will go on to commit more serious offences and probably go through the whole gamut of detention and training centres before finally ending up in prison 對于這樣的男孩,這不一定起作用,仍然一次又一次犯事,所犯的都是更嚴重的罪行,結果可能先是被判入勞教中心,接著是教導所,最后是身系牢獄。

Because there are some problems in gamut mapping technology , such as : the cie l * a * b * is not a perceptually uniform color space , the knowledge of custom colors is not sufficient , and how to select the anchor point is very important , we propose some ideas to solve these problems 本文在分析現有色域匹配技術的基礎上,針對其采用的抽象顏色空間非完全均勻、缺乏對習慣色的研究、以及如何選擇最佳映射參考點等問題,提出了若干解決方法。

The purpose of this dissertation is to study the problems of driving algorithm of high quality image display in panel display devices , and adjustment of color based on the virtual gamut transformation with merging approximation theory as essential means 本論文的目的是以擬合逼近理論和顯示色度學為基礎,研究平板顯示器高質量的圖形、圖像顯示驅動算法和基于準虛擬色度空間變換的顏色修正方法及其在高清晰度平板顯示器中的應用。

He then ran through his gamut of childhood dreams , from experiencing zero gravity and playing professional american football to winning stuffed animals in the amusement park and working as a walt disney “ imaginer “ , and how he tried to achieve them 接著,蘭迪開始回憶自己童年時的一系列夢想,如參加美國職業橄欖球聯賽、在游樂場贏得填充玩具以及成為迪斯尼公司的一名動畫設計師,并講述他為實現這些夢想奮斗的過程。

This luncheon talk series is jointly presented by the hku foundation and the hku s faculty of business and economics which aims to bring about a dynamic interchange of ideas and insights of influential figures from a gamut of industries and disciplines in hong kong 迎向挑戰午餐講座系列由香港大學教研發展基金與港大經濟及工商管理學院合辦,邀請各行各業的成功人士分享獨特的經驗見解,與參加人士作互動交流。

The technology now used mainly heritage replication , and its features are : handcrafted production networks without row : rich layers , color robust , wide color gamut , the reappearance of the original faithfully the true face , or even genuine level 該技術目前主要用于文物復制工作,它的特點是:純手工制作、無網點、連續調,層次豐富,色彩厚實,色域寬,能忠實的再現原稿的真實面貌,甚至達到亂真的程度。

This luncheon talk series is jointly presented by the hku foundation and hku s faculty of business and economics . it aims to bring about a dynamic interchange of ideas and insights of influential figures from a gamut of industries and disciplines in hong kong 高瞻遠矚午餐講座系列由香港大學教研發展基金與港大經濟及工商管理學院合辦,邀請各行各業的成功人士分享獨特的經驗見解,與參加人士作互動交流。

On the basis of analyzing the method of producing traditional printer sample sets , an improved method to produce printer sample sets is presented , which enlarges the printer gamut availably and improve the color reproduction ability of the printer 在分析傳統打印樣本集生成方法的基礎上,改進了打印機建模過程中打印樣本集的生成方法,該方法有效增大了打印色域,提高了打印機的色彩再現能力。

Compared to conventional am screening , fm xm screening has solved a number of printing problems . it produces finer details or sharper images with wider color gamut and no moir which is especially suitable for printing art books 與傳統的調幅網am screening比較,調頻網或混合網技術fm xm screening帶來更佳的印刷效果,線條字體更細致影像更清晰利落色域更廣無網花尤其適合印刷藝術書刊。

No other filmmaker , not even mizoguchi or ozu , was more adored within his home country than kinoshita keisuke 1912 - 1998 . in prolific works that run a gamut of genres , he had a knack for drawing the most tears and provoking the most laughter 木下惠介作品每多肯定人性正直勇敢的一面,諷刺丑惡卻不事渲染,看其電影,每令人驚嘆其技法高超之馀,情感受到洗滌,回復對生命的希望。

A new mapping method , which is based on the geometric characteristics of the gamut of monitor and printer , is also presented . the method improves the accuracy of the color reproduction and reduces the consuming time 提出了基于色域幾何特征的裁剪匹配算法,通過有效地利用色域幾何特征,提高了顏色再現精度,同時減小了對圖象進行匹配處理所需的時間。

The next challenge in securing the pda is to offer protection against malicious code attacks malicious code covers the wide gamut of trojan horses , viruses , and malicious scripts and applications 保護pda的下一個挑戰是抵抗惡意代碼的攻擊(惡意代碼包括無處不在的特洛伊木馬、病毒以及惡意腳本和應用程序) 。

There were times when he came off really bad , but overall , you got the gamut of shaq quips and one - liners . . . from the “ i ' m a big goofy kid “ quotes to the intimidating serious smack - talking 接下來也有姚明表現非常差的那種片段,但總體上,你看到了鯊克的妙語連珠,然后便是諸如“我是一個傻大個”之類的言論。