
gametophyte n.【植物;植物學】配子體。


Several vegetative clones of male or female gametophytes of u . pinnatifida has been induced and parthenogenesis of female gametophytes has been observed . 90 % of the gametophytes can grow into young sporophytes one month after fertilization . no staining background of either lacz or gus was found in different tissues of u . pinnatifida 進行裙帶菜配子體孤雌生殖、孤雄生殖和雌雄受精的再生途徑實驗,結果沒有得到孤雄生殖的裙帶菜,孤雌生殖的效率低、時間長且發育不正常,雌雄受精的再生途徑一個月左右90 %以上的雌配子體都正常萌發成幼孢子體。

The results were as follow : in the process of its male organ development , these are many abnormalities , such as : premature tapetal degradation , giant tapetal cells , the great vocalization of the tapetal cells and inadaptable function of callose enzyme , which lead abnormal and premature degradation microspores and male gametophytes 實驗結果表明: 1猬實的雄性生殖器官在發育過程中,出現絨氈層細胞的液泡化、肥大、提前降解及不適時釋放胼胝質酶等異常現象,造成猬實花粉發育過程中出現畸形、解體。

In this paper , the whole process of it microsporogenesis and male gametophytes development was observed with microscope to sure weather stamen development is normal . at the same time , in order to provide techniques on biotechnology conservation and the foundation of its resources gene pool in cell engineering , its techniques on culture in vitro was studied 本論文通過對猬實小孢子發生和雄配子體發育全過程進行細胞觀察,探尋猬實的雄性器官的發育是否是猬實有性生殖的薄弱環節,并對猬實的離體培養進行了初步的研究,為猬實生物技術保存、建立猬實種質資源基因庫提供細胞工程方面的途徑和技術。

A genetic transformation model for the brown seaweed undaria pinnatifida has been primarily set up by using micro - particle bombardment as the method , female or male gametophytes as the gene recipients , hybridization as the regeneration route and chloramphenicol , hygromycin or basta as selective reagents 本文從轉化受體、轉化方法、報告基因、再生途徑、篩選方法等方面對裙帶菜的遺傳轉化進行了研究。首先,分離并建立了裙帶菜雌雄配子體的無性繁殖系,進行了裙帶菜的不同再生途徑的研究。

This article mainly discusses the large - scaled cultural conditions of clone in gametophyte laminaria . it studies the proper temperature , light time , light intensity , the consumption of nitrogen and phosphorus , the cultural state and inoculating density on the growth of gametophytic clone , the experiment of large - scaled culture had been done under comparatively proper conditions , in the same time , we studied the growth rule of gametophytic clone in the cultural process 本文主要探討了海帶配子體克隆的大規模培養條件,對海帶配子體克隆生長的適宜溫度、光照時間、光照強度、營養鹽消耗、培養狀態以及接種密度進行了研究,并在相對適宜條件下進行了大規模培養實驗,同時,對海帶配子體克隆在培養過程中的生長規律進行了研究。

Because of the special biological structure of bryology , it was very difficult to transfer foreign gene into the protonema or gametophyte by agrobacterium - mediated transformation . protoplasts as acceptor , using direct dna transfer methods such as microprojectile bombardment and peg - mediated transformation is becoming a good way 由于蘚類植物特殊的生物學結構用農桿菌侵染其原絲體或者莖葉體很難實現轉化,以原生質體作受體是蘚類植物轉化的常用途徑。

Like thallose liverworts , the hornworts have an alternation of generations in which the gametophyte is a dorsiventral flattened green phallus and the saprophyte is an upright structure that has a foot embedded in the gametophytes , from which it draws nutrition 與葉狀體植物地錢一樣,角苔具有明顯的世代交替, ,配子體在世代交替中占優勢,孢子體占劣勢且利用其基足插入配子體的組織中吸取養料,以供孢子體生長。

In order to explore the seedless mechanism of ponkan ( citrus reticulata blanco ) , new seedless ponkan cultivar lipeng no . 2 and common seedy ponkan cultivar were used as materials for observing fertility and compatibility of male and female gametophyte 摘要為系統探明?柑無核發生的機制,以無核?柑新品種麗? 2號和普通有核?柑為試材,對雌雄配子體的育性和親和性進行了觀察。

Hofmeister aso showed that the gametophytes and sporophytes of seed - bearing plants were homologous with those of ferns and mosses and that the gymnosperms formed a plant group between the latter and the angiosperms 他認為種子植物的孢子體和配子體與蕨類以及苔蘚類是同源的,還指出裸子植物形成了一個單獨的組群,它是位于蕨類植物與被子植物之間的一個植物類群。

But the plants did n ' t accept this fact passively , instead they took active strategies of adaptability , such as mass blossom , prolonging the functional period of female and male gametophyte , and generalization of pollen medium 但植物并非被動地接受這一事實,而采取了積極的適應對策:大量開花,延長雌雄配子體的功能期和傳粉媒介的泛化。

Examples include male and female plants in dioecious species , aerial and submerged leaves , alternation of gametophyte and sporophyte stages of a life cycle , and mesophyll and bundle - sheath chloroplasts 例如在雌雄異株物種中的雌性植物和雄性植物,氣生的和被水浸沒的葉片,生活史中的配子體與孢子體的交替,葉肉和維管束鞘葉綠體等。

Protonema ( pl . protonemata ) the young bryophyte gametophyte that develops following spore germination . the mature gametophyte plants develop from buds that form at several points along the protonema 原絲體:苔蘚植物中直接由孢子萌發形成的結構稱為原絲體。原絲體上形成1個或幾個芽體,芽體進一步發育為配子體。

Sporogonium the sporophyte generation in mosses and liverworts . it develops from the zygote and comprises the foot , seta , and capsule . the sporogonium is parasitic on the gametophyte generation 孢子體:為苔蘚和地錢的孢子體世代具有。由受精卵發育而來,包括基足、柄和孢蒴。孢子體是寄生在配子體上的。

In bryophytes ( mosses , liverworts and horworts ) the haploid gametophyte is the dominant phase of the life cycle and the sporophyte is represented only by the capsule , seta , and foot 在苔蘚類植物中(苔蘚,地錢,金魚藻)單倍的配子體占生活史的主要部分,孢子體包括孢蒴、蒴柄和基足。

The concept of an alternation of generations can be extended to the flowering plants , in which the embryo sac and pollen represent the much reduced famale and male gametophyte generations respectively 這個概念也可以運用在有花植物上,由胚囊和花粉各自表達雌雄配子體世代。

When mature the gametophyte shows differentiation into stem and leaves but there are no roots or vascular tissues , but mosses do possess elongated conducting cells 當成熟時,配子體表現出莖和葉的分化,但沒有根和維管組織,但蘚類擁有一些延長的傳導細胞。

Rhizoid a unicellular rootlike structure found in certain algae and in the gametophyte generation of the bryophytes and some ferns 假根:在一些藻類、苔蘚植物和裸子植物配子體中存在的由單個細胞形成的類似根的結構。

In vascular plants the diploid sporophyte is the dominant phase and in the ferns , for example , the gametophyte is a small prothallus 在維管植物(蕨類)中二倍體的孢子體占生活史的主要部分,配子體僅為原葉體。

Light plays very important role in the growth of gametophyte clone . light time and intensity affect its growth directly 在光周期為24h d ,光照強度為1500 - 2500lux條件下,克隆細胞具有最快的生長速度。