
gambol n.歡躍,跳躍;嬉戲。vi.(〔英國〕 -ll-)歡躍,...

His recent claim concerning the “ hedge funds ' usd one trillion gambol on rmb appreciation “ made this topic even hotter throughout china 而日前他關于“ 1萬億美元對沖基金豪賭人民幣升值”的言論,更讓這一話題熱遍大江南北。

Gold fish gambolling around a “ lotus 金魚戲蓮

His recent claim concerning the “ hedge funds ' usd one trillion gambol on rmb appreciation “ made this topic even hotter throughout china 而日前他關于“ 1萬億美元對沖基金豪賭人民幣升值”的言論,更讓這一話題熱遍大江南北。

Gold fish gambolling around a “ lotus 金魚戲蓮


La faloise sat on one of these chairs at the back of the room , between the table and the stove . he seemed bent on passing the evening there , and yet he was not quite happy . indeed , he kept tucking up his long legs in his endeavors to escape from a whole litter of black kittens who were gamboling wildly round them while the mother cat sat bolt upright , staring at him with yellow eyes 拉法盧瓦茲坐在里邊的一張椅子上,椅子在桌子和爐子中間他似乎決心夜里呆在那兒不走了,然而,他有些局促不安,他把兩條腿縮回來,因為一窩小黑貓在他身邊拼命鉆來鉆去,那只老母貓則坐在他的后邊,用它的黃眼睛盯著他看。

From the eaves and fences hang stalactites of snow , and in the yard stand stalagmites covering some concealed core . , the trees and shrubs rear white arms to the sky on every side ; and where were walls and fences , we see fantastic forms stretching in frolic gambols across the dusky landscape , as if nature had strewn her fresh designs over the fields by night as models for man ' s art 大樹小樹向西面八方伸出了白色的手臂,指向天空;墻壁和籬笆在昏暗景色中呈現一些活潑亂跳的奇形怪狀,仿佛大自然在一夜之間把田野的風景重新構筑,以此作為人類藝術的典范。

Such is the sole conjugal embrace i am ever to know - such are the endearments which are to solace my leisure hours ! and this is what i wished to have laying his hand on my shoulder : this young girl , who stands so grave and quiet at the mouth of hell , looking collectedly at the gambols of a demon “這就是我平生唯一一次嘗到的夫婦間擁抱的滋味一這就是我閑暇時所能得到的愛撫與慰藉,而這是我希望擁有的他把他的手放在我肩上。

And gerty , wrapt in thought , scarce saw or heard her companions or the twins at their boyish gambols or the gentleman off sandymount green that cissy caffrey called the man that was so like himself passing along the strand taking a short walk 格蒂陷入沉思,對于女伴們和正在稚氣地嬉戲著的雙胞胎以及從沙丘草地那邊走來的先生,她幾乎都視而不見,聽而不聞。西茜卡弗里說那位沿著岸灘做短途散步的先生像煞格蒂她爹。

A young colt has most of the circuitry in place to walk and to run , but getting everything coordinated with the sense of balance , the visual field , and internal neural inputs takes a certain amount of practice , which is accomplished through a form of play known as gamboling 一匹小馬已經具有了大部分走和跑的神經系統,但是為了讓內在的神經和平衡感協調,和視野協調,它通過“跳來跳去”來讓這一切都協調起來。

For years continental europe has been regarded as the weakling of the world economy , wheezing along behind healthy , trim america and young , gambolling asia 多年以來歐洲大陸被視作世界經濟的軟肋,落后于健康有序的美國經濟,也落后于年輕雀躍的亞洲經濟,因此顯得積弱踟躕。

I have just been telling you what i think , in order to explain why the elephantine gambols of madame tetralani spoil the orchestra for me 我剛才只是告訴你我的感想。目的是解釋特綽蘭尼夫人那大象式的蹦蹦跳跳為什么在我眼里破壞了歌劇。

His recent claim concerning the “ hedge funds ' usd one trillion gambol on rmb appreciation “ made this topic even hotter throughout china 而日前他關于“ 1萬億美元對沖基金豪賭人民幣升值”的言論,更讓這一話題熱遍大江南北。

You can swim with dolphins , gambol with newborn lambs , whale - watch at sea or go fishing for trout in pristine streams and rivers 你可以與海豚同游、與新生羊羔嬉戲、在海上觀鯨,或是在純凈的溪流中垂釣鱒魚。

Lambs gamboled in the meadow 小羊羔在草地上歡跳。

Gold fish gambolling around a “ lotus 金魚戲蓮

Jackdaws gambol water chaozhou zheng pieces 寒鴉戲水潮州箏曲

There are many children gamboling around 那兒有很多嬉戲蹦跳的兒童。

The children are gamboling about in the park 那些孩子正在公園里玩樂。

Carrie said nothing , and the horse gambolled on 嘉莉沒再說話,馬在繼續奔跑。