
gamble vi.1.賭,賭博。2.投機;孤注一擲,冒險。vt.1....


Gambling is frowned upon by some church authorities 有些教會權力機關不許可賭博

To know more about gambling of different countries 就是為了見識世界各地的賭術

I ' m gambling . that ' s why my husband me 我沉溺于賭博,那就是我前夫與我離婚的原因

- alcohol , women of loose morals . - and gambling -喝酒,道德敗壞的女人-還有賭博

Alcohol , women of loose morals . - and gambling 喝酒,道德敗壞的女人-還有賭博

Has gambling ever made your home life unhappy 博彩是否曾讓您的家庭生活不愉快?

To take this last step, to accept stalin's hospitality to show openness and trust to a tyrant who knew only secrecy and distrust, was perhaps the subtle gamble of an old lion . 采取最后這一步,接受斯大林的款待,對一個只懂得保密和猜疑的暴君開誠相見,這也許是一位老謀深算的政治家進行的微妙賭博。

Many of these self-willed hot-blooded young virginians tended to convert university life into a long course of drinking and gambling . 那些任性、血氣方剛的弗吉尼亞青年中有許多人卻往往把大學生活消磨在無休止的酗酒和賭博之中。

Probability theory was successfully applied at the gambling tables and, more relevant to our study, eventually to business . 概率論在賭博中得到成功的應用,對于我們的研究,特別是對于商業管理,是非常重要的。

He had squandered a substantial fortune, he had been deplorably convivial, he was known to have gambled freely . 他把一份殷實的家私揮霍光了,過著令人惋惜的吃喝玩樂的生活,據說還大手大腳地賭博。

Something else celia had gambled on today was that whatever the reaction to her speech, she would be allowed to finish . 西莉亞今天押的另一個賭注是,不管對她的發言反應如何,都能讓她把話講完。

I always had good luck gambling with the ladies, you shall set for me, if you won't set for yourself . 我同太太們打伙賭錢時,總是運氣很好,假使你自己不愿下注的話,你替我下注吧。

Hitler's gamble had cost him his last reserves of aircraft and some of his best divisions . 希特勒的這一賭注,消耗了他最后的飛機儲備及一些最優秀的師團。

But based on an analysis of the power supply to the building, it was a reasonable gamble . 但是,根據對該建筑物供電情況的分析,這是一種合情合理的冒險。

The company took a gamble by cutting the price of their products , and it paid off , it was financially successful . 公司冒險將產品削價出售,結果贏利。

It was the steepest and gravest of gambles with the future of his navy and his country . 這是拿他的海軍和他的祖國的前途所作的最兇險、最嚴重的冒險。

We gambled that we'd have time to do what we did, and the gamble paid off . 我們孤注一擲,相信會有時間來完成我們的工作,這場賭博贏了。

The seizure of the rhineland and its subsequent fortification were the greatest gamble of all . 強占來因蘭和在來因蘭設防是最大的賭博。

Some people do not want to have to gamble on what exchange rates will hold in the future . 有些人不愿對未來匯率的變動進行投機。