gambit n.1.(國際象棋中犧牲一卒以取得優勢的)起手著法。2....
n. 1.(國際象棋中犧牲一卒以取得優勢的)起手著法。 2.(交易等的)開始,開場白。 3.策略,策劃占人上風的一著。 “accepted gambit“ 中文翻譯: 吃棄兵局“centre gambit“ 中文翻譯: 中心棄兵局“counter gambit“ 中文翻譯: 反棄兵“danish gambit“ 中文翻譯: 丹麥棄兵局“declined gambit“ 中文翻譯: 拒吃棄兵局“italian gambit“ 中文翻譯: 意大利局; 意大利開局“kings gambit“ 中文翻譯: 王翼棄兵局“latvian gambit“ 中文翻譯: 拉脫維亞棄兵局“north gambit“ 中文翻譯: 北方棄兵局“scotch gambit“ 中文翻譯: 蘇格蘭棄兵“turetskii gambit“ 中文翻譯: 土耳其式開局“turkish gambit“ 中文翻譯: 土耳其式開局“gambito“ 中文翻譯: 甘比托“gambissara“ 中文翻譯: 岡比薩拉“gambitta“ 中文翻譯: 甘比塔“gambiroza“ 中文翻譯: 甘比羅扎“gambke“ 中文翻譯: 甘布克“gambirine“ 中文翻譯: 黑兒茶堿; 棕兒茶堿“gambla dalasi“ 中文翻譯: 網比亞達拉西“gambirasio“ 中文翻譯: 甘比拉西奧“gamblain“ 中文翻譯: 岡布蘭“gambirasi“ 中文翻譯: 甘比拉西
So a training combination using just a “ tiger - claw “ could simply be a fast non - telegraphed “ cobra - like “ whip to the face emphasizing speed ( your opening “ gambit “ ) . . . then a power shot “ tiger - claw “ using recoil , body english and follow through with the intent of blasting the assailants head right off his shoulders 所以,一個僅僅使用“虎爪”的訓練組合可以是:先用一個快速、無預兆的“眼鏡蛇式”的鞭打動作攻向面部,強調速度(這是你的“開局” ) . . . . . .隨即利用反作用力和身體的急速轉動,以一種將對手的腦袋從他的肩膀上打飛打爆的意念,發出一記強有力的“虎爪” ! |
Energy conservation and and reformation of power plants “ heat installation affect a lot on the efficient performance of opertion of power plant . pump and fan take a large proportion in power plant and resume much electric energy . so there is much energy conservation pationlity in them . and we should have strong tools and theories “ support to reform them . we can combine the theory modeling and engineering design manufacture by the bussiness software such as fluent . in order to take full advantage of the powerful function of fluent and increase absolutely its conveniece and interaction , we should develop fluent secondly . this paper puts the idea firstly demostricly to substitute the performance test of pump and fan to get the integrative system of the optimization and computer aid design , and so we can increase greatly of the efficiecy and quality of the facility reformation . the main idea about the secondary development of fluent in this paper is based on the secondary development of gambit , the modeling and meshing s oftware of fluent , and simplify the modeling and meshing of gambit . meanwile , the data management base on web browser kind is adopted for the convenience of optimization and parameterization , and the journal files createdly recently can get new medeling and meshing files that can be used by fluent . so the designer can focus on the computer scheme and the result analysis without care the fussy designing and optimiziation . so we can increase greatly the optimization efficiency 泵與風機在電廠中占較大數量比例,且消耗大量電能,節能潛力巨大,對其改造需要強有力的工具和理論支持,用商用cfd軟件如fluent可實現泵與風機改造中的理論模擬與工程設計制造間的結合。為了充分發揮fluent的強大功能,又能最大程度地提高其方便性與交戶性,應對其進行二次開發。本課題在國內首先提出對fluent進行二次開發,替代泵與風機性能試驗,形成一體化的優化、輔助制造系統,可大大提高設備改造的效率與質量,其主要思想是基于fluent的cad構體軟件gambit進行二次開發,簡化了泵的構體過程,同時,為了優化及參數化方便,采用基于webbrowser的數據管理方式,生成新的記錄文件同時產生新的fluent計算能識別的圖形網格文件,這樣就將設計優化者從繁瑣的圖形設計及優化中解脫出來,專注于對計算方案的確定及計算結果的分析,極大地提高了設計優化的效率。 |
In current management writings “ quality “ has come to refer to a whole gambit of practices which themselves have resulted in beneficial side - effects ; as a team leader , you will want to take advantage of these benefits also 在當今的管理學著作中質量被當作實踐中必用的一招并且帶來了有益的副作用,作為團隊領導,你也會想要擁有這些優勢。 |
If the “ iconic “ polar bear is classified as threatened , and the harm is formally attributed towarming caused by humans , then their gambit could lead to all sorts ofregulatory mischief “掛上標簽的”北極熊被定為受到了威脅,而且這種威脅在法律上被歸因于人類引起的全球變暖,那么這個話題將周延到所有的已知的毀壞。 |
Over time , this “ play “ is recognized and “ thumbs down “ becomes “ no information . “ tit - for - tat or the even better “ tit - for - tat with forgiveness “ are reliable responses to these sort of gambits 隨著時間的推移,這一“策略”被識破,而“差的”成了“沒有信息” 。 |
His favorite opening gambit is : “ what a beautiful day ! 他最喜歡開頭的開場白是,多麼美麗的日子! |
So a training combination using just a “ tiger - claw “ could simply be a fast non - telegraphed “ cobra - like “ whip to the face emphasizing speed ( your opening “ gambit “ ) . . . then a power shot “ tiger - claw “ using recoil , body english and follow through with the intent of blasting the assailants head right off his shoulders 所以,一個僅僅使用“虎爪”的訓練組合可以是:先用一個快速、無預兆的“眼鏡蛇式”的鞭打動作攻向面部,強調速度(這是你的“開局” ) . . . . . .隨即利用反作用力和身體的急速轉動,以一種將對手的腦袋從他的肩膀上打飛打爆的意念,發出一記強有力的“虎爪” ! |
Energy conservation and and reformation of power plants “ heat installation affect a lot on the efficient performance of opertion of power plant . pump and fan take a large proportion in power plant and resume much electric energy . so there is much energy conservation pationlity in them . and we should have strong tools and theories “ support to reform them . we can combine the theory modeling and engineering design manufacture by the bussiness software such as fluent . in order to take full advantage of the powerful function of fluent and increase absolutely its conveniece and interaction , we should develop fluent secondly . this paper puts the idea firstly demostricly to substitute the performance test of pump and fan to get the integrative system of the optimization and computer aid design , and so we can increase greatly of the efficiecy and quality of the facility reformation . the main idea about the secondary development of fluent in this paper is based on the secondary development of gambit , the modeling and meshing s oftware of fluent , and simplify the modeling and meshing of gambit . meanwile , the data management base on web browser kind is adopted for the convenience of optimization and parameterization , and the journal files createdly recently can get new medeling and meshing files that can be used by fluent . so the designer can focus on the computer scheme and the result analysis without care the fussy designing and optimiziation . so we can increase greatly the optimization efficiency 泵與風機在電廠中占較大數量比例,且消耗大量電能,節能潛力巨大,對其改造需要強有力的工具和理論支持,用商用cfd軟件如fluent可實現泵與風機改造中的理論模擬與工程設計制造間的結合。為了充分發揮fluent的強大功能,又能最大程度地提高其方便性與交戶性,應對其進行二次開發。本課題在國內首先提出對fluent進行二次開發,替代泵與風機性能試驗,形成一體化的優化、輔助制造系統,可大大提高設備改造的效率與質量,其主要思想是基于fluent的cad構體軟件gambit進行二次開發,簡化了泵的構體過程,同時,為了優化及參數化方便,采用基于webbrowser的數據管理方式,生成新的記錄文件同時產生新的fluent計算能識別的圖形網格文件,這樣就將設計優化者從繁瑣的圖形設計及優化中解脫出來,專注于對計算方案的確定及計算結果的分析,極大地提高了設計優化的效率。 |
In current management writings “ quality “ has come to refer to a whole gambit of practices which themselves have resulted in beneficial side - effects ; as a team leader , you will want to take advantage of these benefits also 在當今的管理學著作中質量被當作實踐中必用的一招并且帶來了有益的副作用,作為團隊領導,你也會想要擁有這些優勢。 |
If the “ iconic “ polar bear is classified as threatened , and the harm is formally attributed towarming caused by humans , then their gambit could lead to all sorts ofregulatory mischief “掛上標簽的”北極熊被定為受到了威脅,而且這種威脅在法律上被歸因于人類引起的全球變暖,那么這個話題將周延到所有的已知的毀壞。 |
Over time , this “ play “ is recognized and “ thumbs down “ becomes “ no information . “ tit - for - tat or the even better “ tit - for - tat with forgiveness “ are reliable responses to these sort of gambits 隨著時間的推移,這一“策略”被識破,而“差的”成了“沒有信息” 。 |
His favorite opening gambit is : “ what a beautiful day ! 他最喜歡開頭的開場白是,多麼美麗的日子! |
gamble |
This paper described a cross - flow type of indirect evaporative cooler with condensation in primary airflow . according to the heat and mass transfer performance of indirect evaporative cooler , three - dimensional mathematical model had been established . with the preprocessor gambit , the geometry and mesh generation was completed 論文根據間接蒸發冷卻過程傳熱傳質的特點,對間接蒸發冷卻器進行了合理必要的簡化假設,應用計算流體力學( cfd )方法,建立了板式間接蒸發冷卻器的三維數學物理模型。 |
Thirdly , geometry modeling of the pump was made and meshes were divided with gimbit , then the flow filed was investigated using flunt , a commercial available cfd code . as result , lots of internal flow filed of outlet of the gear pump was obtained , including velocity magnitude and pressure magnitude 應用pro / e和gambit軟件對機油泵進行幾何建模并劃分網格,應用fluent軟件模擬多種工況下機油泵出口部分的三維湍流流動,得到詳盡的三維湍流場的分析結果,包括壓力分布圖、速度矢量分布圖等。 |
After all , we can get model of propeller through circling and stretching . once this was performed , the modeling will be imported into gambit , which is the preprocessor of fluent and can plot out gridding , then combining with the given condition on fluid , we use fluent to simulate the situation of propeller and calculate the pressure 將此三維模型導入fluent軟件的前處理器gambit中進行網格劃分,在一定的靜流場條件下,分別采用laminar及inviscid模型,利用單精度的求解方法進行力學模擬計算,得出螺旋槳在靜流場中受到的流體壓力。 |
In the way of grid generation , comparison about various generating methods is made . in the end software gambit is employed to do such work from the point of practicability , and the interface program to translate the grid file is also given . it relieves the people from the similar heavy work of grid generation 在網格劃分方面,對各種網格生成方法進行了比較分析,最終本文從實用的角度出發,采用gambit來進行此項工作,并編制了相應的接口轉換程序,使同類工作從繁重的網格劃分工作中解脫出來。 |
So a training combination using just a “ tiger - claw “ could simply be a fast non - telegraphed “ cobra - like “ whip to the face emphasizing speed ( your opening “ gambit “ ) . . . then a power shot “ tiger - claw “ using recoil , body english and follow through with the intent of blasting the assailants head right off his shoulders 所以,一個僅僅使用“虎爪”的訓練組合可以是:先用一個快速、無預兆的“眼鏡蛇式”的鞭打動作攻向面部,強調速度(這是你的“開局” ) . . . . . .隨即利用反作用力和身體的急速轉動,以一種將對手的腦袋從他的肩膀上打飛打爆的意念,發出一記強有力的“虎爪” ! |
This paper is always adhering to interconnect the theories with the facts by chiefly study the literature with the enterprise practice . systematcially exploring the post - saving bank ' s marketing gambit innovation , the paper is working and practical in the period of the post - savings transform to a indeed bank 本文采用理論聯系實際的方法,以文獻研究為主,結合企業實踐,對郵政儲蓄銀行的營銷策略創新進行了系統的研究,在郵政儲蓄向專業銀行過渡時期具有一定的指導意義。 |
After describe the development process of bank marketing and correlative theory , analyze closely the marketing trait and current gambit of post - savings , exam all - sidedly the macroscopic environment and trade environment , make swot analysis , the thesis research on post - savings bank ' s strategy , and approach the post - savings bank ' s marketing gambit innovation on the base from four aspect 綜述了銀行營銷的發展過程和相關營銷理論,深入分析了郵政儲蓄營銷特征和現行營銷策略后,經全面考察宏觀環境、行業環境并進行swot分析,本文對郵政儲蓄銀行的營銷戰略進行了研究,最后在此基礎上從四個方面對郵政儲蓄銀行營銷策略創新進行了探討。 |