
gam 短語和例子gam1n.1.【航海】鯨魚群。2.(捕鯨船間...

Overseas numerical control cad / cam system that function is very strong and system “ s price is high , it is difficult that gain appliance and expansion in middle and small enterprise ; we have many domestic numerical control cad / gam software , each software has the special features and is not perfect , many ways need to study , for the reasons it is necessary to develop the numerical control programming system which face middle and small enterprises and has independent copyright 數控機床在工業生產中得到廣泛應用,相應的數控編程技術也迅猛的發展。國外的數控cad cam軟件功能非常強大,但是價格高,在中小企業很難推廣應用;而國產的數控cad cam軟件也很多,它們各有特色,并不完善,有很多需要研究;所以有必要開發一個面向中小企業具有自主版權的數控編程系統。

Overseas numerical control cad / cam system that function is very strong and system “ s price is high , it is difficult that gain appliance and expansion in middle and small enterprise ; we have many domestic numerical control cad / gam software , each software has the special features and is not perfect , many ways need to study , for the reasons it is necessary to develop the numerical control programming system which face middle and small enterprises and has independent copyright 數控機床在工業生產中得到廣泛應用,相應的數控編程技術也迅猛的發展。國外的數控cad cam軟件功能非常強大,但是價格高,在中小企業很難推廣應用;而國產的數控cad cam軟件也很多,它們各有特色,并不完善,有很多需要研究;所以有必要開發一個面向中小企業具有自主版權的數控編程系統。

gama grass

It is shown that the gam and alsphene in the seven catalytic stocks were not very high except in residual oil ; the saturate hydrocarbons in all seven were hig her ; aromatic contents were lower except in slurry oil and recycle oil , therefore , t he s even catalytic stocks except slurry oil and recycle oil are all good feedings of catalytic cracking unit 分析測定結果表明,這7種催化原料油除常渣外,膠質瀝青質含量均不高;飽和烴含量均較高;芳烴含量除油漿、回煉油外,其余原料含量均較低,所以除油漿、回煉油外,均是作催化裂化的良好原料。

Besides that , i made use of some data to analyse the effects of the investments strategies on the investors in the united states . in the third part , i tried to probe into how to establish an efficient capital gains taxation in our country . i firstly analysed the capital gains markets and the sources of capital gains in china , then i put forward some proposals about the design of capital gains and some key problems in conceiving capital gams taxation in china 在理論層面上,通過假設的資本市場和資本利得稅制體系來對投資者可能運用到的各種投資策略進行分析,分析中按照投資者相對更關注的資本利得稅制中的關節點為基礎將投資策略分為“鎖入策略” , “立即實現”策略, “舉債策略” , “損失結轉策略” ,并對各個策略進行了模型化分析。

The second part is an important part in the paper . before i analysed , i set some hypothesises about capital gains markets and capital gams taxation . on the base of these hypothesises , i mentioned four investment strategies that are lock - in strategy immediate realization strategy indebtedness strategy and loss - roll - over strategy 本部分寫作的目的就是要對資本利得和資本利得稅有一個完整的了解,為后面的分析打下基礎。第二部分是本文的關鍵部分,這部分整體上可分為理論和實踐兩個層面。

After that , various alternative scenarios are formulated on consumption expenditure , price of feedstuff , production technology , transportation cost , tariffs and etc , and simulated by gams . the comparison between base scenario and modeling results of various alternative scenarios shows that various policy variables have an effect on the meat supply , demand and trade flows among regions , which influences the national meat market in china 接著,基于從供給、需求和流通三個方面考慮對中國肉產品市場空間均衡格局的影響,并根據居民肉產品消費支出、飼料價格、生產技術、運輸費用、關稅和世界其同國家肉產品產量和需求量等相關變量的變化設立各種政策方案,并進行模擬。

Overseas numerical control cad / cam system that function is very strong and system “ s price is high , it is difficult that gain appliance and expansion in middle and small enterprise ; we have many domestic numerical control cad / gam software , each software has the special features and is not perfect , many ways need to study , for the reasons it is necessary to develop the numerical control programming system which face middle and small enterprises and has independent copyright 數控機床在工業生產中得到廣泛應用,相應的數控編程技術也迅猛的發展。國外的數控cad cam軟件功能非常強大,但是價格高,在中小企業很難推廣應用;而國產的數控cad cam軟件也很多,它們各有特色,并不完善,有很多需要研究;所以有必要開發一個面向中小企業具有自主版權的數控編程系統。

In the first part , i analysed the fundamental aspects of capital gains and capital gains taxation . firstly , i set forth the main sources of capital gains and some key points of capital gains . then mentioned the theory about capital gains taxation and some controversies about it . finally i introduced the taxation treatments to capital gams in many countries 第一部分主要闡述了資本利得和資本利得稅相關的一些基本問題,分析了資本利得的各種來源形式和對資本利得認識上該解決的關鍵點,接著分析了資本利得稅的課稅理論和有關的一些爭議,并且提到了世界各國資本利得的稅務處理。

One of that is applied in nn - fuzzy pid control , use auto - studing ability in nn and knowledge in subject fields , to convey more little rule and gam better results of control . another is applied by ga control , promote function of control , avert sinking into part best high quality chance 一種是采用神經網絡模糊pid控制,利用神經網絡具有自學習能力和模糊控制充分利用學科領域知識,以較少的規則來表達知識的能力,以求獲得更好的控制效果,有效的改善了系統結構和參數的變化導致控制效果的不穩定。

These world relics , being a precious for tune of beijing endowed by history , are now becoming name card of beijing and will attract attention from around the world and will be tokens for tours in beijing as 2008 olympic gam es is drawing near 一處處世界文化遺產作為歷史給予的寶貴財富,正成為“北京名片” ,在2008奧運到來之際,吸引全世界的目光,成為北京旅游的標志。

This paper designs a algorithm to gam the roam path based on shining upon distance for the navigation part of the system , arid develops a new technology for smoothing the navigation path 針對系統導航部分,設計了一種基于距離映射獲取漫游路徑的算法,并提出了相應的路徑平滑技術。

A computer simulation software - gams is used to implement the model , which displays the advantages of information technology on econom ic research 整個模型采用計算機仿真軟件gams來實現,體現了現代計算機技術在經濟理論研究上的優勢。

If you miss our flag day sales on that day , you can still support us through the internet donation . gold flag campaign at gam hong kong ltd 各界關心環境保育的善心人士如未及于當日買旗捐助本會,歡迎將善款以網上捐款方式捐助本會。

This can be realized by means of monitoring and adjusting the programmable gam amplifier ( pga ) to stabilize the gain of the amplifier system 通過軟件跟蹤調整程控放大電路的增益使系統的放大倍數穩定,從而實現自動穩譜的功能。

Generalized admittance matrix ( gam ) and its characterization , cascading and computing are studied 論文對廣義導納矩陣的推導、性質、級聯和用計算機實現計算進行了研究。

But the expert ' s knowledge is limited , subjective and difficult to gam sometimes 但專家的知識經驗往往是有限的,獲取也較困難,且可能存在一定的主觀性。

An iam page covers a 4 - gb range in a file and is the same coverage as a gam or sgam page 一個iam頁在文件中的范圍為4 gb ,與gam或sgam頁的范圍相同。

They can also be built with high - gam preamplifiers to close high - band - width velocity loops 他們也可由高通量前置放大器來實現高頻度速率循環。

New fighting gam 新戰斗棋