
galton n.1.高爾頓〔姓氏〕。2.Sir Francis Ga...

It is of the same status as the historical statement; “charles darwin and francis galton had a common grandfather“ . 它和“達爾文和哥爾頓有共同的祖父”這個歷史命題在性質上是相同的。

It is of the same status as the historical statement; “charles darwin and francis galton had a common grandfather“ . 它和“達爾文和哥爾頓有共同的祖父”這個歷史命題在性質上是相同的。


It is of the same status as the historical statement; “charles darwin and francis galton had a common grandfather“ . 它和“達爾文和哥爾頓有共同的祖父”這個歷史命題在性質上是相同的。