
galt n.高爾特〔姓氏〕。


The more accurate localization of 3galt - l mrna expression in mouse brain as studied by in situ hybridization was in good agreement with the general expression pattern seen with northern blot hybridization . in newborn mice , the dense granular layer and the purkinje cell showed a strong signal 我們發現在小腦中1型鏈結構的變化與邵galt一1的表達變化基本一致:在新生鼠小腦中, 1型鏈結構在蒲肯野細胞和顆粒層細胞中都有表達,而在成年鼠小腦中, 1型鏈結構僅在蒲肯野細胞中表達。

So it can induce stronger and earlier iga immune responses at almost all mucosal sites than oral route . the way induced by nasal route is similar to which gut associated lymphoid tissue ( galt ) induced 鼻腔含有的蛋白水解酶較少,抗原不易被破壞,鼻腔免疫可以在多個粘膜部位產生siga反應,誘導與胃腸相關淋巴組織( galt )形式上相似的粘膜免疫反應。

“ my father ' s old - fashioned notions boggled a little at first to this arrangement . . . but his scruples were in the end overruled ” ( john galt ) “對這項安排,我父親的老式觀念開始時猶豫了一陣, …但是最終他的不安被推翻了” (約翰?蓋特) 。

My father ' s old - fashioned notions boggled a little at first to this arrangement . . . but his scruples were in the end overruled ( john galt ) 對這項安排,我父親的老式觀念開始時猶豫了一陣, …但是最終他的不安被推翻了(約翰?蓋特) 。

Was in der vergangenheit als high tech galt ist heute jedoch leider schon veraltet Theodor heimeier在1928年建立公司之后不久,就已發展成配件制造業中出類拔萃的企業。

Fish and galt ( were ) busted out of that school in the same month 菲什和高爾特因考試不及格在同一個月內被開除出那個學校。

Gut associated lymphoid tissue , galt 腸道相關的淋巴組織

Theoretical analysis of galt algorithm 算法的理論性分析