
galore adv.多,許多,豐盛。 with beef and a...

The “ hearts linked “ series will feature a number of fun and creative programmes , such as “ ali baba and the 40 thieves “ by japan s pikkari theatre in which the cutest puppets , sweetest songs , colourful costumes and sets galore will be captivating ; a unique and utterly crazy “ paper world “ by mimirichi clowns and pantomine theatre from ukraine 該節目以多姿多采的雜技、空中飛躍、舞蹈、形體、默劇等,配合富有民族特色的現場音樂,將游牧民族披星戴月的流浪生涯,化成一幕幕充滿異國情調、如詩似畫的魔幻奇觀,帶領觀眾走進一個迷人的夢想國度!

The “ hearts linked “ series will feature a number of fun and creative programmes , such as “ ali baba and the 40 thieves “ by japan s pikkari theatre in which the cutest puppets , sweetest songs , colourful costumes and sets galore will be captivating ; a unique and utterly crazy “ paper world “ by mimirichi clowns and pantomine theatre from ukraine 《藝趣通心F u n 》系列的節目各具特色,為觀眾帶來無限歡笑。節目包括日本包勤力活偶劇團的兒童歷奇音樂劇《阿里巴巴與4 0大盜》 ,精靈的活偶造型、令人振奮的歌舞場面、華麗壯觀的布景,帶領觀眾走進恍如夢境般的忘憂世界!

“ sure , we ' ve had squabbles and disagreements galore , “ he said . “ but there ' s a commitment to marriage because we have a reverence to it . 他說: “當然,我們也有過許多次爭吵,意見不一致,但是我們都信仰婚姻的承諾。

The “ hearts linked “ series will feature a number of fun and creative programmes , such as “ ali baba and the 40 thieves “ by japan s pikkari theatre in which the cutest puppets , sweetest songs , colourful costumes and sets galore will be captivating ; a unique and utterly crazy “ paper world “ by mimirichi clowns and pantomine theatre from ukraine 該節目以多姿多采的雜技、空中飛躍、舞蹈、形體、默劇等,配合富有民族特色的現場音樂,將游牧民族披星戴月的流浪生涯,化成一幕幕充滿異國情調、如詩似畫的魔幻奇觀,帶領觀眾走進一個迷人的夢想國度!

The “ hearts linked “ series will feature a number of fun and creative programmes , such as “ ali baba and the 40 thieves “ by japan s pikkari theatre in which the cutest puppets , sweetest songs , colourful costumes and sets galore will be captivating ; a unique and utterly crazy “ paper world “ by mimirichi clowns and pantomine theatre from ukraine 《藝趣通心F u n 》系列的節目各具特色,為觀眾帶來無限歡笑。節目包括日本包勤力活偶劇團的兒童歷奇音樂劇《阿里巴巴與4 0大盜》 ,精靈的活偶造型、令人振奮的歌舞場面、華麗壯觀的布景,帶領觀眾走進恍如夢境般的忘憂世界!

“ sure , we ' ve had squabbles and disagreements galore , “ he said . “ but there ' s a commitment to marriage because we have a reverence to it . 他說: “當然,我們也有過許多次爭吵,意見不一致,但是我們都信仰婚姻的承諾。


Ready for the digital revolution in films ? with directors increasingly switching to high - definition and old films regularly restored using the latest technology , why settle for a 35mm print that has scratches , flickers and stuttering sound galore ? make no mistake : digital projection is the future ? even though hong kong remains far behind singapore and mainland china in adopting such technology Barco公司基于德州儀器dlp cinema tm技術發展出來私數碼效映機,近年陸續推出新型號,這回提供給電影節的dp100數碼放映機,解像度達2048 x 1080 ,乃全港首次使用,畫面質素家能令你耳目一新。

The “ hearts linked “ series will feature a number of fun and creative programmes , such as “ ali baba and the 40 thieves “ by japan s pikkari theatre in which the cutest puppets , sweetest songs , colourful costumes and sets galore will be captivating ; a unique and utterly crazy “ paper world “ by mimirichi clowns and pantomine theatre from ukraine 該節目以多姿多采的雜技、空中飛躍、舞蹈、形體、默劇等,配合富有民族特色的現場音樂,將游牧民族披星戴月的流浪生涯,化成一幕幕充滿異國情調、如詩似畫的魔幻奇觀,帶領觀眾走進一個迷人的夢想國度!

Excitement abounds on the abyss turbo drop at ocean park . get set for a jam - packed day of excitement at ocean park , one of southeast asias largest aquariums and theme parks . your family will experience thrills galore in the parks six main areas : lowland gardens , kids world , marine land , headland rides , adventure land and bird paradise 位于香港島南面的海洋公園,是香港的必游熱點,更是全東南亞最具規模的水族館和主題公園之一,園內設有綠野花園兒童王國海洋天地山上機動城急流天地及雀鳥天堂六個游樂區,設施多不勝數。

The “ hearts linked “ series will feature a number of fun and creative programmes , such as “ ali baba and the 40 thieves “ by japan s pikkari theatre in which the cutest puppets , sweetest songs , colourful costumes and sets galore will be captivating ; a unique and utterly crazy “ paper world “ by mimirichi clowns and pantomine theatre from ukraine 《藝趣通心F u n 》系列的節目各具特色,為觀眾帶來無限歡笑。節目包括日本包勤力活偶劇團的兒童歷奇音樂劇《阿里巴巴與4 0大盜》 ,精靈的活偶造型、令人振奮的歌舞場面、華麗壯觀的布景,帶領觀眾走進恍如夢境般的忘憂世界!

Readers will find the several articles in this edition very beneficial ? e . g . “ how franchise companies can target markets ” on pages 10 - 13 ; “ 5 habits of the highly successful franchisor ” on pages 24 - 26 ; and “ copycats galore ” on pages 42 - 45 , etc 讀者們將會從本期的幾篇文章中受益匪淺,如:第10 - 13頁的“特許加盟公司如何瞄準市場” 、第24 26頁的“非常成功授權商的5個習慣” ,以及第42 45頁的“假冒者大觀”等。

There are bogus surveys galore ? she takes commendable swipes at alfred kinsey and shere hite ? but very little based on proper , probability - weighted samples , and even fewer international comparisons 虛假的調查太多了? ?她對阿爾弗雷德?金賽和雪莉?海德進行了抨擊,這值得贊揚? ?但很少有調查是基于恰當的、概率加權的樣本,基于國際比較的就更少了。

He had horns galore , a coat of gold and a sweet smoky breath coming out of his nostrils so that the women of our island , leaving doughballs and rollingpins , followed after him hanging his bulliness in daisychains 彼生有巨角,毛色金黃,鼻孔散發芳香,若裊裊輕煙。本島婦女遂撇下生面團與搟面杖,與公牛殿下戴上串串雛菊花環,隨彼而去。 ”

With attractive prize money of hk 14 million , there are guaranteed thrills galore ! this is a must - attend event for horseracing fans . access to the racecourse is confined to adults aged at least 18 今年,來自世界各地的名駒將再度云集沙田馬場角逐冠軍殊榮,爭奪高達港幣1 , 400萬元的總獎金。

Taurus ( apr . 21 - may 21 ) the brawny bull has endurance and stamina galore , which would best be put toward sports like rowing , weight lifting , tug - of - war , rugby , gardening or cricket 忍耐力和持久力都很強的金牛喜歡劃船、舉重、拔河、橄欖球、園藝、板球等運動。

Make no mistake this is the late superstars all - time classic , with mega - watt magnetism and awesome martial arts action galore , including the now - legendary nunchaku fight scenes 另一方面,日武社懷恨在心,向租界警廳施壓力,威脅精武館交出陳真,同時派人偷襲精武館。

Lake taupo , huka falls and the waikato river provide views and hikes galore , if you decide to stay put near your bungalow , you ' re missing the quintessential country vacation 位于莊園附近的陶波湖、胡卡瀑布和懷卡托河擁有迷人的景色,是游人們旅行休閑的圣地。

Seafood galore another seafood - lovers exercise where participants must work together to solve a series of clues to arrive at a designated village restaurant 另一個為海鮮迷而設的活動:參加者必須緊密合作,根據提示拆解一連串謎團,方可抵達目標餐館。

The brawny bull has endurance and stamina galore , which would best be put toward sports like rowing , weight lifting , tug - of - war , rugby , gardening or cricket 忍耐力和持久力都很強的金牛喜歡劃船、舉重、拔河、橄欖球、園藝、板球等運動。