
galois Galois , Evariste 伽羅瓦〔1811-1...

galois equation

In the design and analysis of sequence cipher , we obtain the following results . first , we give the trace representation of primitive sequences and their corresponding highest lever sequences on galois ring by using the trace function theory and the characteristic of lever factorization , and determine the correlation function linear complexity and element distribution of the highest lever sequences of primitive sequences on galois ring gr ( 4 , m ) 在序列密碼的設計和分析方面:首先,利用galois環上跡函數理論和本原序列的權位分解特征,給出了本原序列及其最高權位序列的跡表達式,然后利用galois域上二次型理論與指數和理論決定了特征為4的galois環上本原序列的最高權位的相關函數、線性復雜度和元素分布。

For classification without class label , we discuss how to find a class attribute as a class label , and on this basis we then introduce support _ coefficient to construct approximate galois structure . , and extraction of classification rules has also been discussed 無確定類別屬性的的分類問題討論了類別屬性的確定,以及根據確定的類別屬性,在此基礎之上引入支持率,討論近似格的構造和有關近似格上規則求解的問題。

We define a frobenius map over galois , trace codes and subring subcode . we prove the trace of dual codes over galois is the dual codes of subring subcode . all the results are very important for the study of the error correcting codes over rings 第四,作者在galois環gr ( q ~ m )上定義了frobenius映射,并在該環上定義了跡碼和子環子碼的概念,得到了galois環上的一個碼的對偶碼的跡碼是該碼的子環子碼的對偶碼。

This thesis is composed of following parts : the fundamental theory of the modern cryptology is briefly researched , in which the mathematic model of cryptology , data encrypt principle and galois field theory related with elliptic curve crypto is discussed 論文的主要內容為: 1研究了現代密碼學相關的基本理論,介紹了密碼系統的數學模型、數據加密原理和與橢圓曲線加密密切相關的有限域理論; 2

Then we show an algorithm design of the elliptic curve crypto based on galois field . as a main part , the design theory and concrete solution of it are presented step by step , ic chip design method for implementation of the algorithm is described in detail 設計完成了一種基于有限域的橢圓曲線加密算法,主要包括適合于168bit橢圓曲線加密的有限域乘法、加法、除法器的實現; 4

- all of the cyclic codes over the galois ring gr ( 4m ) , and the bases for gr ( 4m ) over z4 are determined , such that with respect to the bases , the 4 - ary image of the cyclic codes are still cyclic 對于伽羅華環gr ( 4 ~ m )上的一類循環碼,以及gr ( 4 ~ m )在z _ 4上的一組基,給出了滿足這類循環碼相對于該組基展開后得到的碼是四元循環碼的充分必要條件,該條件簡便實用; 5

Chapter 3 introduces the correcting ability of the rs code . then it particularly states the definition and algorithm of galois field , and analyses the realization of the limited field multiplier based on the dual basis 第三章分析討論了rs碼的特點,給出了伽羅華有限域的定義與運算規則,推導和分析了基于對偶基的有限域乘法器實現方法。

Also we study the ecc crypto theory in the field of public crypto system , in which the ecc encrypt principle , safety , reliability , as well as the structure of ecc based on galois field is focused on 研究了公鑰加密系統中的橢圓曲線加密理論,詳細闡述了有限域上橢圓曲線的結構及其基本運算; 3

But it was not until the 19th century that mathematicians such as evariste galois , an unhappy french genius , discovered symmetries hidden in the solutions to mathematical equations 但直到19世紀數學家們才發現隱藏在數學方程解法中的對稱性,其中包括郁郁寡歡的法國數學天才艾瓦里斯特?伽羅瓦。

Concept lattice ( galois lattice ) is a formalized tool for concept discovery from data , and has been widely used in many scientific applications 概念格模型作為一種用于數據分析的形式化的工具,已經在眾多的領域中獲得了廣泛的應用。

The broad question of which equations are solvable by algebraic operations was definitely and comprehensively answered by galois 哪些方程可用代數運算求解,這個重要問題由galois明確而透徹地回答了。

Galois ' s work supplied a criterion constructibility that disposed of some of the famous problems Galois的工作提供了可作圖的一個判別法,這個判別法解決了一些著名的問題。

Continued fractions and linear recurring sequence synthesis over galois rings 環上的連分式與線性遞歸序列綜合

Space - time block codes based on galois theory 理論的空時分組碼

Analysis of a class of logical functions over galois and zm rings 環上一類邏輯函數的分析

On noncommutative hopf - galois extensions 一致局部上同調零化子和多項式擴張

The broad question of which equations are solvable by algebraic operations was definitely and comprehensively answered by galois . 哪些方程可用代數運算求解,這個重要問題由Galois明確而透徹地回答了。