gallows n.(pl. gallowses, gallows )1...
n. (pl. gallowses, gallows ) 1.絞刑架;絞臺。 2.掛牌架,(體操用的)鐵桿架;【航海】吊桿。 3.絞刑,應受絞刑的人。 4.〔pl.〕〔方言〕(褲子的)吊帶,背帶。 短語和例子cheat the gallows 逃脫絞刑,逃避死罪。 come to [die on] the gallows 被絞死。 have a gallows look = have the gallows in one's face 有被絞死的面相,有不得善終的臉相。 The gallows groans for him [you]. 絞架在等著他[你]呢。 adj. 該絞死的;窮兇極惡的,壞透的;非常的。 “gallows; trawl gallows“ 中文翻譯: 網板架“after gallows“ 中文翻譯: 后吊架; 后絞纜架; 后網板架“boom gallows“ 中文翻譯: 帆桁承梁“cheat the gallows“ 中文翻譯: 脫逃罪“come to the gallows“ 中文翻譯: 上絞架被絞死“derrick gallows“ 中文翻譯: 吊桿承梁“die on the gallows“ 中文翻譯: 上絞架被絞死“elevator to the gallows“ 中文翻譯: 死刑臺與電梯; 通往絞刑架的電梯; 通往死刑臺的電梯; 再見斷頭臺“fore gallows“ 中文翻譯: 前網板架“gallows arm“ 中文翻譯: 聚光燈吊架“gallows bird“ 中文翻譯: 應處絞刑的犯人;窮兇極惡的人。 “gallows bit“ 中文翻譯: 雙柱吊架“gallows bitts“ 中文翻譯: 〔pl.〕 【航海】甲板中央的雙柱吊架。 “gallows block“ 中文翻譯: 網板架]頂部滑車“gallows bracket“ 中文翻譯: 構架斜撐“gallows chain“ 中文翻譯: 掛煉“gallows corner“ 中文翻譯: 加洛斯科納“gallows frame“ 中文翻譯: 井架; 龍門吊架; 門式吊架; 門形吊架“gallows humor“ 中文翻譯: 〔美國〕凄慘的幽默;充滿怨恨的幽默。 “gallows humour“ 中文翻譯: 〔美國〕凄慘的幽默;充滿怨恨的幽默。 “gallows look“ 中文翻譯: 犯死罪的面相。 “gallows plow“ 中文翻譯: 前導輪架式單鏵犁; 雙輪單鏵犁“gallows roll“ 中文翻譯: 導向滾柱“gallows stanchion“ 中文翻譯: 承架支柱“gallowich“ 中文翻譯: 加洛維奇“gallowglass“ 中文翻譯: n. = galloglass.
“ honest indeed , “ retorted st . peter , “ about as honest as a thief on the gallows 你的確是很誠實!圣彼得反駁說:就像一個小偷上絞架時一般的誠實! |
At a kind of gallows humor like , “ chin up while you ' ve still got one ! .比如, “抬起下巴,趁你還有一個的時候! ” |
“ honest indeed , “ retorted st . peter , “ about as honest as a thief on the gallows 你的確是很誠實!圣彼得反駁說:就像一個小偷上絞架時一般的誠實! |
At a kind of gallows humor like , “ chin up while you ' ve still got one ! .比如, “抬起下巴,趁你還有一個的時候! ” |
gallows bird |
“ a gallows erected on an eminence admonished the offenders of the fate that awaited them ” ( william hickling prescott ) “山丘上豎著的絞刑架警告命運的反抗者” (威廉?希克林?普雷斯科特) 。 |
Kill another and do yourselves no good , or spare me and keep a witness to save you from the gallows 再殺一個,這對你們沒什么好處,要是放了我,留下一個證人,還可以讓你們免受絞刑。 ” |
So was the black horned thing seated aloof on a rock , surveying a distant crowd surrounding a gallows 一樣可怕的是,那個頭上長角的黑色怪物,獨踞于巖石之上,遠眺著一大群人圍著絞架。 |
So they hanged haman on the gallows that he had prepared for mordecai . then was the king ' s wrath pacified 10于是人將哈曼掛在他為末底改所預備的木架上。王的忿怒這才止息。 |
So they hanged haman on the gallows which he had prepared for mordecai , and the king ' s anger subsided 斯7 : 10于是人將哈曼掛在他為末底改所豫備的木架上王的忿怒這才止息。 |
So they hanged haman on the gallows that he had prepared for mordecai . then the king ' s anger subsided 10于是人將哈曼掛在他為末底改所豫備的木架上。王的忿怒這才止息。 |
Torn between passion and righteousness , tripitaka rebels against the heavens to rescue the gallows - bound meiyan 舍命救回大師唐唐的徒弟后,甘愿單獨面對天宮的審判。 |
“ honest indeed , “ retorted st . peter , “ about as honest as a thief on the gallows 你的確是很誠實!圣彼得反駁說:就像一個小偷上絞架時一般的誠實! |
Here ' s johnny gloke , the great gaintkiller , come with a gallows to hang us all 降妖伏魔的那個約翰尼?格洛克來啦,他帶著絞架來要把我們通通絞死。 |
On the top of the gallows is fixed the knife , blade upwards , with its point in the air “絞架頂上捆著他那把刀,刀口向上,刀尖在空中。 |
If that ruffian does not mend his ways , he will come to the gallows some day 如果那個惡棍不改邪歸正的話,他總有一天會上絞刑架的。 |
Come to the gallows 上絞架被絞死 |
Prisoner : oh , excuse us if we haven ' t resigned ourselves to the gallows just yet 噢,原諒我們還沒到聽天由命上絞刑架的地步 |
Gillette , mr . sparrow has a dawn appointment with the gallows . . 吉莉安,斯派洛先生在黎明和這里的絞刑架有個約會. |
Oh , excuse us if we haven ' t resigned ourselves to the gallows just yet 哦!很抱歉我們還沒有放棄離開絞刑架的機會 |