
gallic adj.1.高盧的,高盧人的。2.法國的,法國人的。

“ in recognition of his brilliant literary achievements , characterized as they are by a nobility of style , a profound human sympathy , grace , and a true gallic temperament 他輝煌的文學成就,乃在于他高尚的文體憐憫的人道同情迷人的魅力,以及一個真正法國性情所形成的特質

“ in recognition of his brilliant literary achievements , characterized as they are by a nobility of style , a profound human sympathy , grace , and a true gallic temperament 他輝煌的文學成就,乃在于他高尚的文體憐憫的人道同情迷人的魅力,以及一個真正法國性情所形成的特質

gallic acid

And , miss eyre , so much was i flattered by this preference of the gallic sylph for her british gnome , that i installed her in an hotel ; gave her a complete establishment of servants , a carriage , cashmeres , diamonds , dentelles , etc . in short , i began the process of ruining myself in the received style , like any other spoony “愛小姐,這位法國美女竟鐘情于一個英國侏儒我簡直受寵若驚了,于是我把她安頓在城里的一間房子里,配備了一整套的仆役和馬車,送給她山羊絨鉆石和花邊等等。總之,我像任何一個癡情漢一樣,開始按世俗的方式毀滅自己了。

The principle and method for enzymatic synthesis of gallic acid , isolation and selection of the aspergillus niger strains , characteristics of this biotechnology , products quality of gallic acid and the uses in domestic food and pharmaceutical industries are briefly introduced 摘要概述了黑曲霉單寧酶酶法轉化五倍子單寧酸生產沒食子酸的原理和方法、酶源菌種的分離和選育、工藝技術的特點、產品質量規格及在國內食品、醫藥行業相關部門的應用等。

These include catechin and gallocatechin ( hydroxyls at positions 5 ' as well as at 3 ' and 4 ' as in catechin ) , their esters with gallic acid , catechin gallate , and gallocatechin gallate , and their epimers 它們有幾茶素和兒茶素(在5 '位上以及如同兒茶素中一樣在3 '和4 '位上羥基化) ,它們與酸生成的酯,即兒茶素酸酯和兒茶素酸酯,以及它們的差向(表)異構體。

When the pi ce de r sistance finally arrives , he tut - tuts and sends the goose liver back to the kitchen with an almost gallic flair , upset that his chefs have forgotten to garnish it with truffles 鵝肝最后上桌時,憑借著一種近乎高盧人的嗅覺,他發出嘖嘖聲,并把鵝肝送回了廚房? ?廚師忘記了用松露點綴,這讓他有些不高興。

Tannin acyl hydrolase ( tannase ) is an enzyme that hydrolyzes the ester bonds of tannic acid to produce gallic acid and some other compounds . tannase is widly used in beverage , food , leather and chemical industry 單寧酶( tannase )是一種水解酶,能夠水解沒食子酸單寧中的酯鍵和縮酚酸鍵,生成沒食子酸和其它化合物。

Britons come second to their gallic cousins in the moaning stakes , followed by sweden , the united states and australia . japanese workers have the lowest morale , but don ' t complain so much 英國人位居法國之后,排名第二,其后是瑞典、美國和澳大利亞。日本員工的工作熱情最低,但很少抱怨。

Roman general under julius caesar in the gallic wars ; repudiated his wife for the egyptian queen cleopatra ; they were defeated by octavian at actium ( 83 - 30 bc ) 高盧的戰爭中,朱利葉斯凱撒將軍領導下的羅馬將軍;為了埃及王后克利奧帕特拉而拒絕了他的妻子;他們被海巖群落屋大維打敗。

“ in recognition of his brilliant literary achievements , characterized as they are by a nobility of style , a profound human sympathy , grace , and a true gallic temperament 他輝煌的文學成就,乃在于他高尚的文體憐憫的人道同情迷人的魅力,以及一個真正法國性情所形成的特質

He tries to classify the gallic tribes according to their origins and tells of one of these claiming that they were colonists who came there from a remote island 他嘗試依照高盧人的起源,把他們歸類,講述了其中一些主張,斷定他們是來自一個遙遠島嶼的殖民者。

Using the phosphotungstic acid immobilized on active carbon as catalyst , the iso - amyl gallate was synthesized directly by esterifying isoamyl alcohol and gallic acid 摘要以活性炭固載磷鎢酸作為催化劑,用沒食子酸與異戊醇直接酯化合成了沒食子酸異戊酯。

Manufacturer of industrial and intermediate chemicals in china . main products include gallic acid and pyrogallic acid , trihydroxybenzoic acid and derivatives , and tannins -主要生產有機胺產品系列氯堿產品系列工業硅等產品的國家大二型企業。

What have they given us in exchange for all this , for this great page of gallic history , for all this gothic art 為了代替這一切,代替這整個高盧歷史,代替這全部峨特藝術,人家塞給了我們什么名堂呢?

Britons come second to their gallic cousins in the moaning stakes , followed by sweden , the united states and australia 英國人位居法國之后,排名第二,其后是瑞典美國和澳大利亞。

In cryptography , an early example of monoalphabetic , or substitution cipher used in the gallic wars 密碼學中,在高盧戰爭中使用的一種單表置換密碼,或稱替代密碼的早期例子。

That is what an irate euro - establishment in brussels is asking as it watches the gallic debate 這就是被激怒了的歐盟布魯塞爾總部看到法國人的爭論時所發出的疑問。

And , in true gallic fashion , he is not exactly short of confidence as he looks forward to the tournament 并且,他也不缺少信心。他正期待著世界杯的征程。

We find in caesar ' s gallic wars the first and fullest account of the druids 我們在凱撒的高盧戰爭中首先發現完整的德魯伊教說明。