
galliard n.1.愉快而勇敢的人。2.(十六、七世紀時流行的)輕快...


A landsman could hardly have worn this garb and shown this face , and worn and shown them both with such a galliard air , without undergoing stern question before a magistrate , and probably incurring fine or imprisonment , or perhaps an exhibition in the stocks 一個陸地上的人,若是周身這股穿戴、露出這副尊容,而且還得意洋洋地招搖過市,恐怕很難不被當宮的召去傳訊,甚至會被課以罰金或判處監禁,也許會枷號示眾。

This face , and worn and shown them both with such a galliard air , without undergoing stern question before a magistrate , and probably incurring fine or imprisonment , or perhaps an exhibition in the 一個陸地上的人,若是周身這股穿戴露出這副尊容,而且還得意洋洋地招搖過市,恐怕很難不被當宮的召去傳訊,甚至會被課以罰金或判處監禁,也許會枷號示眾。

Brisk in a galliard he was off and out . in the daylit corridor he talked with voluble pains of zeal , in duty bound , most fair , most kind , most honest broadbrim 在浴滿陽光的走廊上,他不辭勞苦,熱情地口若懸河地談著,極其公正極其和藹地盡著本分,不愧為一名最忠誠的“寬邊帽” 295 。

It ' s said that the first galliard was a fianna 有人說最早的歡舞者是一個芬尼安。