
galley n.1.(古代用奴隸等劃槳的)單層甲板大帆船;(古希臘、...

“ he died a more wretched , hopeless , heart - broken prisoner than the felons who pay the penalty of their crimes at the galleys of toulon . “他在牢里死了,死時比那些在土倫監獄里作苦工的重犯更悲慘,更無望,更心碎。 ”

“ listen ; this is his description : benedetto , condemned , at the age of sixteen , for five years to the galleys for forgery “聽著,這兒是他的檔案:貝尼代托,十六歲時因偽造鈔票罪被判處苦役五年。

M . andrea cavalcanti a murderer - a galley - slave escaped - a convict ! “ an ironical smile curled the lip of eug 安德烈卡瓦爾康蒂先生竟是一個兇手一個監獄里逃出來的苦役犯一個囚徒! ”

“ in the hour of rest , between noon and one o clock “ - “ galley - slaves having a nap after dinner “嗯,在午睡的時間,就是在中午十二點到一點鐘之間”

“ a galley - slave , escaped from confinement at toulon . “是從土倫監獄里逃出來的苦役犯。 ”

“ he died a more wretched , hopeless , heart - broken prisoner than the felons who pay the penalty of their crimes at the galleys of toulon . “他在牢里死了,死時比那些在土倫監獄里作苦工的重犯更悲慘,更無望,更心碎。 ”

“ listen ; this is his description : benedetto , condemned , at the age of sixteen , for five years to the galleys for forgery “聽著,這兒是他的檔案:貝尼代托,十六歲時因偽造鈔票罪被判處苦役五年。

M . andrea cavalcanti a murderer - a galley - slave escaped - a convict ! “ an ironical smile curled the lip of eug 安德烈卡瓦爾康蒂先生竟是一個兇手一個監獄里逃出來的苦役犯一個囚徒! ”

“ in the hour of rest , between noon and one o clock “ - “ galley - slaves having a nap after dinner “嗯,在午睡的時間,就是在中午十二點到一點鐘之間”

“ a galley - slave , escaped from confinement at toulon . “是從土倫監獄里逃出來的苦役犯。 ”

galley proof

“ he died a more wretched , hopeless , heart - broken prisoner than the felons who pay the penalty of their crimes at the galleys of toulon . “他在牢里死了,死時比那些在土倫監獄里作苦工的重犯更悲慘,更無望,更心碎。 ”

As the molecular thermal action was restricted in the montmorillonite galley , the melting peak of the copolymer in intercalation compound was decreased Dsc和tg - dta顯示雜化納米材料的熱性能有了很大的改善。

Venue : the t t tsui gallery , 1 f , t t tsui building , the university museum and art galley , the university of hong kong 時間:上午11時至12時地點:徐展堂展覽廳香港大學徐展堂大樓/香港大學美術博物館一樓

Or , visit the galley restaurant and schaefer ' s spounter tavern ( both seasonal ) for a quick lunch or a cup of chowder 再者,您可以在海上餐廳和斯卡佛的捕鯨船酒館(雙季的)上吃個便飯或者喝杯海鮮雜燴湯。

Among the materials are books and periodicals , as well as proof copies , galley proofs and production scripts for beckett plays 這些資料中有書和期刊、以及貝克特劇本的校樣副本、長條校樣和作品腳本。

“ listen ; this is his description : benedetto , condemned , at the age of sixteen , for five years to the galleys for forgery “聽著,這兒是他的檔案:貝尼代托,十六歲時因偽造鈔票罪被判處苦役五年。

Why , silver , said the captain , if you had pleased to be an honest man , you might have been sitting in your galley “聽著,西爾弗, ”船長說, “要是你安分守己的話,你這會兒正坐在你的廚房里哩。

Ay , ay , sir , answered the cook ; and , touching his forelock , he disappeared at once in the direction of his galley “呃,呃,閣下。 ”廚子應著,摸了摸額發,立刻就消失在廚房那頭了。

Galleys of the lochlanns ran here to beach , in quest of prey , their bloodbeaked prows riding low on a molten pewter sun 它們那血紅的喙形船首,低低地停泊在融化了的錫?般的碎浪里。