
galleria n.〔意大利〕(有屋頂的)拱廊商街。

Jointly organised by the office of the government chief information officer of the hksar government , the hong kong trade development council , and the hong kong article numbering association ean hong kong , the “ excelling your supply chains “ seminar was successfully held on 14 september 2004 pm at sme training centre , expo galleria , g f hong kong convention exhibition centre 由香港特別行政區政府政府資訊科技總監辦公室香港貿易發展局及香港貨品編碼協會聯合舉辦的運用資訊科技提高競爭力:電貿供應鏈管理研討會已于二四年九月十四日下午在灣仔香港會議展覽中心博覽商場香港貿易發展局中小企業培訓中心成功舉行。

The sub - committee on wan chai development phase ii review sub - committee of the harbour - front enhancement committee has arranged to hold an “ expert panel forum on sustainable transport planning and central - wan chai bypass “ on saturday , september 3 at the sme training centre 3 , expo galleria , hong kong convention and exhibition centre 共建維港委員會轄下灣仔發展計劃第二期檢討小組委員會小組委員會將于九月三日星期六在香港會議展覽中心博覽商場貿易發展局中小企業培訓中心舉辦可持續運輸規劃及中環灣仔繞道的專家小組論壇。

The sub - committee on wan chai development phase ii review ( sub - committee ) of the harbour - front enhancement committee ( hec ) has arranged to hold an “ expert panel forum on sustainable transport planning and central - wan chai bypass “ on saturday , september 3 at the sme training centre 3 , expo galleria , hong kong convention and exhibition centre 共建維港委員會轄下灣仔發展計劃第二期檢討小組委員會(小組委員會)將于九月三日(星期六)在香港會議展覽中心博覽商場貿易發展局中小企業培訓中心舉辦可持續運輸規劃及中環灣仔繞道的專家小組論壇。

The peak is one of hong kong s most famous tourist destinations . you can have unparalleled views of victoria harbour as well as views of hong kong s lush nature side . the peak galleria & the peak tower , a “ wok “ shaped tower further provides you with restaurants , entertainment , shopping and the famous wax museum of london madame tussauds 太平山頂是本港最著名的旅游勝地之一,而?霄閣就是整個景點的中心,其中頂樓觀景臺視野寬廣,讓你能俯瞰整個維多利亞港的景致,也可透過望遠鏡細賞九龍沿岸建筑,體驗東方之珠的迷人夜景。

The hong kong environmental protection festival 2004 - 05 was kick - started on 30 january 2005 at the open plaza of the peak galleria to disseminate the message of “ love our nature , separate waste at source “ . the theme was chosen to echo the government s new nature conservation policy and initiatives in promoting source separation of domestic waste 香港環保節2004 - 05開展儀式于2005年1月30日在山頂廣場的露天廣場舉行,主題是廢物分類再造,愛惜自然家家好,以響應政府新推出的自然保育政策及家居廢物源頭分類計劃。

Jointly organised by the office of the government chief information officer of the hksar government , the hong kong trade development council , and the hong kong article numbering association ean hong kong , the “ excelling your supply chains “ seminar was successfully held on 14 september 2004 pm at sme training centre , expo galleria , g f hong kong convention exhibition centre 由香港特別行政區政府政府資訊科技總監辦公室香港貿易發展局及香港貨品編碼協會聯合舉辦的運用資訊科技提高競爭力:電貿供應鏈管理研討會已于二四年九月十四日下午在灣仔香港會議展覽中心博覽商場香港貿易發展局中小企業培訓中心成功舉行。

The sub - committee on wan chai development phase ii review sub - committee of the harbour - front enhancement committee has arranged to hold an “ expert panel forum on sustainable transport planning and central - wan chai bypass “ on saturday , september 3 at the sme training centre 3 , expo galleria , hong kong convention and exhibition centre 共建維港委員會轄下灣仔發展計劃第二期檢討小組委員會小組委員會將于九月三日星期六在香港會議展覽中心博覽商場貿易發展局中小企業培訓中心舉辦可持續運輸規劃及中環灣仔繞道的專家小組論壇。

The sub - committee on wan chai development phase ii review ( sub - committee ) of the harbour - front enhancement committee ( hec ) has arranged to hold an “ expert panel forum on sustainable transport planning and central - wan chai bypass “ on saturday , september 3 at the sme training centre 3 , expo galleria , hong kong convention and exhibition centre 共建維港委員會轄下灣仔發展計劃第二期檢討小組委員會(小組委員會)將于九月三日(星期六)在香港會議展覽中心博覽商場貿易發展局中小企業培訓中心舉辦可持續運輸規劃及中環灣仔繞道的專家小組論壇。

The peak is one of hong kong s most famous tourist destinations . you can have unparalleled views of victoria harbour as well as views of hong kong s lush nature side . the peak galleria & the peak tower , a “ wok “ shaped tower further provides you with restaurants , entertainment , shopping and the famous wax museum of london madame tussauds 太平山頂是本港最著名的旅游勝地之一,而?霄閣就是整個景點的中心,其中頂樓觀景臺視野寬廣,讓你能俯瞰整個維多利亞港的景致,也可透過望遠鏡細賞九龍沿岸建筑,體驗東方之珠的迷人夜景。

The hong kong environmental protection festival 2004 - 05 was kick - started on 30 january 2005 at the open plaza of the peak galleria to disseminate the message of “ love our nature , separate waste at source “ . the theme was chosen to echo the government s new nature conservation policy and initiatives in promoting source separation of domestic waste 香港環保節2004 - 05開展儀式于2005年1月30日在山頂廣場的露天廣場舉行,主題是廢物分類再造,愛惜自然家家好,以響應政府新推出的自然保育政策及家居廢物源頭分類計劃。


Jointly organised by the office of the government chief information officer of the hksar government , the hong kong trade development council , and the hong kong article numbering association ean hong kong , the “ excelling your supply chains “ seminar was successfully held on 14 september 2004 pm at sme training centre , expo galleria , g f hong kong convention exhibition centre 由香港特別行政區政府政府資訊科技總監辦公室香港貿易發展局及香港貨品編碼協會聯合舉辦的運用資訊科技提高競爭力:電貿供應鏈管理研討會已于二四年九月十四日下午在灣仔香港會議展覽中心博覽商場香港貿易發展局中小企業培訓中心成功舉行。

The most eye - catching shops in the galleria include chanel fashion and jewelry , prada leather goods very much in vogue these days , tiffany , cartier , christian dior , the first hermes boutique in taiwan , boss men s fashion , georg jensen silver jewelry , polo and ralph lauren . don t assume that regent galleria is only for the wealthy 在麗晶名品街最搶眼的品牌包括chanel時裝與珠寶最流行的prada義大利全系列品牌tiffany cartier與christian dior的全系列商品第一家hermes專賣店最搶手的德國boss男裝, georg jensen的銀飾,頂級休閑服飾polo ralph lauren等等。

The sub - committee on wan chai development phase ii review sub - committee of the harbour - front enhancement committee has arranged to hold an “ expert panel forum on sustainable transport planning and central - wan chai bypass “ on saturday , september 3 at the sme training centre 3 , expo galleria , hong kong convention and exhibition centre 共建維港委員會轄下灣仔發展計劃第二期檢討小組委員會小組委員會將于九月三日星期六在香港會議展覽中心博覽商場貿易發展局中小企業培訓中心舉辦可持續運輸規劃及中環灣仔繞道的專家小組論壇。

Pacific place , queensway plaza and the united centre on queensway are large malls hosting many local and international brands . in addition , many department stores are centralized in the landmark , the galleria , pedder building , prince s building , chater house , international finance centre , shun tak centre and wing on centre . small hawker stalls sell inexpensive clothing and commodities 位于金鐘的太古廣場、金鐘廊及統一中心都是具規模的購物商場;中環區的置地廣場、嘉軒廣場、畢打行、太子大廈、遮打大廈、國際金融中心、信德中心和永安中心,更匯聚本地及國際品牌,還有多家百貨公司。

Tour the leaning tower of pisa , which was erected 1175 , and visit the stone walled old town with lots of shops and restaurants . arrive milan in the late afternoon and start with panoramic tour with milan gothic treasure the duomo , then stroll through the spectacular glass - topped galleria , past the piazza scala , home of the famed la scala opera house 早餐后專車北上,沿太陽公路行駛,中午到達比薩市,參觀比薩斜塔,斜塔建于一一七五年,白云石建造的塔身不可思議地傾斜著,狀似危樓,危危乎熬過了一個又一個世紀,站在斜塔前大有此時不游待何時的心情呢!

The sub - committee on wan chai development phase ii review ( sub - committee ) of the harbour - front enhancement committee ( hec ) has arranged to hold an “ expert panel forum on sustainable transport planning and central - wan chai bypass “ on saturday , september 3 at the sme training centre 3 , expo galleria , hong kong convention and exhibition centre 共建維港委員會轄下灣仔發展計劃第二期檢討小組委員會(小組委員會)將于九月三日(星期六)在香港會議展覽中心博覽商場貿易發展局中小企業培訓中心舉辦可持續運輸規劃及中環灣仔繞道的專家小組論壇。

The peak is one of hong kong s most famous tourist destinations . you can have unparalleled views of victoria harbour as well as views of hong kong s lush nature side . the peak galleria & the peak tower , a “ wok “ shaped tower further provides you with restaurants , entertainment , shopping and the famous wax museum of london madame tussauds 太平山頂是本港最著名的旅游勝地之一,而?霄閣就是整個景點的中心,其中頂樓觀景臺視野寬廣,讓你能俯瞰整個維多利亞港的景致,也可透過望遠鏡細賞九龍沿岸建筑,體驗東方之珠的迷人夜景。

Located at the expo galleria , and just next to the famed golden bauhinia square , golden bauhinia cantonese restaurant presents authentic cantonese cuisine with an extensive a - la - carte menu , which includes a selection of tasty dim sum and delicious specialties . in a cosy setting overlooking the magnificent victoria harbour , golden bauhinia cantonese restaurant is a perfect venue for social gatherings and business occasions 位于會展中心博覽商場,毗鄰著名的金紫荊廣場,金紫莉粵菜廳提供多款巧手粵菜及精選點心,加上環境優雅舒適,擁有偌大落地玻璃,讓賓客飽覽醉人的維港景致,是私人聚會或傾談商務之理想地點。

Venues sponsors include aeon stores hong kong co . , limited , cheung kong holdings limited , hang lung properties , hong kong housing authority , hong kong housing society , hysan development company limited , ikea , kcrc , luk yeung galleria , maritime square , paradise mall , sino group , sun hung kai real estate agency ltd . , swire properties and wing on department stores limited 鳴謝場地贊助,包括永旺香港百貨有限公司長江實業集團有限公司恒隆地產香港房屋委員會香港房屋協會希慎興業有限公司宜家家?九廣鐵路綠楊坊青衣城杏花新城信和地產代理有限公司新鴻基地產代理有限公司太古地產以及永安百貨。