galleon n.(15-18世紀用做軍艦或商船的)西班牙大帆船。
n. (15-18世紀用做軍艦或商船的)西班牙大帆船。 “pirate galleon“ 中文翻譯: 海盜船“transport galleon“ 中文翻譯: 運輸船; 運輸帆船“treasure galleon“ 中文翻譯: 財寶帆船“resurrecting a spanish galleon“ 中文翻譯: 復原一艘西班牙大帆船“galleoni“ 中文翻譯: 加萊奧尼“galleons“ 中文翻譯: 加隆“galleova“ 中文翻譯: 加萊奧娃“gallep“ 中文翻譯: 加勒普“gallente industrial“ 中文翻譯: gallente工業“gallepe“ 中文翻譯: 加萊普“gallente frigate“ 中文翻譯: gallente大型驅逐艦
No one knows how the “ ponies “ got on the island , but one myth says that they are descendants of mustangs that swam there from a shipwrecked spanish galleon ( a large sailing ship ) 沒有人知道這些矮種馬是如何登上阿薩蒂格島的,但有則神話表示它們是野馬的后代,而這些野馬則是自一艘失事的西班牙船(大型帆船)脫逃并游上岸的。 |
Fudge acquiesces to lucius , impressed with the “ purity “ of his wizarding blood and sizable sums of galleons he donates 鑒于盧修斯“純凈”的巫師血統和他捐贈的相當可觀的金加隆,福吉也默許了他的行為。 |
Capacity : 2 per “ galleon 定員:每臺2名 |
No one knows how the “ ponies “ got on the island , but one myth says that they are descendants of mustangs that swam there from a shipwrecked spanish galleon ( a large sailing ship ) 沒有人知道這些矮種馬是如何登上阿薩蒂格島的,但有則神話表示它們是野馬的后代,而這些野馬則是自一艘失事的西班牙船(大型帆船)脫逃并游上岸的。 |
Fudge acquiesces to lucius , impressed with the “ purity “ of his wizarding blood and sizable sums of galleons he donates 鑒于盧修斯“純凈”的巫師血統和他捐贈的相當可觀的金加隆,福吉也默許了他的行為。 |
Capacity : 2 per “ galleon 定員:每臺2名 |
galleria |
His two men are ordered to watch closely movement of the opera people . little does the chief know that actually the islanders are living off the loot their ancestors made by raiding a government gold galleon some centuries ago . they buried much of the treasure and a dormant vampire under a pagoda . . . . . 而跟隨一劇團來到該村做大戲的花旦吳君如與陳淑蘭在一名臨死男子手中得到一張藏寶圖,兩人找來在團中當教師的盧冠廷,三人展開一幕幕驚險的尋寶旅途。 |
Stroll the streets of a charming fishing village on the coast of the mediterranean sea , ride a gondola through the romantic canals reminiscent of venice and experience the golden age of exploration abroad a 16th century galleon and within the walls of a renaissance era fortress 地中海沿岸的漁村匯集著一間間風格獨特的商店及餐廳到了威尼斯不可錯過的是浪漫的貢多拉游船重現大航海時代的要塞,更是充滿文藝復興時期的精華。 |
Alternatively , the text of a copy of the prophet delivered in the morning might change as the day wears on with the latest news using something similar to the protean charm which hermione used on the fake galleons 另一種選擇是,當一天慢慢過去,早上的《預言家日報》會使用類似于赫敏用來偽裝加隆的的變化咒,使報上的文章換成最新的新聞。 |
No one knows how the “ ponies “ got on the island , but one myth says that they are descendants of mustangs that swam there from a shipwrecked spanish galleon ( a large sailing ship ) 沒有人知道這些矮種馬是如何登上阿薩蒂格島的,但有則神話表示它們是野馬的后代,而這些野馬則是自一艘失事的西班牙船(大型帆船)脫逃并游上岸的。 |
Displays range from the boot of cortez , which is the largest nugget ever discovered in the western hemisphere , to rare gold doubloons rescued from the ocean wreck of a spanish galleon 展覽的物品多種多樣,從一塊在西半球發現的最大的金塊到極其罕見的西班牙金幣,這些貨幣是從一艘西班牙沉船中打撈出來的。 |
I lost a battle in spain , i have been defeated in trieste , but my naval army in india will have taken some galleons , and my mexican pioneers will have discovered some mine . 我在西班牙打了個敗仗,我在的里雅斯特吃了次虧,但我的海軍會在印度捕獲到大商船,我的墨西哥先遣隊會發現礦藏。 ” |
He was dark of face , swarthy as a pirate , and his eyes were as bold and black as any pirate ' s appraising a galleon to be scuttled or a maiden to be ravished 他的臉很黑,黝黑得像一個海盜,他賊溜溜的黑眼睛就像海盜在算計一艘要擊沉的大帆船或打量一個要強奪過來的少女。 |
Merope went to london , but was so destitute she sold her priceless gold locket to caractacus burke of borgin & burke ' s for a meager 10 galleons 梅洛普之后去了倫敦,然而在那里她窮得沒法,把金墜子以10加隆的低價賣給了博金博克店的老板卡拉克塔庫斯?博克。 |
After all , you can buy a large quantity of sweets from the cart on the hogwarts express for eleven sickles , about two - thirds of one galleon 畢竟,你用11個西可從霍格沃茲特快上的手推車那里買一大堆糖果? ?這些西可約合2 / 3個加隆。 |
The serial numbers of the fake galleon would change to show the date and time of the upcoming session and the galleon would become warm 假加隆上的編號會改變以顯示下次聚會的日期和時間,時間改變的同時假加隆還會發熱。 |
The story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in1628 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea 在1628年,有一艘大帆船在處女航開始時就沉沒了,這個沉船故事一定是最神奇的海上軼事之一。 |
Fudge acquiesces to lucius , impressed with the “ purity “ of his wizarding blood and sizable sums of galleons he donates 鑒于盧修斯“純凈”的巫師血統和他捐贈的相當可觀的金加隆,福吉也默許了他的行為。 |
130 spanish galleons with 27 , 365 soldiers and sailors , horses and siege cannon set sail for britain 西班牙派出130艘戰船向英國進發。船上載有27 , 365名士兵和水兵,還有馬匹和攻城炮。 |