
gallatin n.加勒廷〔姓氏〕。


In recent years , with the maturing and development of industries , gallatin has developed itself into a modern city with high annual volume of investment both at home and abroad , in the fields of steel manufacturing , restaurant retailing and agricultural production etc 近年來,隨著工業的發展與成熟,該市每年都吸引著大量的國內外投資,涉及鋼材制造、餐館零售和農產品生產等領域,現已成為一座現代化的商業城市。

Yet business and industry looking at gallatin will find affordable land in municipally owned industrial sites , together with a willingness to work and build for the future 加勒廷市將為那些欲在該市大展宏圖的企業家和商人提供良好的工業用地,并將攜手共創加勒廷市美好的明天。

A relaxed lifestyle has always been part of gallatin ' s appeal and that will continue to be true because it is a priority 輕松舒適的生活環境已經成為并將繼續成為加勒廷市的魅力之一。

Meanwhile , the disposable income of gallatin residents compares very favorably to other places in the region 同時,該市居民的可支配收入也位居田納西州薩姆納地區的前列。

Gallatin is home to a pleasant mix of manufacturing , retail , recreation and agriculture 加勒廷市擁有集制造業、零售業、娛樂業和農業為一體的產業結構。