gallantry n.1.勇敢,豪俠;勇敢的言行。2.(對女子的)殷勤言行...
n. 1.勇敢,豪俠;勇敢的言行。 2.(對女子的)殷勤言行;對女子的尊崇。 3.風流事件;淫蕩。 “gallantry cross“ 中文翻譯: 英勇十字勛章“gallantry in europe“ 中文翻譯: 歐洲豪俠“modern gallantry“ 中文翻譯: 現代騎士精神“ode to gallantry“ 中文翻譯: 俠客行“gallantry cross unit citation“ 中文翻譯: 英勇十字集體嘉獎“long road to gallantry“ 中文翻譯: 游俠情“vietnam gallantry cross“ 中文翻譯: 越南英勇十字勛章“rvn gallantry cross unit citation“ 中文翻譯: 越南英勇十字集體嘉獎“gallantly rising to the occasion“ 中文翻譯: 見義勇為”“gallantly“ 中文翻譯: 漂亮地; 獻殷勤地; 勇敢地“gallant zhang san“ 中文翻譯: 醉鬼張三“gallapes“ 中文翻譯: 加拉佩斯“gallant with“ 中文翻譯: 調情“gallar“ 中文翻譯: 加利亞爾“gallant unicorn“ 中文翻譯: 雍容獨角獸
Cried he , with an air of awkward gallantry ; “ and i am persuaded that when sanctioned by the express authority of both your excellent parents , my proposals will not fail of being acceptable . 他大為狼狽,又不得不裝出滿臉的殷勤神氣叫道: “你始終都那么可愛!我相信只要令尊令堂作主應承了我,你就決不會拒絕。 ” |
It is bestowed “ for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life , above and beyond the call of duty , in actual combat against an armed enemy force 該勛章授予那些在實際對敵作戰時,超越本職、甘冒生命危險、具有大無畏犧牲精神的勇士。 |
Cried he , with an air of awkward gallantry ; “ and i am persuaded that when sanctioned by the express authority of both your excellent parents , my proposals will not fail of being acceptable . 他大為狼狽,又不得不裝出滿臉的殷勤神氣叫道: “你始終都那么可愛!我相信只要令尊令堂作主應承了我,你就決不會拒絕。 ” |
It is bestowed “ for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life , above and beyond the call of duty , in actual combat against an armed enemy force 該勛章授予那些在實際對敵作戰時,超越本職、甘冒生命危險、具有大無畏犧牲精神的勇士。 |
gallatin |
She lost all concern for him in finding herself thus selected as the object of such idle and frivolous gallantry ; and while she steadily repressed it , could not but feel the reproof contained in his believing that , however long , and for whatever cause , his attentions had been withdrawn , her vanity would be gratified and her preference secured at any time by their renewal 她發覺要跟她談情說愛的這個人,竟是一個游手好閑的輕薄公子,因此就不免對他心灰意冷而他居然還自以為只要能夠重溫舊好,便終究能夠滿足她的虛榮,獲得她的歡心,不管他已經有多久沒有向她獻過殷勤,其中又是為了什么原因,都不會對事情本身發生任何影響。 |
Had he been a handsome , heroic - looking young gentleman , i should not have dared to stand thus questioning him against his will , and offering my services unasked . i had hardly ever seen a handsome youth ; never in my life spoken to one . i had a theoretical reverence and homage for beauty , elegance , gallantry , fascination ; but had i met those qualities incarnate in masculine shape , i should have known instinctively that they neither had nor could have sympathy with anything in me , and should have shunned them as one would fire , lightning , or anything else that is bright but antipathetic 要是他是位漂亮笑俊的年輕紳士,我也許不會如此大膽地站著,違背他心愿提出問題,而且不等他開口就表示愿意幫忙,我幾乎沒有看到過一位漂亮的青年,平生也從未同一位漂亮青年說過話,我在理論上尊崇美麗高雅勇敢和魅力,但如果我見到這些品質體現有男性的軀體中,那我會本能地明白,這些東西沒有,也不可能與我的品質共鳴那我也會像人們躲避火災閃電或者別的雖然明亮卻今人厭惡的東西一樣,對它們避之不迭。 |
The spy , who was there to pick up any crumbs he could find or make , did not allow his baffled state to express itself in his sinister face ; but , stood with an air of gossiping gallantry , leaning his elbow on madame defarge s little counter , and occasionally sipping his cognac 那密探是來搜羅點面包皮或者制造點什么的。他不愿在他那陰鷙的臉上露出狼狽的樣子,只把胳膊肘靠在老板娘的小柜臺上,裝作一副獻獻殷勤閑聊閑聊的神態,偶爾啜一口干邑酒。 |
Elizabeth , having rather expected to affront him , was amazed at his gallantry ; but there was a mixture of sweetness and archness in her manner which made it difficult for her to affront anybody ; and darcy had never been so bewitched by any woman as he was by her 伊麗莎白本來打算使他難堪一下,這會兒見他那么體貼,倒楞住了。不過,伊麗莎白的為人一貫溫柔乖巧,不輕易得罪任何人,而達西又對她非常著迷,以前任何女人也不曾使他這樣著迷過。 |
Napoleon , frowning sternly , listened in silence to what fabvier was saying of the gallantry and devotion of his army , fighting before salamanca , at the other end of europe ; they had , he said , but one dreamto be worthy of their emperor , and one fearto displease him 拿破侖嚴厲地皺著眉頭,默默地聽法布維埃講述他的軍隊在歐洲的另一端薩拉曼卡作戰怎樣勇敢怎樣忠誠,只想不辜負他們的皇帝,唯恐不能討他歡心。那場戰爭的結束是可悲的。 |
Mr . wickham began to speak on more general topics , meryton , the neighbourhood , the society , appearing highly pleased with all that he had yet seen , and speaking of the latter especially , with gentle but very intelligible gallantry 他談到麥里屯,談到四鄰八舍和社交之類的事,凡是他所看到的事情,他談起來都非常欣喜,特別是談到社交問題的時候,他的談吐舉止更顯得溫雅殷勤。 |
She suddenly realized that what she had taken for gallantries to harriet had been meant for herself , and what she had intended as encouragement to his suit of her friend , he had taken as encouragement to aspire for emma ' s hand 她突然意識到,埃爾頓先生向哈里特獻殷勤實則是沖她而來,而她有意鼓勵埃爾頓追求自己女友的舉動,卻被他看成是鼓勵他向自己求婚的表示。 |
Doubtless one of the charming females albert had detected beneath their coquettish disguise was touched by his gallantry ; for , as the carriage of the two friends passed her , she threw a bunch of violets 他立刻站起來,把馬車里剩下的花球都拋了過去。漂亮女人這是阿爾貝從她們風騷的化裝上推測出來的中的一個無疑地被他的殷勤獻媚所打動了。 |
Rostov was still pondering on his brilliant exploit , which , to his amazement , had won him the st . georges cross and made his reputation indeed for fearless gallantry . there was something he could not fathom in it 羅斯托夫老在想那使他驚奇的輝煌的戰功,賞給他圣喬治十字勛章,甚至獲得勇士的名聲他有一點弄不明白。 |
Cried he , with an air of awkward gallantry ; “ and i am persuaded that when sanctioned by the express authority of both your excellent parents , my proposals will not fail of being acceptable . 他大為狼狽,又不得不裝出滿臉的殷勤神氣叫道: “你始終都那么可愛!我相信只要令尊令堂作主應承了我,你就決不會拒絕。 ” |
On the contrary , a man with a dream is like a warrior armed with ambition , foresight and gallantry , daring to step into an unknown domain to make a journey of adventure 相反地,有夢想的人就像裝備了志向、遠見和勇氣的戰士,敢于踏入一個未知的領域,展開一趟冒險之旅。 |
It is bestowed “ for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life , above and beyond the call of duty , in actual combat against an armed enemy force 該勛章授予那些在實際對敵作戰時,超越本職、甘冒生命危險、具有大無畏犧牲精神的勇士。 |
Emma rather than jane was the recipient of his gallantries , however , and emma could see that mr . and mrs . weston were hoping that the romance would prosper 但他對之大獻殷勤的姑娘卻不是簡而是愛瑪。愛瑪明白韋斯頓夫婦希望這顆情種能夠開花結果。 |
Now , i cannot for one instant believe you so devoid of gallantry as to refuse a lady your escort when she even condescends to ask you for it . 今天晚上我家里要請客,所以決不能等到演完戲了才走,您難道這樣不懂禮貌,竟不肯陪我回去嗎? ” |
This gallantry was not much to the taste of some of his hearers , but mrs . bennet who quarrelled with no compliments , answered most readily , 他這些奉承話,人家真不大愛聽,只有班納特太太,沒有哪句恭維話聽不下去,于是極其干脆地回答道: |