
gallant adj.1.勇敢的;豪俠的,有義氣的。2.服飾華麗的,堂...

“ i wrote the gallant good - bye , “ he said dully “我寫過殷勤地向你告別的信, ”他沒精打采地說。

“i wrote the gallant good-bye,“ he said dully . “我寫過殷勤地向你告別的信,”他沒精打采地說。

“ i wrote the gallant good - bye , “ he said dully “我寫過殷勤地向你告別的信, ”他沒精打采地說。

“i wrote the gallant good-bye,“ he said dully . “我寫過殷勤地向你告別的信,”他沒精打采地說。

gallant show

Let us raise our wine to those gallant and extraordinary men we have lost , 我們舉起手中的酒向那些英勇的、不平凡的勇士敬禮

Gallant computer company ltd 金禾電腦公司

You made a gallant effort 你作了極大的努力。

The mouth is open as if neighing and the horse appears gallant and spirited 馬俑昂首立耳,張口如嘶鳴,姿態雄駿。

Gallant sport pvc floor hebei 河北浩康pvc地板

Hands aloft to loose t ' gallants 把帆全張開!

You aren ' t being very gallant 你可不是太勇敢呀

He made a gallant effort 他做了一番英勇的努力。

The troops are in gallant array 這支部隊軍容嚴整。

Gallant ho physical education prize 何耀棣體育優異獎

You know , it ' s nice to see , every so often , someone . . . gallant 你知道,那樣很好.經常可以,有人- -很會獻殷勤

The gallant style in the stories of the vengeance on beasts in yuan dynasty 元代向猛獸復仇故事的豪俠風范

With its huge waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone years 大江東去,浪淘盡,千古風流人物。

A gallant scene in truth it made 那確實是一派雄偉景象。

You know , it ' s nice to see , every so often , someone . gallant 你知道,那樣很好.經常可以,有人-很會獻殷勤