
gallagher n.加拉赫〔姓氏〕。

The fa is also expected to investigate . “ if this incident is reported by mr gallagher then , of course , we will be investigating it fully , “ a spokesman said 足總也將進行調查。 “當然,如果這次事件被加拉赫報告的話我們就會徹底調查。 ”一位發言人說。

“ let ' s quit this mess , “ gallagher said 加拉赫說: “得了,咱們別再這么胡來啦。 ”

“let's quit this mess,“ gallagher said . 加拉赫說:“得了,咱們別再這么胡來啦。”

“yeah,“ gallagher admits, “yeah. “ “對,對,”加拉赫忙不迭地應道。

The fa is also expected to investigate . “ if this incident is reported by mr gallagher then , of course , we will be investigating it fully , “ a spokesman said 足總也將進行調查。 “當然,如果這次事件被加拉赫報告的話我們就會徹底調查。 ”一位發言人說。

“ let ' s quit this mess , “ gallagher said 加拉赫說: “得了,咱們別再這么胡來啦。 ”

“let's quit this mess,“ gallagher said . 加拉赫說:“得了,咱們別再這么胡來啦。”

“yeah,“ gallagher admits, “yeah. “ “對,對,”加拉赫忙不迭地應道。


Pardies and rendered into englifh by john harris d . d . london , printed for r . knaplock at the bifhop s head mdccxi , with dedicatory epiftle to his worthy friend charles cox , efquire , member of parliament for the burgh of southwark and having ink calligraphed statement on the flyleaf certifying that the book was the property of michael gallagher , dated this 10th day of may 1822 and requefting the perfon who should find it , if the book should be loft or go aftray , to reftore it to michael gallagher , carpenter , dufery gate , ennifcorthy , county wicklow , the fineft place in the world 內收有致譯者之畏友查理考克斯先生薩瑟克自治市所推選出來的下院議員的書信體獻辭。襯頁上用剛健有力的鋼筆字寫明:此系邁克爾加拉赫之藏書,日期為一八二二年五月十日,倘若遺失或下落不明,凡發現該書者,懇請將它退還給舉世無雙之美麗土地威克洛郡恩尼斯科西230達費里門的木工邁克爾加拉赫為荷。

Ratener said the question originally referred to gallagher , a one - named comedian who smashed watermelons as part of his act , and that he changed it to condoleezza because she was more recognizable and because he likes the name 雷特納說,這道題目原先是用蓋拉爾這個名字的? ?一個在表演中吃西瓜吃醉了的有名喜劇演員,后來他將其改成了康多莉扎,是因為她比較為人所知,同時也因為他比較喜歡這個名字。

Father conmee saluted mr william gallagher and perceived the odours that came from baconflitches and ample cools of butter . he passed grogan s the tobacconist against which newsboards leaned and told of a dreadful catastrophe in new york 康米神父向威廉加拉赫先生還禮,并嗅到了成條的腌豬肋骨肉和桶里裝得滿滿的冰鎮黃油的氣味。

Liam gallagher , musician “ americans want grungy people , stabbing themselves in the head on stage . they get a bright bunch like us , with deodorant on , they don ' t get it 音樂家里恩?蓋拉格:美國人喜歡表演者邋邋遢遢,在舞臺上猛指自己的頭。碰到我們這種優秀人才,還擦了體香劑,他們卻不懂得欣賞。

Assistant u . s . secretary of commerce michael gallagher says the agreement ensures that the day - to - day operation of the internet will remain with icann and the private sector 美國商業部助理秘書邁克加納格表示,該協議確保了因特網日常運作依然處于在互聯網名稱與數字地址分配機構和私人領域的管理下。

As both fighters entertained questions from the media yesterday at gallagher ' s steakhouse in new york city both byrd and klitschko were able to vent a little bit 由于兩個拳手遭遇來自昨天媒體的提問,在紐約市的蓋拉佛的牛排餐廳,博德和克里奇科能發泄一點撕咬。

Susan gallagher , who represents the private power firm ameren in st louis , missouri , says her state has been through a lot this winter 暴風雨經過之處,大部分覆蓋著冰雪的電纜被大風刮掉,致使數以十萬計的人無電可用,而且在這些人中大多數的家里都沒有暖氣。

The fa is also expected to investigate . “ if this incident is reported by mr gallagher then , of course , we will be investigating it fully , “ a spokesman said 足總也將進行調查。 “當然,如果這次事件被加拉赫報告的話我們就會徹底調查。 ”一位發言人說。

2 christoffel , t . & gallagher , ss . ( 2006 ) . injury prevention and public health : practical knowledge , skills , and strategies . sudbury , ma : jones and bartlett publishers , 2nd ed 1王聲涌、黃慶道主編( 2001 ) 。傷害的預防與控制。廣州:廣東省地圖出版社。

Dan gallagher : she keeps calling the apartment . when beth answers the phone , she hangs up . i ' m scared jimmy , and i don ' t want to lose my family 丹:她不停地打公寓的電話。當貝斯接聽電話的時候,她掛斷了。我很害怕吉米,并且我不想失去我的家庭。

Susan gallagher , who represents the private power firm ameren in st louis , missouri , says her state has been through a lot this winter 風暴席卷之處,狂風摧毀了被冰雪覆蓋的電線,致使成千上萬的居民家中斷電,還有很多地方的供暖設施也被迫中斷。