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gall wasp 【動物;動物學】癭蜂。

“ if this proves to be specific , “ ramadan said , meaning there ' s no threat other than to gall wasps , “ it will save the wiliwili . 對此,拉馬丹表示: “如果這個方法被證實是有特效作用的, ” “那么它將拯救夏威夷的刺桐樹。 ”

“ if this proves to be specific , “ ramadan said , meaning there ' s no threat other than to gall wasps , “ it will save the wiliwili . 對此,拉馬丹表示: “如果這個方法被證實是有特效作用的, ” “那么它將拯救夏威夷的刺桐樹。 ”


Mohsen ramadan , a state exploratory entomologist , spent two months in tanzania looking for a natural solution to fight the wiliwili - destroying erythrina gall wasp and found a wasp of the eurytoma species 最終,拉馬丹發現了一種靠食用癭蜂的幼蟲和蛹為生的屬于廣肩小蜂屬eurytoma的胡蜂。

“ if this proves to be specific , “ ramadan said , meaning there ' s no threat other than to gall wasps , “ it will save the wiliwili . 對此,拉馬丹表示: “如果這個方法被證實是有特效作用的, ” “那么它將拯救夏威夷的刺桐樹。 ”

The eurytoma wasps feeds externally on gall wasp larvae and pupae . it attacks 95 percent of gall wasps in tanzania 在坦桑尼亞,這種廣肩小蜂會對大約95的癭蜂發動攻擊。

The parasitoid produced its first generation in their lab last week , at the expense of gall wasps 上個星期,這種尚未被命名的廣肩小蜂已經在實驗室里產下了第一代小蜂。

The gall wasp is a new species , not only to hawaii , but worldwide 報道說,刺桐癭蜂不僅對于夏威夷是個新鮮的物種,對整個世界也是一樣。

A gall wasp in amber 在琥珀中的五倍子蜂

By the time anne was born , i had collected over 200 , 000 gall wasps 在安娜出生之前,我收集了超過20萬只五倍子蜂的標本

The gall wasp garden of eden 五倍子蜂的伊甸園

I ' m studying gall wasps , mom 我在研究五倍子蜂,媽媽

Human beings are just bigger , slightly more complicated gall wasps 人類只是比五倍子蜂更大更復雜一些而已

I ' ve yet to find a single gall wasp that ' s the same as another 我還從未見過任何兩只完全一樣的五倍子蜂

I ' ve been reading up on gall wasps 我看過關于五倍子蜂的書