
gall n.1.膽汁;膽囊,膽。2.苦物,苦味。3.惡毒,刻薄,...

“ thou had the gall to betray thy dearest friend . 你竟然會背叛你最親密的朋友

“ thou had the gall to betray thy dearest friend . 你竟然會背叛你最親密的朋友

gall bladder

They haven ' t the gall to steal , nor the stability to work 他們沒有膽量去偷,也沒有工作的穩定性。

It galled him to have to ask permission to go into town 必須求得許可才能進城,這件事惹惱了他。

Love is full of honey and gall 愛情有時甜如蜂蜜,有時苦于膽汁。

Constriction effect of daidzein on guinea pig ' s gall bladder 大豆苷元對豚鼠膽囊收縮運動的影響

Of collecting vast numbers of gall wasps 收集了數目巨大的五倍子蜂

It galled him to have to ask for a loan 必須向人借錢使他感到羞辱。

So what gives you the gall to call us a screwed - up family 所以你才憤怒的稱我們為糟糕的家庭

He has filled me with bitter herbs and sated me with gall 15他用苦楚充滿我,使我飽用茵陳。

Of collecting vast numbers of gall wasps . . 收集了數目巨大的五倍子蜂

That you , cap ' n ? brimstone and gall , man 怎么了,船長? -你們這些蠢貨

The bark of saplings galled by improper staking 由于不正確地打樁,小樹苗的樹皮受到了損傷

I picked it up when i went out west to collect galls 我去西部收集標本的時候不得不學會的

Medical instruments ; gall duct forceps type lahey and gray 醫療器械.萊伊氏和雷格氏膽道鉗

But i guess i always knew that gall wasps weren ' t going to . . 但是我想我知道,五倍子蜂

Bruce found the gall that hatched the millionth wasp 布魯斯收集到了第一百萬只蜂的標本

Medical instruments - gall stone forceps type desjardins 醫療器械. desjardins型膽結石鉗

Medical instruments ; gall stone probes type desjardins 醫療器械. desjardins式膽結石探針