
galileo 伽利略〔1564-1642,意大利物理學家和天文學家〕。

As a result of his “ indiscretion “ , the university refused to grant galileo his doctor diploma 由于他的“不檢點” ,這所大學拒絕發給伽利略博士學位證書。

As a result of his “indiscretion“, the university refused to grant galileo his doctor diploma . 由于他的“不檢點”,這所大學拒絕發給伽利略博士學位證書。

As a result of his “ indiscretion “ , the university refused to grant galileo his doctor diploma 由于他的“不檢點” ,這所大學拒絕發給伽利略博士學位證書。

As a result of his “indiscretion“, the university refused to grant galileo his doctor diploma . 由于他的“不檢點”,這所大學拒絕發給伽利略博士學位證書。


As a result of his “ indiscretion “ , the university refused to grant galileo his doctor diploma 由于他的“不檢點” ,這所大學拒絕發給伽利略博士學位證書。

The academic old guard of seventeenth - century italy used the church courts to stop galileo 十七世紀意大利學院派老一代的衛道士利用教會法庭停止伽利略。

Galileo lived at a time when the human spirit was waking after a thousand years of sleep 伽利略生活的時代是人類靈魂經過了千年沉睡之后正在蘇醒的時代。

Index with graphics and illustrations about stars , the solar system , cosmology and galileo -天文學基礎知識,天象預報,星歷表和天文相關軟件下載。

Galileo lived in the city of pisa , where there is a leaning tower about 180 feet high 伽理略住在比薩城,那里有一座約180英尺高的斜塔

Galileo was not ready to accept it just because aristotle had said so 伽利略并不只是因為亞里斯多德說過某事如何如何,就輕易相信它。

The first scientist to correctly describe the behavior of falling objects was galileo 第一個正確描述落體性質的科學家是伽利略。

Today we praise galileo and call him one of the founders of modern science 今天,我們贊頌伽理略,稱他為現代科學的奠基人之一。

Galileo was not ready to accept it just because aristotle had said so 伽利略并不只是因為亞里士多德曾這樣說過,就輕易相信它。

Galileo demonstrated that objects of different weights fall at the same speed 伽利略證明了不同重量的物體會以同樣的速度墜落。

Galileo was the first person to see mountains on the moon and sunspots on the sun 伽里略是看到月球上山脈和太陽黑子的第一人。

At the same time our sympathy fro galileo ' s opponents as grown somewhat 與此同時,我們對伽利略的反對派的同情也有所增加。

Galileo is usually given credit for being the “ father of the scientific method ” 伽利略通常被認為是“科學方法之父” 。

Galileo demonstrated that objects of different weights fall at the same speed 伽利略證實不同重量的物體落下的速度相同。

Galileo positioning system 伽利略定位系統