galilean adj.(巴勒斯坦北部)加利利的。n.1.加利利人[居民...
adj. (巴勒斯坦北部)加利利的。 n. 1.加利利人[居民]。 2.基督教徒。 短語和例子the Galilean 耶穌。 adj. (意大利物理學家和天文學家)伽利略的。 “emperor and galilean“ 中文翻譯: 皇帝與加利利人“galilean binocular“ 中文翻譯: 伽利略雙筒望遠鏡“galilean binoculars“ 中文翻譯: 伽里略雙目望遠鏡; 伽利略式雙目望遠鏡“galilean eyepiece“ 中文翻譯: 伽利略目鏡“galilean glass“ 中文翻譯: 伽里略鏡; 伽里略望遠鏡“galilean invariance“ 中文翻譯: 伽利略不變性“galilean invariant“ 中文翻譯: 伽立略不變量“galilean moons“ 中文翻譯: 伽利略衛星“galilean satellite“ 中文翻譯: 伽利略衛星“galilean satellites“ 中文翻譯: 伽里略衛星; 伽利略衛星“galilean spectacles“ 中文翻譯: 伽利略眼鏡:裝有伽利略望遠透鏡,常用于視力低于正常者“galilean telescope“ 中文翻譯: 伽利略望遠鏡。 “galilean transformation“ 中文翻譯: 伽利略變換; 伽利略轉換“galilean viewfinder“ 中文翻譯: 伽利略取景器“the galilean transformation“ 中文翻譯: 伽利略變換“galilean binocular telescope“ 中文翻譯: 伽利略雙筒望遠鏡“galilean frame of reference“ 中文翻譯: 伽利略參考系“galilean principle of relativity“ 中文翻譯: 伽利略相對性原理“galilean refracting telescopes“ 中文翻譯: 折射望遠鏡“galilean telescope system“ 中文翻譯: 伽利略望遠系統“galilean tra formatio“ 中文翻譯: 伽利略變換“galilean tra formation“ 中文翻譯: 伽利略變換“inverted galilean finder“ 中文翻譯: 逆式伽俐略尋星器“new galilean binocular loupe“ 中文翻譯: 新伽利略式雙筒放大鏡“galilea“ 中文翻譯: 加利萊亞“galil“ 中文翻譯: 加利爾; 賈利勒
If life did evolve independently on mars , its discovery “ would complete the galilean revolution that removed earth and its life from the centre of the universe “ , says kargel 如果火星上真的存在獨立演化出的生命,發現它們“將把伽利略的革命進行到底,地球及其上的生命都將被推離宇宙的中心, ”卡茍說。 |
But again he denied it . and after a little while the bystanders were again saying to peter , “ surely you are one of them , for you are a galilean too . 可14 : 70彼得又不承認。過了不多的時候、旁邊站著的人又對彼得說、你真是他們一黨的。因為你是加利利人。 |
Again he denied it . after a little while , those standing near said to peter , “ surely you are one of them , for you are a galilean . 70彼得又不承認。過了不多的時候,旁邊站著的人又對彼得說,你真是他們一黨的。因為你是加利利人。 |
After about an hour had passed , another man began to insist , saying , “ certainly this man also was with him , for he is a galilean too . 路22 : 59約過了一小時、又有一個人極力的說、他實在是同那人一的因為他也是加利利人。 |
And jesus said to them , “ do you suppose that these galileans were greater sinners than all other galileans because they suffered this fate 路13 : 2耶穌說、你們以為這些加利利人比眾加利利人更有罪、所以受這害麼。 |
59 about an hour later another asserted , “ certainly this fellow was with him , for he is a galilean . 59約過了一小時,又有一個人極力的說:他實在是同那人一的,因為他也是加利利人。 |
Utterly amazed , they asked : “ are not all these men who are speaking galileans 7都驚訝希奇說,看哪,這說話的不都是加利利人嗎? |
If life did evolve independently on mars , its discovery “ would complete the galilean revolution that removed earth and its life from the centre of the universe “ , says kargel 如果火星上真的存在獨立演化出的生命,發現它們“將把伽利略的革命進行到底,地球及其上的生命都將被推離宇宙的中心, ”卡茍說。 |
But again he denied it . and after a little while the bystanders were again saying to peter , “ surely you are one of them , for you are a galilean too . 可14 : 70彼得又不承認。過了不多的時候、旁邊站著的人又對彼得說、你真是他們一黨的。因為你是加利利人。 |
Again he denied it . after a little while , those standing near said to peter , “ surely you are one of them , for you are a galilean . 70彼得又不承認。過了不多的時候,旁邊站著的人又對彼得說,你真是他們一黨的。因為你是加利利人。 |
After about an hour had passed , another man began to insist , saying , “ certainly this man also was with him , for he is a galilean too . 路22 : 59約過了一小時、又有一個人極力的說、他實在是同那人一的因為他也是加利利人。 |
And jesus said to them , “ do you suppose that these galileans were greater sinners than all other galileans because they suffered this fate 路13 : 2耶穌說、你們以為這些加利利人比眾加利利人更有罪、所以受這害麼。 |
59 about an hour later another asserted , “ certainly this fellow was with him , for he is a galilean . 59約過了一小時,又有一個人極力的說:他實在是同那人一的,因為他也是加利利人。 |
Utterly amazed , they asked : “ are not all these men who are speaking galileans 7都驚訝希奇說,看哪,這說話的不都是加利利人嗎? |
galilean telescope |
In order to obtain the maximum conversion efficiency we always hope the pump source is operated at the maximum level , thus to raise the input pump energy , we have to apply the galilean telescope to input the pump beam , but it will lead to the bad pump beam quality and the large output beam linewidth 為了獲得最大轉換效率總希望使泵浦源運轉在可達到的最高水平,因此不得不采用伽利略壓縮望遠鏡輸人泵浦光以提高輸人泵浦光的能量,但是這同時使泵浦光質量變壞,使得輸出線寬變大。 |
If life did evolve independently on mars , its discovery “ would complete the galilean revolution that removed earth and its life from the centre of the universe “ , says kargel 如果火星上真的存在獨立演化出的生命,發現它們“將把伽利略的革命進行到底,地球及其上的生命都將被推離宇宙的中心, ”卡茍說。 |
37 after him , judas the galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt . he too was killed , and all his followers were scattered 37此后,報名上冊的時候,又有加利利的猶大起來,引誘些百姓跟從他;他也滅亡,附從他的人也都四散了。 |
After him , judas the galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt . he too was killed , and all his followers were scattered 37此后報名上冊的時候、又有加利利的猶大起來、引誘百姓跟從他、他也滅亡、附從他的人也都四散了。 |
When he arrived in galilee , the galileans welcomed him . they had seen all that he had done in jerusalem at the passover feast , for they also had been there 45到了加利利,加利利人既然看見他在耶路撒冷過節所行的一切事,就接待他。因為他們也是上去過節。 |