
galena n.【礦物】方鉛礦。

Those were indeed the olden days so the only “ active “ element was a galena crystal grazed by a wire whisker 那確實發生在過去的歲月,所以,我唯一的“行動”是利用金屬須晶輕輕擦過硫化鉛晶體。

Those were indeed the olden days so the only “ active “ element was a galena crystal grazed by a wire whisker 那確實發生在過去的歲月,所以,我唯一的“行動”是利用金屬須晶輕輕擦過硫化鉛晶體。


Cd chiefly occurs in sphalerite with moderate to light colors , while ga and ge are mainly enriched in galena . predominant amounts of the dispersed elements occur at the middle and late stages of the hydrothermal ore - forming epoch Cd主要賦存在淺色和中色閃鋅礦中,而ga 、 ge主要賦存在方鉛礦中,分散元素在熱液成礦期的中、晚階段大量富集。

And some fabulous new samples of green fluorite on sphalerite and galena from naica , mexico , which were collected some time this year - here evan is holding one of the best examples of this new find 還有一些新標本的如來自于墨西哥奈卡的閃鋅礦和方鉛礦上共生綠色螢石,這是今年的熱門收藏,埃文在此次展會上最好的一批中淘到了一個。

The main metals mineral are chalcopyrite , the next clinohedrite , alpha chalcocite bornite , malachite and azurite . a little amount blende , galena incidentally ryby silver , bismuth 礦石中主要金屬礦物為黃銅礦、其次為黝銅礦、蘭輝銅礦、斑銅礦及銅的氧化物孔雀石、藍銅礦。閃鋅礦、方鉛礦少量,偶見淡紅銀礦、硫酸鈕礦。

< uk > the minerals are likely to be from the suite pyrite chalcopyrite , sphalerite , galena , fluorite and barite , and to be deposited at temperatures of between 50 and 250 . < / uk > 這些礦物可能由黃鐵礦,黃銅礦,閃鋅礦,方鉛礦,螢石和重晶石組成,并且可能是在50 250之間的溫度下沉積出來的。

The results indicated that large amounts of non - natural silver grains existed in this branch of lead concentrates and the silver grains were distributed around the galena in a loose flocculating form 結果表明,此批鉛精礦含有大量的非天然銀礦物,銀顆粒呈疏松絮狀物分布在方鉛礦周圍。

Those were indeed the olden days so the only “ active “ element was a galena crystal grazed by a wire whisker 那確實發生在過去的歲月,所以,我唯一的“行動”是利用金屬須晶輕輕擦過硫化鉛晶體。

Epilogue . when wokers arrived at the silver eagle near galena one morning last month , they found the doors padlocked 當從業人員抵達鷹銀鉛礦附近的一個早上上個月,他們發現大門鎖著。

Purification of manganese solution prepared by leaching manganese dioxide and concentrate of galena ore flotation 軟錳礦和浮選方鉛礦共同浸出液的凈化

Research on the technological condition in the slurry electrolysis of high - silver galena concentrate 高銀型方鉛礦礦漿電解工藝條件研究

Study on effect of grinding environment on pulp chemistry of galena and sphalerite 磨礦環境對方鉛礦和閃鋅礦礦漿化學性質的影響

Effects of grinding media on surface properties and flotation behaviour of galena 磨礦介質對方鉛礦表面性質和浮選行為的影響

Adsorption , electrokinetic and differential flotation studies on sphalerite and galena using dextrin 動電學和優先浮選試驗

Galena crystals detectors 方鉛晶體檢波器

Originpotential flotation of galena and its industrial application 方鉛礦原生電位浮選及應用

Flotation of galena pretreated by electrochemical method 通電電化學預處理方鉛礦的浮選

Electrochemistry of galena in hight alkaline flotation 方鉛礦高堿浮選流程的電化學