
gale n.1.大風(尤指風速每小時在30至60英里的大風);暴...


You wonder . - that ' s it . let ' s go , gale 你會驚奇的。時間到了,走吧gale 。

Through gale and doldrum , seas choppy , wild and calm 風雨無阻無論喜與憂嗎

To release the tape after gale ' s conviction 讓他在gale被定罪以后來散發這盤錄像帶。

- you wonder . - that ' s it . let ' s go , gale -你會驚奇的. -時間到了,走吧,戈爾

- the lawyer said only bitsey . - gale ' s going down -律師說只讓碧茜去-戈爾的情形不妙

What ? no , never mind . can you please get sharon gale 什么?沒關系請幫我叫莎倫.戈爾

He disappears quickly as the gale continues to rage 就在大風肆虐時,他很快消失了。

- mr . gale ? - hey , guys , the governor went that way -戈爾先生-你們好,州長往那邊去了

That gale ' s former activism against capital punishment 戈爾以前反對死刑的激進行為

Hi . - sit down , gale . prisoner will not stand 嗨. -戈爾,坐下,犯人不能站起來

During the gale roof tiles came hurtling down 在暴風中屋頂的瓦片嘩啦啦地落了下來

Why send gale to the chair for what . - what -為什么要把戈爾送上電椅. -什么

Mr . gale ? - hey , guys , the governor went that way 戈爾先生-你們好,州長往那邊去了

The lawyer said only bitsey . - gale ' s going down 律師說只讓碧茜去-戈爾的情形不妙

To release the tape after gale ' s conviction 在戈爾被定罪以后發布這盤錄像帶

Why send gale to the chair for what . . . - what 為什么讓gale陷入如此田地… …什么?

Distribution of strong winds , gale force winds or above 強風烈風或以上風力的分布

It was blowing gales of hurricane this time yesterday 昨天的這個時候正刮著狂風。

- hi . - sit down , gale . prisoner will not stand -嗨. -戈爾,坐下,犯人不能站起來