galbraith n.加爾布雷斯〔姓氏〕。
n. 加爾布雷斯〔姓氏〕。 “declan galbraith“ 中文翻譯: 你窗外的一道風景; 視頻“judy galbraith“ 中文翻譯: 普瑞思“kennethe galbraith“ 中文翻譯: 蓋伯瑞斯“peter galbraith“ 中文翻譯: 彼得加爾布雷思“john kenneth galbraith“ 中文翻譯: 蓋伯瑞斯; 高伯瑞; 翰加布雷斯; 約翰・加爾布雷斯“galbreath“ 中文翻譯: 加爾布雷思“galbovi“ 中文翻譯: 加爾博維“galbriel missile“ 中文翻譯: 加布里埃爾導彈“galbory“ 中文翻譯: 加爾博里“galbrun“ 中文翻譯: 加爾布蘭“galborcea“ 中文翻譯: 加爾博爾恰“galbulus“ 中文翻譯: 柏黍果; 肉質球果; 毯果之變形“galbois“ 中文翻譯: 加爾布瓦“galbun“ 中文翻譯: 加勒本“galbo“ 中文翻譯: 加爾博
He was awarded the john kenneth galbraith prize for excellence in teaching and the john bates clark medal ( the most prestigious prize awarded every other year to an economist under the age of 40 ) for his “ significant contribution to economic thought and knowledge . “ in 1983 , he was named chairman of the economics department and george gund professor of economics and business administration 他獲頒一項表揚其優異教學的蓋伯瑞斯獎( johnkennethgalbraithprize ) ,并因其對經濟學思想及知識的重大貢獻而獲得克拉克獎章( johnbatesclarkmedal ) ,該獎項為頒授予四十歲以下的年輕經濟學家的最高榮譽。一九八三年,斯彭思教授被任命為經濟系系主任,以及georgegund經濟及工商管理講座教授。 |
He was awarded the john kenneth galbraith prize for excellence in teaching and the john bates clark medal ( the most prestigious prize awarded every other year to a young economist under the age of 40 ) for his “ significant contribution to economic thought and knowledge . “ professor spence served as the dean of the faculty of arts and sciences at harvard from 1984 to 1990 , overseeing harvard college , the graduate school of arts and sciences , and the division of continuing education 他獲頒一項表揚其優異教學的蓋伯瑞斯獎( johnkennethgalbraithprize ) ,并因其對經濟學思想及知識的重大貢獻而獲得克拉克獎章( johnbatesclarkmedal ) ,該獎項為頒授予四十歲以下的年輕經濟學家的最高榮譽。一九八四至九零年,斯彭思教授出任哈佛大學人文科學及理學院院長,負責管理哈佛書院、人文科學及理學研究院,以及持續教育部。 |
Many economists , from adam smith , carl marx , marshall to bain , galbraith and chandler , have treatises on the tendency of enterprises “ becoming larger . in more than two hundred years , we can see the track of their thought in their respective works : the wealth of the nations , principles of economics , the theory of industrial organization , monopoly and economic concentration , and visible hand 關于企業大型化的趨勢從亞當?斯密開始,經馬克思、馬歇爾、到貝恩、加爾布雷斯和小艾爾弗雷德?錢德勒,二百多年來,國外學者論著眾多,我們可以從《國富論》 、 《資本論》 、 《經濟學原理》 、 《產業組織論》 、 《新產業國家》和《看得見的手》等系列文獻中看到他們的理論思想軌跡。 |
He was awarded the john kenneth galbraith prize for excellence in teaching and the john bates clark medal ( the most prestigious prize awarded every other year to an economist under the age of 40 ) for his “ significant contribution to economic thought and knowledge . “ in 1983 , he was named chairman of the economics department and george gund professor of economics and business administration 他獲頒一項表揚其優異教學的蓋伯瑞斯獎( johnkennethgalbraithprize ) ,并因其對經濟學思想及知識的重大貢獻而獲得克拉克獎章( johnbatesclarkmedal ) ,該獎項為頒授予四十歲以下的年輕經濟學家的最高榮譽。一九八三年,斯彭思教授被任命為經濟系系主任,以及georgegund經濟及工商管理講座教授。 |
He was awarded the john kenneth galbraith prize for excellence in teaching and the john bates clark medal ( the most prestigious prize awarded every other year to a young economist under the age of 40 ) for his “ significant contribution to economic thought and knowledge . “ professor spence served as the dean of the faculty of arts and sciences at harvard from 1984 to 1990 , overseeing harvard college , the graduate school of arts and sciences , and the division of continuing education 他獲頒一項表揚其優異教學的蓋伯瑞斯獎( johnkennethgalbraithprize ) ,并因其對經濟學思想及知識的重大貢獻而獲得克拉克獎章( johnbatesclarkmedal ) ,該獎項為頒授予四十歲以下的年輕經濟學家的最高榮譽。一九八四至九零年,斯彭思教授出任哈佛大學人文科學及理學院院長,負責管理哈佛書院、人文科學及理學研究院,以及持續教育部。 |
Many economists , from adam smith , carl marx , marshall to bain , galbraith and chandler , have treatises on the tendency of enterprises “ becoming larger . in more than two hundred years , we can see the track of their thought in their respective works : the wealth of the nations , principles of economics , the theory of industrial organization , monopoly and economic concentration , and visible hand 關于企業大型化的趨勢從亞當?斯密開始,經馬克思、馬歇爾、到貝恩、加爾布雷斯和小艾爾弗雷德?錢德勒,二百多年來,國外學者論著眾多,我們可以從《國富論》 、 《資本論》 、 《經濟學原理》 、 《產業組織論》 、 《新產業國家》和《看得見的手》等系列文獻中看到他們的理論思想軌跡。 |
gale |
The author focuses his attention on the political involvement of galbraith from early 1950s through mid 1970s , with the intention of showing how galbraith , whether as a devoted insider of the political power or as a critical outsider of it , has remained loyal to his own good sense and his integrity as an independent and critical intellectual 文章著重考察1950年代初至1970年代中期加爾布雷斯的政治活動,從中凸現如下主旨:加爾布雷斯之于政治權力,無論是襄助和介入,還是離棄和批判,都始終致力于把良知注入其中,也始終保持了知識分子的獨立性和批判精神。 |
He was awarded the john kenneth galbraith prize for excellence in teaching and the john bates clark medal ( the most prestigious prize awarded every other year to an economist under the age of 40 ) for his “ significant contribution to economic thought and knowledge . “ in 1983 , he was named chairman of the economics department and george gund professor of economics and business administration 他獲頒一項表揚其優異教學的蓋伯瑞斯獎( johnkennethgalbraithprize ) ,并因其對經濟學思想及知識的重大貢獻而獲得克拉克獎章( johnbatesclarkmedal ) ,該獎項為頒授予四十歲以下的年輕經濟學家的最高榮譽。一九八三年,斯彭思教授被任命為經濟系系主任,以及georgegund經濟及工商管理講座教授。 |
He was awarded the john kenneth galbraith prize for excellence in teaching and the john bates clark medal ( the most prestigious prize awarded every other year to a young economist under the age of 40 ) for his “ significant contribution to economic thought and knowledge . “ professor spence served as the dean of the faculty of arts and sciences at harvard from 1984 to 1990 , overseeing harvard college , the graduate school of arts and sciences , and the division of continuing education 他獲頒一項表揚其優異教學的蓋伯瑞斯獎( johnkennethgalbraithprize ) ,并因其對經濟學思想及知識的重大貢獻而獲得克拉克獎章( johnbatesclarkmedal ) ,該獎項為頒授予四十歲以下的年輕經濟學家的最高榮譽。一九八四至九零年,斯彭思教授出任哈佛大學人文科學及理學院院長,負責管理哈佛書院、人文科學及理學研究院,以及持續教育部。 |
Many economists , from adam smith , carl marx , marshall to bain , galbraith and chandler , have treatises on the tendency of enterprises “ becoming larger . in more than two hundred years , we can see the track of their thought in their respective works : the wealth of the nations , principles of economics , the theory of industrial organization , monopoly and economic concentration , and visible hand 關于企業大型化的趨勢從亞當?斯密開始,經馬克思、馬歇爾、到貝恩、加爾布雷斯和小艾爾弗雷德?錢德勒,二百多年來,國外學者論著眾多,我們可以從《國富論》 、 《資本論》 、 《經濟學原理》 、 《產業組織論》 、 《新產業國家》和《看得見的手》等系列文獻中看到他們的理論思想軌跡。 |
Chapter 1 introduces keynes ' s thought ; chapter 2 analyzes galbraith ' s view ; chapter 3 summarizes shiller ' s idea ; chapter 4 examines the latest development of tsm - - behavior finance ; chapter 5 compares and contrasts their thoughts ; chapter 6 tries analyzing chinese stock market in a new way 文章論述主要圍繞凱恩斯,加爾布雷斯和席勒展開,對他們的投機性市場思想進行了分析、比較,并對其最新發展? ?行為金融理論的主要思想做了較為詳細的介紹。 |
Intellectual capital was brought forward by galbraith , an economist , in 1969 . there are two branch concentrated on intellectual capital ’ s study field : management and evaluation 目前國際上關于知識資本的研究主要集中在兩個領域:知識資本管理領域與知識資本評價領域。 |
Abstract : john kenneth galbraith , a notable economist , has left deep imprints upon the political and intellectual history of the 20th century america 作為經濟學家,加爾布雷斯給二十世紀后半葉的美國政治史和思想史留下了深刻印記。 |
Politics , said the late john kenneth galbraith , is the art of choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable 最近,已故經濟學家約翰?加爾布雷斯將政治比作是在災難與不快之間做抉擇的藝術。 |
Abstract : this article is a systematic review of the life and work of john kenneth galbraith 本文系統回顧了加爾布雷斯的生平、經濟思想和政治關懷。 |
When people are least sure , they are often most dogmatic ( john kenneth galbraith 當人們越不確定時,他們經常越固執已見(約翰?肯尼斯?加爾布雷思) 。 |
Power and good sense : the political galbraith 加爾布雷斯的政治 |