
galbanum n.【化學】古蓬香脂,波斯樹脂。

Then the lord said to moses , “ take for yourself spices , stacte and onycha and galbanum , spices with pure frankincense ; there shall be an equal part of each 出30 : 34耶和華吩咐摩西說、你要取馨香的香料就是拿他弗、施喜列、喜利比拿這馨香的香料、和凈乳香、各樣要一般大的分量。

Then the lord said to moses , “ take for yourself spices , stacte and onycha and galbanum , spices with pure frankincense ; there shall be an equal part of each 出30 : 34耶和華吩咐摩西說、你要取馨香的香料就是拿他弗、施喜列、喜利比拿這馨香的香料、和凈乳香、各樣要一般大的分量。


Then the lord said to moses , “ take for yourself spices , stacte and onycha and galbanum , spices with pure frankincense ; there shall be an equal part of each 出30 : 34耶和華吩咐摩西說、你要取馨香的香料就是拿他弗、施喜列、喜利比拿這馨香的香料、和凈乳香、各樣要一般大的分量。