
galatia n.加拉太〔小亞細亞中部一古國〕。


2 tim . 4 : 10 for demas has abandoned me , having loved the present age , and has gone to thessalonica ; crescens to galatia ; titus to dalmatia 提后四10因為底馬愛了現今的世代,就離棄我往帖撒羅尼迦去了;革勒士往加拉太去,提多往撻馬太去。

Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of phrygia and galatia , having been kept by the holy spirit from preaching the word in the province of asia 6圣靈既然禁止他們在亞西亞講道,他們就經過弗呂家,加拉太一帶地方。

For demas hath forsaken me , having loved this present world , and is departed unto thessalonica ; crescens to galatia , titus unto dalmatia 10因為底馬貪愛現今的世界,就離棄我往帖撒羅尼迦去了。革勒士往加拉太去。提多往撻馬太去。

Acts 18 : 23 and when he had spent some time there , he went off , passing through the country of galatia and phrygia in order , confirming all the disciples 徒十八23住了些時候,就起行,挨次經過加拉太地區和弗呂家,堅固眾門徒。

And after he had spent some time there , he departed , and went over all the country of galatia and phrygia in order , strengthening all the disciples 23住了些日子,又離開那里,挨次經過加拉太和弗呂家地方,堅固眾門徒。

For demas has abandoned me , having loved the present age , and has gone to thessalonica ; crescens to galatia ; titus to dalmatia 10因為底馬愛了現今的世代,就離棄我往帖撒羅尼迦去了;革勒士往加拉太去,提多往撻馬太去。

Acts 16 : 6 and they passed through the region of phrygia and galatia , having been forbidden by the holy spirit to speak the word in asia 徒十六6圣靈既然禁止他們在亞西亞講道,他們就經過弗呂家和加拉太地區。

1 cor . 16 : 1 now concerning the collection for the saints , just as i directed the churches of galatia , so you also do 林前十六1關于為圣徒收集饋送,我從前怎樣吩咐加拉太的眾召會,你們也當怎樣行。

Now concerning the collection for the saints , as i have given order to the churches of galatia , even so do ye 林前16 : 1論到為圣徒捐錢、我從前怎樣吩咐加拉太的眾教會、你們也當怎樣行。

Now concerning the collection for the saints , as i have given order to the churches of galatia , even so do ye 1論到為圣徒捐錢,我從前怎樣吩咐加拉太的眾教會,你們也當怎樣行。

Now concerning the collection for the saints , just as i directed the churches of galatia , so you also do 1關于為圣徒收集饋送,我從前怎樣吩咐加拉太的眾召會,你們也當怎樣行。

1 [ bbe ] now about the giving of money for the saints , as i gave orders to the churches of galatia , so do you 論到為圣徒捐錢、我從前怎樣吩咐加拉太的眾教會、你們也當怎樣行。

Now concerning the collection for the saints , as i directed the churches of galatia , so do you also 林前16 : 1論到為圣徒捐錢、我從前怎樣吩咐加拉太的眾教會、你們也當怎樣行。